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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. If I have KER 1.0.5 and KAC installed I get a 100% crash after startup when I try and load to space center [Offending output_log + 2nd output_log]
  2. The thing which gets me about this, can I say that? the thing The quality bar set by Porkjet with SP+ is high, really really really high So I wonder if the model/asset push is going to be bringing all the KSP assets up to that level?
  3. It never recovered after that, no idea why as that was the only change, switching back to 1.0.4 or not it just always crashed after then, either during startup or on load to space center I pulled out MKS/OKS/Karbonite and it doesn't crash any more, I'll try updating to 1.0.5 now :\ [Edit] Apparently not, with 1.0.5 I get 100% crash when resuming a game / loading to space center (startup goes fine) [Offending output_log + 2nd output_log] [Edit2] The crash line regularly points to KAC, maybe KER 1.0.5 and K.A.C. aren't getting on? [Edit3] Downgraded to KER 1.0.4 again, no crash, why KSP why!
  4. I had looked at AJE compatibility earlier but did not complete it, I'll have a look at camlost's new AJE release for 0.24
  5. The UNITE keynote Short version; Unity 5 beta coming up for people who have pre-ordered (4-8 weeks) @ 1h:29m.
  6. Does that make the answer yes? Congratulations Porkjet!
  7. Wait RC7? How did I miss this! To the batcomputer!
  8. Awesome! Thanks! I uploaded the F100 update with 0.24 balance changes when I got home, it's pending approval right now
  9. Well a few people might be about to find out their wish is coming true
  10. Ouch, I now have my Unity Assets directory + models/materials directorys synced to dropbox after something similar, best of luck getting back up to speed. Also Kerbin Orbital Australian Launch Agency
  11. add the line node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 The 0.2 (second position) is a guess and it'll need to be more (or less) depending on the thickness of the part [Edit] You may also need to have the node_stack_bottom/node_stack_top as the last two defined so node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
  12. Tried both (overwrite-existing-1.0.4 and delete 1.0.4 then install 1.0.5 clean), both give the same crash Will try just updating the .dll's from 1.0.5 into 1.0.4 [Edit] Nope, this doesn't work either.
  13. Upgrading from Engineer 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 gives me a crash either during asset loading, or crash when loading the spacecenter from 'load game' Crash always seems to occur at Load(Model): KerbalEngineer/Parts/EngineerChip/EngineerChip [offending output_log of type-1 crash] Rolled back to 1.0.4 and no crashes (so far)
  14. Beta-1 release of the S1 truss w/ integrated HRS panels, over 2000 m2 of radiative power can be yours! Known problems; Panels are still tracking the sun instead of turning edge on Missing; No normal map yet
  15. Apologies to anyone who downloaded the v1.3 release of Shimmy's Plaid Throne, the internal directory structure was incorrect and would have prevented them from showing up in the VAB (Thanks Teflon_Mike for letting me know) Update v1.3.1 is now available which should correct this issue (you'll need to delete any old one/s from your GameData directory)
  16. Click on 'all files' under the download link on the CurseForge page for HotRockets and all prior version archives should be available to download too Edit; First release of 7.24 is probably the one you want
  17. You could manually change some engines to use H2, additionally Nertea's NFPP has an optional patch which changes the LV-N engines to use H2 (as well as other engines which use H2) The real fuels mod also uses H2 YMMV though as the resource keys need to match exactly, so if the US part produces H2 but the engine expect LiquidH2 (for example) they're not going to work (or you'll need a converter which accepts H2 [the gas] and produces LiquidH2 [the cryogenic fuel])
  18. Cripes, five months... oh well Still relevant I guess, actually something about Unity 5 As long as you've got three quarters of an hour
  19. Unless there are specific colours desired for certain sections (I've tried to keep the ones from the ETS example files) I just need to make the sun (edge) tracking work again and I'll roll up another release for feedback It's set up exactly like the preceding HRS panels but it just won't rotate for some reason
  20. Hoojiwana actually officially released v10 of RLA yesterday
  21. Try build-47 from the RT2 git releases, it's the RC for v1.4.1
  22. The underlying fuselage still looks circular, the 12 sided layer looks to be stood off slightly from the body, perhaps being a reflective/radiative layer, or possibly even a micrometeor shield (or both)
  23. When I was trying this on KOSMOS parts last night, adjusting the scale resulted in the overall vessel price becoming 'NaN' in the VAB readout I assume this is because of the prices not being set (or rather, being 0) and will work correctly once part pricing is implemented? (I am working on the pricing presently)
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