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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Finally the weekend and some time to get things together Are you ready?
  2. That's a bit of a bugger and why I started putting my assets folder in dropbox, after the last HDD failure I just needed to resync the new install and everything was back Good luck getting your computer issues sorted :\
  3. Stock KSP might not push the boundaries (graphically) of what Unity 4 can offer but that doesn't mean it can't take advantage of Unity 5's improvements in other areas, including those on the development side. Only the 64-bit release of KSP for Linux is considered stable, but that's leaving a lot of players out in the cold. Ted the QA lead posted about the 64 bit situation for windows, and it's not good under Unity 4. What Unity 5 will let Squad do that wan't possible under Unity 4 is a mountain of conjecture and hopes for miracles outside the developers who probably have specific concerns to address, but the possibilities on offer must be compelling for Squad to consider it a priority after the release of 1.0 All we can do is read the brochure while we wait for Squad to implement a decision they've already been made.
  4. Already said they're going to (well, strongly want to), just not for 1.0
  5. Unity 5 is now out and available [Edit] LOL Max [Edit2] Lots of Unity 5 release videos up on the Unity YouTube
  6. What about a memorial wall at KSC for all those who sacrificed and inspired mankind in the pursuit of space From Vladimir Komarov and Michael Adams through to now
  7. You can put half of your rover on each side of your lander And then assemble it when you arrive
  8. That is exactly what I am suggesting, even detailing the config argument which would allow it That's what having the ability to change the category to -1 would do
  9. What is required is the ability for research to retire parts from the VAB/SPH catalogue You've just researched engine mk2! engine mk1 is set "category = -1" (the part.cfg for engine mk2 contains researchHides = engineMK1 or similar argument) This would leave superseded parts still in the game but no longer appearing in the VAB/SPH (no mk1, mk2, mk3 clutter), similarly flights in progress are not lost/affected and craft using them can still be loaded
  10. Apart from balance required on the cost/rewards of present strategies (like turning on Funds -> Science for a single Kerbodyne contract giving you enough Science to finish the tech tree whilst the opposing Science -> Funds strategy providing an almost insignificant amount of funds) All present strategies operate on future incomes (of any type) We need some 'instant' strategies which allow us to manipulate the existing resources we have on hand (i.e. greasing palms (funds->rep), selling science (science->funds), holding junkets (rep->funds), etc) Maybe some of these would be temporary (lasts X launches, or Y recoveries, or gets you Z missions you wouldn't normally qualify for due to low rep, rent an engine (for money) you wouldn't normally have access to but in must be recovered (or you loose your deposit and some rep), etc)
  11. You can freely decline contracts without any penalty whatsoever, just hit the red X until you find something you like.
  12. Parhaps forward to Ted for consideration during the current Q&A pass they're undertaking in conjunction with the aero overhaul?
  13. To expand on this slightly, Squad are not buying an external networking/multiplayer solution, but are coding their own (at present).
  14. Makes them deploy 20 times slower at a guess, the default deployment speed is essentially instantaneous and the shock this generates will frequently rip your vessels into pieces
  15. Is it just me or did Maxmaps essentially introduce this on the Squadcast a couple of days ago? Rescue Kerbals will be found in all sorts of places, not just in low Kerbin orbit, and will be found with their ships and/or at least capsules?
  16. I haven't seen any complaints about 64 bit windows builds either, which is promising, although there seems to be quite a few complaints regarding iOS not getting on with the new IL2CPP scripting There have been two releases (3 and 3+) in the week since RC2, with RC4 expected tomorrow, so I at least they seem to be trying hard, although I get the feeling they're rushing to have a '1.0' release for GDC The Viking village is also pretty neat
  17. There seems to be some misunderstanding about the nature of the donations; Things that are not happening; People who make donations are not getting finished parts before everyone else Parts and/or releases are not being withheld or delayed until some arbitrary donation figure is reached Things that are happening; People who donate are getting to play with some unfinished indev snapshots along the way As soon as the production milestones for release are met (i.e. the parts, plugins and their configs are finished) then the packages are made and put up for free download as they always have been
  18. The voronoi cratering effect could definitely be applied to other bodies (perhaps moderated by atmosphere) It would be cool if it was combined with other surface elements (i.e. a terrain scatter overhaul of which the crater distribution was a part) so you could have a variety of geological features (volcanism, gysers, cryovolcanism, undersea vents and black smokers, river beds, stone outcroppings, columnar basalt flows, lava sheets, glaciers, lots!) An option to influence the scatter/crater/feature density on game creation would also be cool (if you think the Mun might just be a bit to crater pocked )
  19. Do you have your overall texture quality set to half or quarter etc, or ATM-Aggressive downsampling your texture sizes?
  20. Is this a good time to say RC3 is out, because RC3 is out, the list of fixes still looks kinda long though I wish more people would do some 4->5 up-ported comparisons; Can't just load up your U4 project in U5 though or things go funky Hopefully the migration isn't too much work
  21. Unity 5 (which is thread safe, has a multi-threaded job scheduler and PhysX 3.3 (also multi-threaded)) is already in release candidates, development effort would probably be better spent porting KSP up to 5 rather than spend time LOOM'ing or otherwise working threading optimisation into the current Unity 4 project Maxmaps described adopting Unity5 as a high priority, so this decision about what to allocate development resources to (and when) has likely been made already
  22. I haven't seen any complaints about projects built for windows x64 on the Unity 5 beta forum so far. Hopefully that's a good sign now that they're on RC2, maybe release at this years GDC?
  23. Turbojets to achieve orbital height AP then ion's to circularise wouldn't be hard
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