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Everything posted by Spaceisbeautifulul

  1. Nice! I hope they implement that gas giant. For the pure fact that it has rings. Is all my "I want rings!" rants getting through? PLEASE? Anyways, nice work, bro!
  2. Well, I think your problem there is that you were so close to the red ground of Duna. So when it came twilight, the sun was shining on the red ground and making the place around you, red. The other option is Duna's "red" atmosphere. In this game when your on a planet with atmosphere at night, your screen changes to that color of the atmosphere, hence the redness. As far as blindingly white at day, image you were on Antarctica, and it was mid-day. It would be blinding right? I rest my case. Edit: Or you could explain it more simply (see above post)
  3. Well, technically I could spoil all your fun and tell you everything wrong with Inception (they got most things about dreaming wrong). But if you want to have your fun go ahead. Unless someone under me does it for me.
  4. Nice. I would've found this earlier but I was all caught up in lucid dreaming forums and stuff yada yada. Anyways, it looks like your making progress fast. What rover design will you be using? PS: Some people just like reading these things. Like me
  5. You go into limbo. How can I get my hands on a pop tart right now? My point sort of ends at 0:21
  6. Owwch, so close. I was just landing on the Mun myself, I could've given you a picture-tutorial. Err, look for that green marker with the X through it (its amused your in orbit around the Mun) throttle up until your blue line runs into the Mun. Warp down to slightly above that spot. Landing on the light side is easier because you can see the ground. Once you think your near enough to the ground, start burning to kill your velocity. Then glide it down and set yourself down depending on the landing leg, 7 m/s at the most is usually safe. Its important to remember the the green marker with the X will always try and run away from where your burning, the other one without the X should want to move towards where your burning. Good luck, and remember, it took me one month to get into orbit, and another to get to the Mun!
  7. Hey all, I was just coming up to dock around the Mun in my new lander (which worked great by the way), when I saw this... On the other side it was this: Has anyone else found this, is this known, or am I making some great new discovery for KerbalKind?
  8. I'd like to see some proof on that. Doing it by boat seems near to impossible.... But, "Driving Duna" is possible.
  9. 17 here. Be advised some people might lie.
  10. This is what I usually do: Kerbin: 70 km, or 1,000,000 km Mun: 150 km (station there), 50 km Minmus: 50 km Eve: N/A (Never get into orbit around it, always using it for Gilly) Gilly: N/A (usually just crash into it, easier to land that way) Moho: N/A (never gone there yet) Duna: 100 km Ike: 50 km Dres: N/A (never gone there yet) Jool: N/A (orbit attempts always F'd up by the moons) Laythe: 100 km (station there) Vall: 80 km Tylo: N/A (never gone there yet) Bop: 30 km Pol: 30 km (nice view of the surface) Eeloo: N/A (never gone there yet) That's for me, most of the time I just like to go straight from encounter to sub-orbit, but I also like to do Apollo-style missions, and station building.
  11. Venus. Its so overlooked. Its sad. Saturn comes in second for the fact that it has rings. Oh, and I like Uranus
  12. Well, I usually cut mine at about 6 for a normal rocket. But if I feel like I'm not going fast enough, I let em go a bit longer (or vice-versa).
  13. 1. Sure I'll try 2. HECK NAWH! 3. Yes, I followed that ruel And I'm pretty sure that those orange engines should work... they have a pretty high thrust-weight ratio.
  14. Great picture! Have some rep. PS: You should color her. I call full credit for making her hair orange.
  15. Hello all, I have had some troubles with spaceplanes. I am currently on my twenty second design. And its still failing. It takes off like a dream, but then after that its a train wreck. It's velocity starts dying rapidly, I can keep it in the air for a little bit, but not long. It keeps wanting to nose down and to the right. Its frustrating me! I'm trying to get it to the point where those four little orange engines can take over, but I can barely get a kilometer away from the space center! Anyways, can someone help me get to space with this thing? PS: If you need any pictures, or any more information on it, or any of that stuff, feel free to ask.
  16. Alright, so it looks like the best way to fix it was to throttle down. Thanks all! Errr, moderators? Close thread?
  17. Nice video, have some rep. I might chop up something later, just give me a couple minutes.
  18. Here: Its fairly messy, but y'know...
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