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Everything posted by Pigbear

  1. Someone needs to make people able to launch from KSC 2.
  2. I played around with this for a bit, I noticed whatever do, no matter the mass, I can't get it to put 10000 boosters.
  3. Make the Defiant please! I love DS9 now. lol
  4. Fix debug mode please! I loved the first version because I want to build rockets out of the magical metal that KSC gets. Maybe they grow it?
  5. You could compare such a scenario to one found in SOTS (Sword of the Stars) where Hivers have these slow ships that take forever to get anywhere, and when you get stronger engines even if you sent the ship on turn 1 you could easily get to the star before the other ship, And when you get to the star you set up a gate and then there are ~50 ships around that star before the 1 gateship gets to the star.
  6. well don't just slap textures on it.
  7. Something is not right! all of those kerbals are smiling!
  8. God, That reminds of someone else that mad some things, they were horrible as the textures did not even fit what they were on.
  9. Be cool if you had made links to the mods, I can't seem to find them unless they are on this forum. EDIT: To not confuse you I meant the Jellycubes ones.
  10. I will now proceed to beat you unconscious.
  11. Hey, Atleast if you dive headfirst you have a chance to live.
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