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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. This is already done/fixed on my local INDEV copy as stated above, I haven't copied those changes back to the main repository though so I need to remember to do that when I get home.
  2. kerbal.curseforge.com and/or [Moderator removed defunct website link]
  3. Surface spectrometers (this one category could cover all types, x-ray, alpha-particle, laser-induced, IR, UV, visible etc) for use on surfaces (i.e. while landed on a body). Preferably for rovers such that you would need to deploy the analysis package at several sites within a biome (separated by some distance) to build up a profile for the area/biome before transmitting (or recovering) the results. Chemical analysis package (i.e. drills and samplers). Not just some rock you picked up off the surface, but something like a drilled out core sample. Non-transmissible without analysis to complement the atmospheric sensory package, but for ocean/surface biomes.
  4. Can you remember (or list) which parts? Can't remember if I fixed this locally already. [Edit] I'm guessing URM interstage fairings actually because PartCatalog threw an [ERR] error instead of putting them with the other KOSMOS parts. [Edit2] Yes. Also fixed. However this may break any craft using affected URM interstage parts because of the required changes to the "name =" config argument. Please let me know of any other effected parts or outstanding issues. --------------- I have a 4.7.1 INDEV build which I can put up which has all the fixes rolled in, although entryCost and cost attributes for Structural and Utility category parts are still placeholder values (sorry I just haven't had time to work these out). Again, if there are any other changes or outstanding issues let me know now (either here or via PM) so I can roll them in Unless there are further major part changes (mass/cost/science etc) in 0.25 (assuming it's launch this Saturday as heavily inferred by Squadcast + all day afterparty content) I'll try and incorporate any further 0.25 changes and finish the Structural and Utility pricing for a 4.7.1 release.
  5. Examples made using the Unity 5 Beta are showing up now So it's out there for some, soooooonnnnnnnnnnâ„¢
  6. A link to Tiberion's thread about setting pricing/costs for 0.24 might also be handy.
  7. The latest B9-R5 release has the textures as straight up .pngs, you could try loading one of those up and pulling the pixel colour values directly? [Edit] Also the colour of the specular might not be the default, you would need to ask B9/Taverius et al about the exact Unity setting/s they're using for their specular settings
  8. I really need to try this after having (what could only charitably called) marginal success using an X55 with KSP thus far.
  9. I wonder what impact changes to the asset loader will have on ATM? Will it make life easier or open new opportunities, I wonder what fixes in incorporates natively?
  10. Using empties within Blender does work if you're using Unity to export your .blend files to .mu files
  11. I'm not sure if .dae files work with the necessary transforms anymore?
  12. Is [https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/Overhaul/x64-Release.zip] still the correct location to get the latest Overhaul download or is there a separate location for the nightly builds on a different branch? Baring a few oddities, the overhaul releases have looked very promising
  13. Urg, you have my sympathies My friends are trying to buy a house right now and I've never seen two people more in need of a drink every weekend
  14. The specified license for KAS does not allow you to redistribute any part of KAS unless there are compatibility issues between KAS and the current version of KSP, in which case you may provide (only) the .dll addressing the compatibility problem. In you case just state the dependancy (this part needs KAS) and provide a link to KospY's KAS 4.8 thread or their Curseforge download page, but please don't include KAS or any part of KAS with your own mod download (as it violates their mods lisence terms).
  15. Ouch, $400 is almost the cost of a whole (admittedly basic) laptop here, must be a beast of a thing to make a $400 repair worth it Are you currently not in the position of being able to afford the necessary repairs?
  16. Working over the KOSMOS stuff and while fixing the EC related NaN cost errors I noticed that for TweakScale the KOSMOS_TweakScale.cfg has defaultScale = 1 for @PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-0146N2] @PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-0146] @PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-275K] @PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-33NK] These should be defaultScale = 1.25 A few other parts (like the Balka trusses) also seem to be set for defaultScale = 1
  17. April fools release with all meme texture swaps
  18. Since some adjustment in the TAC 0.10 release (possibly consumption rates?), the resource amounts in the procedural TAC support containers are a bit inappropriate (low/high/high) since the units change (days -> Kg's and Litres) change was addressed in 0.9.17? It (0.9.18) is providing something like ~950 days of oxygen/water (but not food? sorry it was 2 of the 3 resources) support for the thinnest 1.25m pancake (0.1 height) support tank you could make Sorry I should really have posted this from home instead of work, I'll update with specifics when I'm home for lunch in a couple of hours [Edit] For the 1.25m x 0.25m tanks Food/Oxygen/Water comparisons TAC-Container; 113.2 / 11470 / 74.8 Procedural; 69.8 / 22720 / 134.3
  19. Ouch sorry, all the files and everything are sorted and the paperwork list is down to the entryCost and cost entries for Structural and Utility parts (about 40 configs / 80 lines) Basically figuring out how much everything costs then replacing the placeholder values, then I can wrap it up and upload it. I think the techTree integration ModuleManager config should still be working? (see sig)
  20. Which versions of FASA and RealChutes do you have? If they're both the latest versions (FASA v4.97 and RealChutes 1.2.4), you should probably post your issue in the FASA and/or RealChutes threads respectively
  21. Speedtree for Unity 5 - So, uhh, take that terrain scatter What the, oh thread merge, well OK then! ---- Maxmaps did say migrating to Unity 5 is high on Squad's wishlist/priorities during the last Squadcast, peachy-keen!
  22. Hahaha, RSS without FAR, the souposphere goes on foreverrrrrrrrrr RSS; Ultimate Soup Edition ---- On topic though, I use FAR
  23. I usually go over by the edges by 2px, just to avoid weird edge case shenanigans like the background showing on some corners, having the 'snap to pixels' option on when assigning UV's seems to help too Something which can help kickstart your texture is making a normalised Ambient Occlusion (AO) bake (in your modelling program) and then save the bake as an image, drop your AO bake image into your stack as a separate layer above your Base/DIFF set to Multiply. My ability beyond there could charitably be described as potato, but use whatever works, some detailing (like scratches or edge wear) by hand, patterns by filter, brushed look by adding noise then motion blurring it, I'm sure you'd have a much better idea than me
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