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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Yes, but not back. The craft got flung out into interplanetary space inwards towards Eve orbit. HarvesteR, Mu and Romfarer (Felipe, Mike and Jim) should all be back from holiday this week so hopefully we'll get some kind of progress indication in this weeks devnotes
  2. Trim could be on? If you've hit alt+s at any point that'll be interpreted as constant 'reverse' input, so try alt+x to reset the trim
  3. You have to force AA from the nVidia control panel for it to work under OpenGL
  4. We really don't know how much of a improvement PhysX 3.3 will offer, I've seen estimates from 10% all the way up to 700% but since there isn't really anything like KSP except KSP we don't have much to go on You can read through a lot of PhysX information on Pierre's site which sounds promising but again, nothing they test really approximates the system usage in KSP (the bridge and mesh drops tests are kind of close) It will be better, we just don't know how much better.
  5. Unfortunately Unity 5 doesn't really offer that either, I mean, it does, but not in the way that would be super amazing. A single vessel will still confined to a single thread even though PhysX v3.3 can run multiple threads. This will be great for things next to each other though (such as a ship coming in to dock at a station). Single thread performance will still be better (as v3.x uses SIMD acceleration while v2.x was x87 only) but not 'my ship can use all 8 cores for physics at once' better
  6. The authors don't mind if you get the source and make your own version for your own use. Most authors offered to help me in this regard previously, and was the only reason I was able to eventually roll my own x64 enabled versions from the supplied source. Tools which only exist to break functionality in other mods (even if you don't like that functionality) aren't going to get a favourable response, especially if people use the tool then make bug complaints about subsequent x64/win problems in the mod threads, which is the reason the mods are unfortunately disabled for x64/win in the first place. The x64 disabling topic almost always becomes a crap hurricane though, a crapicane if you will. Hopefully the Unity5 update has stable x64/win (well, as stable as x86/win) and all this contention can be consigned to history Fingers crossed
  7. This kind of fire tends to ablate Community Managers whilst simultaneously becoming a Sisyphean PR nightmare Where's X? You promised us X! You're liars because we don't have X! What do you mean we're not getting X? Repeat ad nauseum Now we see DevNote's with 'something cool but we can't talk about it yet' because of, well, the Resources Effect might be a good way to put it, when they did talk about a feature, but then dropped the feature, people lost their everloving minds I'm thought there was a guide somewhere? x64 was pretty unusable in 0.90 so I went back to x86/32bit so I haven't been making my own for a while Not sure if Linux is an option for you but 64-bit on that platform is apparently good
  8. Given how well the 'hack' x64 version of even the current 4.6.4 works due to fixes since even the 4.5.x branch, and stuff like C:S, Rust, and The Forest all putting out working x64/Win builds with Unity 5, it looks promising. There is no way Squad going to say 64 bit yes, until they know for sure it's yes though. The wailing, gnashing of teeth, pitchforks and fire that would occur otherwise would require serious trouser fireproofing on their part.
  9. Why grumble, download MVS (its free) and the whole FAR package from github, disable the 64 bit check (only requires changing one line) then compile your own 64 bit capable version for your own use The source packages Ferram provides with each are meticulously organised No, they said they would look at 64 bit again, and that the 64 bit editor environment would help, but they did not commit to, or guarantee 64 bit windows builds would be returning. Relevant section;
  10. The current v0.23 PartTools package is for Unity 4.2.2, which is the recommended version for setting up parts you make Not sure about using Unity 5 for parts, although I've heard good things about using it for shader development [Edit] Apparently I type slowwww
  11. One significant bonus under U5 is that the editor now features the same 64 bit environment as the 64 bit player, it was mentioned that this already allowed them to spot (and fix) several 64 bit specific bugs they had no way of catching before
  12. If you need to purchase researched parts in your save which you've carried over from 0.90, then they could be sitting in the R&D building waiting for you to unlock them.
  13. If Ferram could get the 'mod is handling this' flag for aero so that FAR could bypass the stock system you may be able to manage the same for wheels, wheeloids and things wheelish I suggest firing a PM to one of the devs (if not HarvesteR himself), the earlier in their own wheel dev you can let them know, the more likely it is they can accommodate your case
  14. Well at least MacOS uses 3.3, I guess that would at least give it feature parity with DX9c/10? since the shaders etc are targeted at DX9 should at least help a bit, or at least make the shaders work the same
  15. Unity 5.1 will update OpenGL support from v2.1 (not kidding, the feature set from 2006 ) to v4.5, so there's some relief coming for MacOS/*nix users coming.
  16. Depends, something can go wrong very early in construction (with symmetry, or a lost strut stub etc) and then the construction can be bugged, but I wouldn't call it a curse. My least favourite is engine symmetry making the placed one full strength and the other ones be less so, I have lost a lot of tugs, interplanetary transfer stages and fuel barges to that one because you hit the engines and the thing just starts pin-wheeling. I haven't actually checked this in 1.x yet, I should...
  17. The Taurus HCV mod implements that well by combining the RW and battery for their 3.75m part
  18. I thought KerbPaint was being maintained? There is an update from the 9th of May covering all the new wings as well on the last page from Eorin
  19. Judging by today's DevNotes, you should prepare your wallet then
  20. There are multiple Unity 5 games with working x64-win implementations now, so hopefully that bodes well for x64 KSP in the future (under Windows anyway). As for other advantages from migrating from Unity-4 to 5, we don't know, savings in one area might be countered by additional requirements in another (i.e. the physics area might become more efficient but the PBR/shaders in the graphics system might end up taking up more memory). Even if they (Unity Technologies) just fixed their DX9 CPU texture mirroring bug the savings would be significant. Going by Maxmaps tweets we can expect at least one more 1.0.x hotfix/patch so the game will be in a (by their own judgement) satisfactory state while they confront the possibly long haul task of migrating KSP over. Later on the Squadcast he said that Unity 5 tests are looking promising although they will have to remake the entire UI (without any elaboration), hopefully the now built in UI tools which were not previously available will make reimplementing this less of a chore. Hopefully we'll start getting news about this with this weeks DevNotes now that everyone is back home and on the case
  21. I always bog my saves down with an increasing number of missions because I don't want to accelerate time too much while transfers complete It's always, well that transfer to Minmus is going to take 12 days, I could do a Mun mission while that's going out there, hrm it's going to take 3 days for that Mun mission to arrive I should work on my communications constellation, hrm it's going to take a day for that communications satellite to reach AP out in geosynchronous orbit I should get that probe carrier into orbit ready for the Moho transfer window.
  22. I'm getting one thing (the mk1 pod memorial) showing as pink in the space center screen and then some parts as well (mk1-2 command pod, probodobodyne rovemate, stayputnik, R10 rcs, r25 rcs, flt200, flt800, both holding tanks, O10 engine, flea SRB, large RW, hubmax connector, just the wheel part of the mk3 wheel, both service bays and the m700 scanner) Most stuff is fine, not sure why these parts in particular are pink
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