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Everything posted by Pigbear

  1. Is it just me or is it that everything I KASify (apply KAS to, make it grabable) does not want to be grabbed? because I tried to put it on a clamp-o-tron and it failed and it just gave me the set as target option.
  2. Try working on one thing at a time in a specific order. It may help you get them done faster (to clarify how this would work is that you would not be trying to code two different things at the same time thus increasing the speed at which one thing gets done)
  3. Cupolas of any sort cause huge lag even when its just one of them lit up, I have a scout car that when I press the light button I get MAJOR lag. Is this a know bug or is it just me?
  4. For all you know he has nothing done but a untextured blob! Remember that this is in development and there might be nothing to put a picture of.
  5. Not entirely true, I remember I once had a fuel SRB that I transfered fuel from, That may have been a glitch though.
  6. 2 things, 1. This is a awesome 2. Where did you get the name Wayland Corp?
  7. I need to get creative with my buildings and build bigger. Also does anyone have an idea of how to build bigger rocket/planes than you can currently? I know there used to be a mod by r4m0n that did so, But I think that it is broken now.
  8. Have a heavy spacecraft? Build a Gilly base, Build it on Gilly, Problemo Solved
  9. Uh... Are you stupid? It takes 5 seconds to restart windows.
  10. It would be cool if they were not just ASAS, Like a programable computer or just with some basic ship commands/eva commands if you grabbed it with KAS (g grab function.)
  11. Was there a Gravity Engine that kept your rover on the ground once? or was that a different mod? I recall such a thing being here, If somebody knows what I am talking about direct me to it.
  12. Hurray, I can launch my Defense Satellite that is too heavy to fly correctly on kerbin!
  13. Tell me how to do that! Also.
  14. Contary to Markus, you can move planets, But you need a obliterator of some sort to build something big enough.
  15. your stupid. Your opinion is invalid Gotta be Laythe, The Sunrise is amazing. Best if jool is coming up.
  16. Brabbit, A lot of us say Kerbol as Kerbowl. @above me: Because it does not sound like Kerbal. It sounds more like bowl. not ball.
  17. I would like it, I think others would appreciate it too.
  18. What are they? That was direct at the thing about moho.
  19. I made a Mun Rover, No picture of it on the Mun because Mechjeb hates lander's for me. Jeb said he wanted to ride it, I said no.
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