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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. 4/10 A common sight in the forum games!
  2. It is a large solar panel for ion engines and reaction wheels.
  3. You get it as soon as you enter Kerbolar orbit.
  4. I think the atmosphere on Eve slows things down so much that planes have trouble with sustained flight. Not only that, but jets do not operate in Eve's atmosphere, so you lose the efficient power provided by jets.
  5. Suggestions: -Try adding a bunch of solids radially mounted and see if it still sticks. That sounds like joke, but it is meant to test mass. -Create a platform of structural plates (B9 may be a good idea due to the large collision box) suspended in the air by launch clamps and see if the legs clip through that. -Overheat and destroy (using sepratrons) the SM while it is stuck to the pad/ground and see what happens.
  6. Why not just build an adapter? That's what I'm doing on my station.
  7. From the video, it doesn't look like the legs are clipping through the ground, it looks like they are instead "sticking" to it. Does the mass multiply?
  8. True. The user below me has never played Orbiter.
  9. Granted, you fly yourself into the sun. I wish for 3.75m stock parts.
  10. It looks like a JR port. Remember the shuttle is 1.8m.
  11. Granted, but it is immediately taken down due to copyright infringement. I wish Rage097 remembered our arguments! (and many an argument did we have)
  12. 10/10 The Spacecraft Exchange needs its name changed to the Zokesia Forum.
  13. A thought on a mkI SM: The service module would not need to be very large, given the mass of the mkI pod, nor would it need a lot of dV. Who wants to send a 1 man mission to Duna? That said, a 0.25m SM would need to be reasonably large, considering its need to have some realistic fuel capability. (Although a small SM with an unrealistic amount of fuel would be extremely stable upon reentry, given the unnatural mass/drag ratio.) (KSP needs a better aero model, doesn't it?)
  14. Hi! I've been playing for a while as well (0.17), but as you can see, my join date is quite a lot later than that.
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