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Everything posted by Pigbear

  1. wow I can't even run this with almost no mods unless I use OpenGL AND ATM
  2. tbh tho the normandy only actuallys goes in atmos like 3 times
  3. Squad could make one in 2 seconds why replace our current one seriously SQUAD, Make it still hold LFO and just use a silver one for Xenon also you can't spell labhouse it's xenon
  4. This looks awesome, I would totally use this to travel to other planets in style, It's like a space Tesla! I could also totally see this thing in Space Engine.
  5. Real Aerial Reconnaissance Electric Landing Yard PIGBEAR
  6. Do not think about the magic boulder
  7. banned for having only 253 post
  8. -5 negatives are the number's true essence
  9. from what I can tell you are suggesting its a bug that with deadly reentry entering a gas giant's atmos is deadly
  10. It'd be funny if there was some way you could make Manley actually say things on occasion.
  11. If this is NEAR with water, the true question is when do we get FAR with water?
  12. My Dad called me Pigbear for some reason when I was a kid, the name stuck
  13. That avatar represents any plane i've ever tried to build quite well.

  14. Looks like Duracelle forgot to make scaledspace for CZF30
  15. Exactly, Star Problems should be reported to medouz who currently maintains the mod they come from
  16. everyone who doesn't use RSS seems to have an irrational fear of it because they don't realize it doesn't have to make everything realistic sized and they don't bother to READ.
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