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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Heh, yeah, they remind of John Glenn's joke, you didn't so much climb inside a Mercury spacecraft as put it on. I don't even know how they get their helmets in there
  2. I wonder if we could get a preview/WIP of the numbers Ted&Co have come up with for the balance pass? It seems like it would be difficult to parse though without knowing how the improved aero and ISP mass flow correction are going to play into it
  3. BahumotoD is working on their own game now I believe, maybe Lo-Fi could ping them about rolling it in with KF here if it would otherwise be abandoned? [Edit] If I could otherwise make a request, Lo-Fi could please include the version/release in the thread title that would be fantastic, thanks!
  4. I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching...
  5. Give them higher drag at least, so they would need to be covered by fairings while appropriate Perhaps lower thermal resistance if the increased drag doesn't solve this alone (since more drag should mean more heat?) Since Kerbals can't get cramped, or get cold, and there's no real way to simulate the misery of using a short term capsule for long term occupancy though unless you wanted to do something crazy like limiting timewarp with lander cans so it was only practical to use them for short (ascent/descent) sections but impractical otherwise (but you could timewarp on the ground for example)?
  6. Turning that on is what docking mode should do
  7. Reaction Wheels should work best at the CoM (also their force should apply at their location), RCS should work best away from the CoM Reaction Wheels should build up a waste resource (say Momentum?) which slowly decays, however; The amount of Torque available from the RW should go down as it becomes saturated The power draw of the RW should increase as Momentum saturation increases The RW should continuously draw power until the Waste/Momentum is depleted The amount of force they provide should be looked at too, RW's should be about keeping a vessel steady, not providing free breakdancing capabilities
  8. Local shader based water would be cool This one is being given away free (yes it's Unity) for example. Using higher precision with water calculations improves the 'feel' (and practicality) when dealing with water (as evidenced with BB)
  9. I mapped one of the joystick side hat's to IJKL and the throttle side index-switch for HN using the control software, this let me right thumb the translations and hit forward/backward with my left index finger This was previously on an X45 though (R.I.P you glorious desk real estate stealing beast), I'm assuming this will still work with the X52 (probably better if the layout was improved).
  10. Perhaps more generally, support for these sorts of (continuous/while-active) animations, and multiple animations per part.
  11. I wouldn't think so if the welding is generating a composite part using MODEL{} calls
  12. It may default to the IGP when there isn't an application profile Instructions for setting an AP on page three
  13. We should start playing the death knell for that one right now
  14. It will be interesting to see what the mass flow ISP correction and subsequent balance pass by Ted do to all the stats Lots of changes coming
  15. I know you're not asking for a mod, but B9 PWings might interest in the meantime [There's always DYJ's classic PWings too]
  16. Where's Elon Kerman at, and will he sell me a recovery barge?
  17. To crib my own earlier suggestion from reddit, add a new three for 6 starting Kerbalnauts (in Sandbox) In Career you get three, assigned randomly for each of the three Roles (perhaps have the other three hireable in the Astronaut complex at a certain reputation?) Val; For Valentina Tereshkova (Pilot) Sally; For Sally Ride (Engineer) Helen; For Helen Sharman (Scientist) Val, Sall and Hel to compliment Jeb, Bill and Bob.
  18. FMRS does this, but it might be kind of unwieldy for your purpose Perhaps consider Kerbal Alarm Clock so you can get notifications for your flights and switch back to them when they need attention?
  19. Unity 5 is now onto Release Candidates so hopefully there will be relief coming on this front soon.
  20. The code to support this is already in the game, you can alter it by adding/changing the deploymentSpeed characteristic, all that needs to happen (for existing chutes) is adjusting this to spread the deployment force out a bit. [Or get this MM patch]. Agree with wanting to see larger (size=2/3) chutes and braking drogues which don't disappear on contact with the ground Braking chutes could be done by adding a toggle for the chute autocut feature which switches it between vertical speed (default behaviour) and horizontal speed (for landing planes, or stopping dragracers ) While we're wishlisting, maybe an airbrake part as well please
  21. That's a bummer, standard 2, 4 and 8x all work for me (with program settings>ksp.exe>antialiasing mode> override>setting) [Edit]As a side note there, none of the non-standard (Q/Quincunx) settings or 'enhance' worked for me, only mode override to 2/4/8 (and not 16x). [Edit2] The force override doesn't work (at all) if I change it after launching either, maybe it needs to hook in at launch? Maybe FXAA would work for you if the standard mode overrides don't?
  22. I'm not sure what the current issue with DX11 is for KSP, sometimes (for me) it runs fine, other times everything goes pink and horrible. I'm not sure if that's just straight up Unity 4 DX11 problems, or some interaction between the KSP shaders and U4/DX11 implementation but if that could be fixed, yeah, yes please (plus eventually DX12 support). I'm forcing AA with KSP/OpenGL via the (nVidia) driver panel which seems to work fine (I'm assuming the CCC gives you the same options), runs noticeably slower than DX9 mode though. Don't recommend changing your Aniso/AA force/override settings etc while KSP is running though, yikes.
  23. Can't you just untick the 'allow stock craft' option to have these hidden?
  24. I assume so? The list of fixes in the release notes looks a little long so there's no real sign of how many candidates there will be Unity 5 will ship with DX11 support, DX12 support is expected to be released with (or shortly after) Windows 10 [Additional Unity blog about DX12] I'm not really sure what the new Enlighten illumination technologies will offer for KSP
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