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Everything posted by Spaceisbeautifulul

  1. That's the way stars work bro. Its huge, that's why. I've seen dozens of those stars.
  2. Err, I'm sorry but I don't feel like I can accept that. Its basically a bug in the game. Although I have made those and they are fun to play with. Sorry.
  3. Ok, so as far as I know this challenge has not been made yet. If it has go on and yell at me for it. But I don't think it has. Alrighties! So... uh, post big text with the challenge name here: Airspeed Challenge! Yeah... there we go. The challenge is, to get going as fast as you can. RULES: 1. You may not go over 3000 meters. 2. You may not use the stock plane (make your own people ). 3. You can use mods, just within reason (any mods that make powerful engines, or make the craft unreasonably stable) if you have a question about mods, just ask me . 4. You can use airbreathing jets, rockets whatever you'd like. Aaand 5. You can make it whatever sort of shape you'd like, even some sort of house, cube, panel, thing. So long as it flies... And since I need to try it myself first, here yah go: "Clocking in at a stunning 295.5 m/s!" LEADERBOARDS: 1. Johno: 839.7 m/s 2. skykooler: 585.6 m/s 3. Me! So I'm sure some of you will find a reason to yell at me about everything that's wrong with it, but I'm going to post this anyways. Where's that button... Ah, found it!
  4. I've heard of/seen things called "meridians". Its when the sunlight reflects off the antenna of a satellite causing a huge beam of light. They're extremely predictable, and fun to watch.
  5. Well, I would but I don't currently have anything to post on it. Actually, go check I posted a thread there.
  6. By the way, evaporating planets! Star name: RS 8404-2737-6-176982-0 My first one with evaporating planets, plus a great view of the milky way, and a great view of a globular cluster!
  7. I found Laythe Star name: RSC 8404-8009-2-28-1931 Planet name: RSC 8404-8009-2-28-1931 A4 (such creative names, I know) Its a Oceania/Terra with life, and it has tons of oceans, and islands similar to that of Lathe. The unacurate things are: A planet, not a moon, no gas giant, in a globular cluster (but, y'know, its beautiful so, meh), FOUR stars
  8. Any chance we could get a scetchfab on it? That's a nice station by the way, I would never have enough inspiration to make something like that.
  9. Well, I really have no idea aright now. Read through this whole thing to get the just of it I guess.
  10. You show dem warmongers this picture: How would you go about saving your child from this:
  11. Hello all, I've been playing orbiter (link incoming!) http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ And in it there is this one mission, where you sling from Jupiter to Saturn. I went to play KSP to try and accomplish something near to that. I figured slinging from Eve to Duna would be a good start, because I didn't feel like slinging from Jool to Eeloo quite yet. So anyways, here yah go, my first slinging operation test: Here is a simple rocket I decided to use, basically an asparagus effect launch stage, and then a second stage with a nuclear engine and tons of droptanks on it. Yes, I used asparagus effect. Hate me. I haven't used it all that much, but I needed something to get me into orbit and then to escape velocity, so asparagus seemed the way to go. And after my first test, things didn't go so well. The parachute even ripped off! On my way up to orbit, I saw something sparkly, took nineteen screenshots of it, and got ONE back. I dunno what it is, but I have circled it, and a man with spaghetti in his mouth is clearly surprised by it as well. You may have to open it in a new tab to see the pixel. I took a look around the map view to see if there was any debris, or possibly a passing space station that caused it, but instead, I found that Eve was in a perfect position to be seen. After I got Eve and Kerbin into correct places for a transfer, I used up the rest of the mainsail to reach escape velocity, then jettisoned it. By the way, please never take out those shrouds around the nuclear engine, I love them to pieces (quiet literally). On my first correction burn, I noticed fuel was not draining from my tanks. Oh, so that's it. God damn that symmetry tool! After successful getting an encounter that slinged me out to Duna, I decided to call it a day, because I had not aligned Duna for this. I just went for it, and I didn't have enough fuel to correct it. But anyways. That's that. So yeah, I decided to show y'all this for those of you that are looking for a new way to get to far out places (slinging from Jool to Eeloo?) it requires much less delta-V, plus I get a feeling of authenticity whenever I find new ways to go places. Plus, I've always wanted to abuse planets for stuff like this. PS: Has anyone else seen those pixels in the sky sometimes? I see them a lot, just never snapped a good picture of 'em. PPS: The only mod used was chatterer (link incoming!) http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/chatterer/
  12. Mostly what I mean is, I have no idea what you mean by a strand of DNA. Or is my computer messing with me and that actually isn't a strand of DNA for you?
  13. Yes! Pol is my favorite body in all of Kerbal Space Program!
  14. Mine is: "My Universe Space Program" It kind of sprung to mind when designing flags, because I had named my main world "My Universe" My second one would be SACK (Spacecraft Approval Center of Kerbin) This one is basically where I do all my random crap that I don't want to populate my main (serious) world with.
  15. I could give you a hint on how to fix your crafts from exploding if you'd like. But I know some of y'all like to work through it. Welcome to the forums, bro.
  16. I could go into a ton about dreaming and how amazing it is, but I'll just give you a link instead: http://www.dreamviews.com/forum.php
  17. If it wasn't for docking, I couldn't have done half of my interplanetary things. And I couldn't have half the fun. Docking makes the whole game better.
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