The food is, as you say, quite tasty. And on said more serious note, the shuttle is 1.8m, so guessing by that, the docking port looks to be junior size.
Remember that the fairings are purely cosmetic; they have no strength. Try imagining your rocket without the fairings, like it would have been pre-0.18.
1. Update, Procedural stuffs, KSO development courtesy of helldiver (excited for that one) Kerbtown, etc. 2. Been here awhile 3. Nope, nice to meet you though! 4. Don't.
Where is the option for "I didn't bother with a rescue mission; it was not necessary to recover a ship that timewarped into the Mun." (That still haunts me)
That plane looks hilarious. I think you might want to use structural plates; the wings are going to give you weird flight characteristics. EDIT: Ninja'd!
The graphics... Are you using a new version of Shudders?! On a more serious note, I feel like the developer should be TEAM or ASSEMBLY or something like that.
Wait... What do you mean they are solid? Do you mean one part or do you mean solid fuel? If they are solid fuel, how is one meant to transfer fuel to the orbiter?
I went with the site; Steam was not available when I bought the game. I still use the site, though, because I prefer updating manually. If you are accustomed to Steam, I recommend that, though.