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Everything posted by Pigbear

  1. I suggest a planet that has some sort of cryovolcanic phenomena that requires some special suits (set on the crew tab maybe?) to be able to walk on because its REALLY cold and also, it has a entire ocean of ice.
  2. I don't understand how I am supposed to export something as a .mu from blender, Can someone help?
  3. You should release them, they look cool.
  4. Kreuzung, you are the savior of kerbals. Be proud of yourself.
  5. What IS the amber light for anyway? It is just one of those things that well... It does not seem to fit in with the rest. All the others are plain colors, while amber is a combination (between red and yellow?) unlike the rest of the lights.
  6. Actually, Below 500 meters the heat barrier is gone, You can land. I managed to get a rover down there.
  7. If you want to make a nose, it should be straight. Because its not very aerodynamic to droop.
  8. Now, make us procedural command pods (why? because why not.) and engines!
  9. That is still 100 kg, heavy. Quite dense too, only like 75 centimeters tall.
  10. I don't quite understand what a Gantry is, can someone elaborate?
  11. A few bugfixes, kethane and other mod support (suggest people make them themselves too, put them on the OP maybe?) and this mod is GOOD.
  12. What mod is that engine from? It looks awesome O_O
  13. Alright. Time for me to come back to KSP again. First mod on my list.
  14. Maybe when we have quantum supercomputers in our houses, KSP will look like this.
  15. Amazing addon, Sad it fell under. In the pictures it kind of looks like crayon, lol.
  16. What is taking so long for you to release this awesomeness?
  17. I was planning on importing a model to take a look at it, but then I noticed that there is no import option for mu files and that made me wonder, How the heck do I import and export models into Blender?
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