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Everything posted by Pigbear

  1. I wish I could get a higher res normal skybox. Like the one we have currently, but higher res.
  2. I have to notice you make better starfields than Rareden. His are too empty. Keep up the good art.
  3. I can tell you that those are not the culprits, AAA games just are not optimized for the most part.
  4. I found that whenever I talk to someone they talk as if they are pretty sure I own KSP, Not to long ago Devo asked if I was a tester for 0.21 and I told him why I was not and then I asked myself "Does anyone read signatures?". So I made this thread in 3 days time. Edit: Woo! 100th post!
  5. I was not. if you looked at my signature you might know why lol.
  6. Am I the only one that has it run better and load faster? I never encounter these bugs people keep talking about? Everyone else keeps talking about how bad the update is for reasons that I don't find in the update.
  7. Are you talking about add-on development?
  8. Your comparing paying something to get something. A contract is not created when you give someone money. Also, Not everyone here lives in the same country. Rules may not be the same there. You can't lawsuit somebody for breaking an american law when they live is sweden for example.
  9. Umm, He did not cry. He was just stating that it was broken. You need to stop trying to say he is the bad guy. The problem is that nobody has ASKED for the trick nicely.
  10. I wish that you could make plugins so a proper TARDIS could be made.
  11. sad that this seems to have died. I really wanted this.
  12. Where is the settings Config? I want to activate debug mode but I can't seem to, Can someone point me in the right direction?
  13. Well, If you press L they already have lights.
  14. Actually, SFM renders things sometimes more thane once, A 15 seconds video will take hours to render for example, When it really should not.
  15. So that planet has an exposed core? That would mean it would never be able to have a magnetic field, thus is meant to not have on, Meteor Shield?
  16. The Arkingthaad lander module is in orbit. Now the assembly can begin. The crew module / landing gear component is already designed. I'll add four of those, then start puzzling over the bugout modules. #EDIT: You'll notice I decided to use the lander's engines to position it in orbit. No worries. As I add the crew modules, I'll siphon off the extra gas to top off the tanks. No sweat. My god, That looks awesome.
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