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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. I have been starting out with a 24 bit (RBG) at the intended texture size Creating a layer mask (transparency) for the base diff (RGB) layer Dropping a normalised ambient occlusion bake over it (with its layer set to multiply) Putting an .SVG of the UV map as a layer on top so I can switch to this layer, wand select the bits I want, switch down to the diff (RBG) layer, and work (just remember to make the UV layer invisible before exporting) And then basically going from there (this is with Blender+GIMP so software dependent steps could vary significantly)
  2. Sounds like this just arrived with the 24.1 hotfix
  3. From memory cBBp wrote the plugin to allow features like emissive animation and FX on the integrated RCS ports
  4. There is a techtree integration MM patch already (see sig) I should really review the pricing and other stats in light of the 0.24 changes however and add those also
  5. It's more to down with where the weight is, the side with more weight goes down, just put the parachutes above the CoM so it'll land right side up, err down.
  6. From memory you need to install an earlier package (which is an actual Unity package), and then overwrite the (0.20?) package assets with the files from the 0.23 download (which is just files, and not a Unity package)? I could be remembering totally wrong of course as this was a fair while ago for me and I'm at work and can't check my Unity install
  7. RT2 v1.4 is working out of the box for me at least, although I did start a new save for 0.24 instead of continuing my old one for a variety of reasons Apparently there can be some MODULE{} difficulties between old (0.23.5) craft, affecting both pre-existing .craft files, and also the way vessels in flight were stored in the persistence [save] files which can cause loading errors (via Toadicus) under the updated 0.24 PartModule loading system. Hopefully the module{} loading errors will get addressed in the 0.24.1 hotfix
  8. The KWR config for HotRockets! 7.24 was released with KWR v2.5.6 in mind, which is causing conflicts with the changes which have been made for KWR v2.6 Delete or disable the kw_hotrockets.cfg in your MP_Nazari until HotRockets! is updated for KWR 2.6
  9. Karbonite the solid, Karboleum the liquid and Karbogen the gas?
  10. What about having them as 'stack' centerline parts (much like fuel tanks), want it as part of a ship trunk, it goes on the bottom of the stack nearest the ground, want them sidemounted? can do that too because they're surface attachable just like fuel tanks
  11. Presumably crew members only go 'missing in action' (MIA) following, err, incidents, and then re-appear for duty back at KSC after the specified time Otherwise death is permanent (KIA)
  12. As OtherBarry stated earlier, NathanKell has volunteered to update Procedural Parts and Taniwha is maintaining KSPAPIExtensions during SwamgIG's absence There has been an update for KSPAPIExtensions already, but NathanKell would be the person to ask about progress on 0.24 compliance beyond that (you can see the commits in the Git so they're working on it)
  13. Yes it has, HotRockets! v7.24 is out and even includes the new SmokeScreen Please excuse, you mean for the 2.6 release of course, more coffee required.
  14. Every time I get a few minutes to play Kerbal I check for mod updates and it's like WHARRGARBL The amount of updates authors have been making since 0.24 has been awesome [this is not a complaint]
  15. If you want to do alpha stuff in GIMP, set up your alpha channel as a layer mask to your texture/diff, then never ever ever apply it, export to PNG.
  16. Maybe if Squad develops and balances the units for KerbalEDU, then they can be ported back to the main KSP (eventually) I remember coming to the conclusion when working on fuel tanks that 1 'unit' was probably 5L (for LF)
  17. I would guess because the stock FX use the stock attributes while HotRockets! additionally uses the SmokeScreen plugin
  18. The link in the OP works for me, you're not following an old bookmark to Spaceport are you?
  19. That would require updating the underlying game engine to Unity-5, which is (very unfortunately) still not out yet Once Unity Technologies releases Unity-5, I imagine Squad will look into it
  20. If you use a dish with a longer range than necessary its communication cone can be too narrow for satellites orbiting the targeted body to be (reliably) within the arc it provides Also happens if the accepting satellites are orbiting so high above the targeted body they pass outside of the comms arc pointed at it
  21. You could also use the forums IMGUR tag support to embed the album, i.e.
  22. That's weird, my whole current network is set up this way (SoI targeting between Kerbin (KRS x5) /Mun (MuRS x3) /Minmus (MiRS x2)) and it works just fine even to the polar ground stations on the top and bottom of the Mun and Minmus. All the orbtial relays are identical save location, a 5Mm omni and two short range dishes, the Kerbin ones are pointed Mun/Minmus, the Mun ones Kerbin/Minmus and the Minmus ones Kerbin/Mun. I have exactly one targeted link set up presently for my Duna relay package which is in transit to Duna, once it arrives I expect to flick that relay over to targeting Duna's SoI instead of the ship specifically too
  23. Tone down the voronoi density of the Munar craters a little bit, or even have more features than just ~similar craters so each locus is a feature of some kind, rather than every node being a crater. The extra detail is cool, it's just a bit... densely uniform? Replace the tiled water layer (Kerbin/Laythe/Eve etc) with a shader based layer [Scrawk Unity Ocean Example] Actually neither of those a really 'feature completing' for KSP in any way so anything like that would likely be during the Beta/Polish stage following feature completion, even something like fixing aerodynamics is fixing an existing system even though it would be a major rework of a placeholder feature. Hrm, so what feature/s is/are KSP missing to reach feature completion... Multiplayer (a stated yet not implemented feature) Discovery framework (for planets beyond those already known) Tech levels / building upgrades for KSC (based on recruitment advertising) Presence benefits (some kind of functionality for long term things like bases and space stations) and yeah Kerbonaut details (training, capabilities, experience and customisation) EVA activities Plus some of these things could require each other to make sense, like needing to upgrade your R&D to include the telescope building before implementing the discovery mechanic makes sense, or Kerbal training might be needed before EVA activities makes sense just like budgets and contracts are coming in together. I can't remember if there was ever a list of what KSP would have to be feature complete, but 0.25 would be marching to fill out that list
  24. A dish can talk to multiple things if it's targeted at something like a planet or moon (it can reach anything which is inside the cone at the targeted SoI), or a single craft if it's targeted specifically at that craft. An omni can talk to any number of things inside its range (which also has the range to talk back, of course). --- For example, the Kerbin relay satellites I'm using in my network have (Com32) 5Mm omnis for relaying each neighbour + Mission Control, and two short range dishes each, which are pointed at the Mun and Minmus repectively. The Mun and Minmus relays also have short range dishes which are pointed back at Kerbin, this SoI targetting allows any Kerbin relay to talk to any Mun or Minmus relay and vice versa.
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