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Everything posted by Blauerdaemon

  1. For me the description of the VISTA sounds like it uses Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF in the table) like one of the fusion reactors which can use different fuel modes. Can you help me understand the difference? The question arose when planning a trip to Jool where I would be able to scoop D and He3 (for ICF) but no Tritium (or Lithium).
  2. Thank you for your great work! Is there a reason (except time constraints) why the VISTA engine only supports D-T and no other fuel modes listed for inertial confinement fusion (ICF)?
  3. I hacked together a web-index for the CKAN where you currently can just view all entries from the main CKAN-repository in better-readable format than JSON. You can try the new (rewrite) version on https://brohlsoft.de/apps/ckan/ As a side-effect I am mirroring the main CKAN index dump (lagging behind some hours) at https://brohlsoft.de/apps/ckan/latest.tar.gz For the old version, sources are available (but not very pretty) on https://bitbucket.org/janbrohl/ckan-web license is BSD-3-clause
  4. I'm working on a web-view for the CKAN. Maybe I will later add more functionality. It is early work in progress but you can have a look on it on https://janbrohl.pythonanywhere.com/ckan/ If anyone is interested in joining that project or just in the sources I can upload them on bitbucket.
  5. It is not my own idea but I think arrows pointing in the direction of stuff thats currently not really visible on the navball would be cool - and sometimes really helpful for me. Original image and idea on http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151688094
  6. Same for me so my manned (kerbaled?) ships all need to have some sort of rescue-System and long-time-missions need to have at least some spare oxidizer for the crew and room for twice the crew. Nuclear engines are not allowed as they are to dangerous to have near Kerbals or in Kerbin atmosphere.
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