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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. I thought this too, but Alskari is doing it for their Hollow Structures and Hulls mods, and Porkjet is doing it as well [explained in this thread], so it's certainly possible Kerbal scale will be coming, just doing the initial modelling at full size
  2. Glad you like it, just trying to preserve as much detail from Nixon's (sp?) plan as possible really There are three points where you could have docking enabled, although I haven't yet made a docking port, let alone a part with multiple ports which is apparently pretty finicky As for size, well it's currently modeled 'full size', you can probably see the 3 man 2.5m capsule underneath, the swing arm on top is meant for mounting 3x Radiators which are something like 8m long so the whole truss (at full size) is probably 32m long or so? (it conforms exactly to the plan dimensions at any rate)
  3. What a mission (final face count ~6k) Time for a short break before unwrapping, texturing, setting up normal et al
  4. Inflatable habitats (ground or orbital), headshields and flotation devices are pretty popular, I don't think you'll have any trouble finding takers for those kind of parts.
  5. It is possible, unfortunately because of the one material per .mu limitation, it would mean having no specular for the truss, or splitting the truss into multiple .mu files and combining them with MODEL{} calls, which would make some parts shiny (alpha for specular) and some parts using the transparency trick (alpha for transparency). Bit of an extreme option, but something to explore if it's still monstrous after reducing the details. Hopefully I'll be able to simplify it enough (re-adding details via NRM) that that kind of extreme action isn't required but we'll have to see, I just wish I had more time to dedicate to it [Edit] Progress Trying to keep as much detail as possible (the appearance of some details will be re-added with a NRM layer later), still need to address the hand rails and other details, hopefully the compromises are acceptable [Edit2] Worked on the handrail system and took off 5000 faces, MFW thouuussannnndddddddssssssss (down to sub 15k with a few meshes still to work on)
  6. Ah nuts, I just gave away my old gtx460 to What'd you lose? I can have a look around and see if I have anything else floating about
  7. Try updating your SmokeScreen plugin to 2.0.1, if that doesn't help enough use the new built in control panel to reduce the exhaust effects (quantity/physics etc)
  8. My experience with the x64 hack so far has had a few minor issues (1) Fairing ejection on PF has zero force (2) Attaching a small control surface part onto a tail plane always causes a crash (3) Some scenes flash briefly while transitioning (i.e. the Kerbonaut lounge flashes up onscreen for a second when switching to the space center) None of which I'd put in the 'catastrophic' basket, but since it's a hackjob I can't really say I'm upset or surprised that there are some niggles, it's frankly amazing how well it does work I'm not sure if these would go away with an official KSPx64 and/or plugins compiled against the 0.24 tools (no idea how this works), I guess we'll find out, and I can't see it taking the modders too long to get to grips on it (as long as the mod is still supported anyway)
  9. Have you heard anything about your computer/files Daishi? Hopefully there was, or will be, good news on that front
  10. Yep, that orange part is the structural truss I was working on, mostly done with it I think. I'm pulling one mesh out of the S1 at a time and reducing it, working through the details They're very detailed, very nice, but KSP would have a hernia so I'm trying to keep the visual fidelity with minimum compromise otherwise it'd be like having 20 mainsails on your station all the time performance wise
  11. To pull that off I need to finish the single mount suncatcher+pivot for the 3x array, which means getting the S1 into a game ready state so I can mount the HRS panels on it Feels like slow going, down to 51k tris / 25k faces overall so far from 125/50 without even touching some parts yet
  12. Could please let me know which EVE pack is that city light map from?
  13. I don't think attaching an antenna via KAS is a good idea from memory, or has that been fixed?
  14. dtobi's smart parts let you set triggers for speed /altitude and things don't they? I know it's not the same as the feature actually being baked into RT2, but it's available now until the feature is
  15. Hrm, if you think NFP is ugly and/or plain then I'm not sure what you'd find enticing I remember seeing a sci-fi nacelle project around somewhere, or there's the IHEP pack, not sure if that's .23.5 compliant though?
  16. I've been working on reducing the S1 baseplate tri/face count (it's ~125k/50k in the example) to get it in game with an included triple-HRS compliment, what kind of tri/face limit is going to fly with this as 3x radiators is already quite a lot?
  17. In terms of 'neat' advanced engines of that ilk, I suggest Nertea's Near Future Propulsion Pack Or you could try KSI, but that seems more indepth in terms of game changes Nothing else is surfacing from the haze unfortunately, maybe after a coffee
  18. Nope, there are already a few mods which have essentially triangular and octagonal docking ports The docking between ports is governed by size I think, so an n-gon with node size 2 would dock to anything else which is also node size 2 size, shape not-withstanding, if you set the node size to something unique then it could only dock to identical ports Making docking ports with multiple docking nodes is a very bad idea from memory, I remember Cpt. Kipard was trying it and it just doesn't work Yes I think so, as long as there is only one docking node per part
  19. I can make a one piece trio radiator all turning from a common baseplate, but I should probably have it on the underlying truss as the base for that Totally possible, I just wasn't sure if someone else had already said they were doing to truss/es as yet as I didn't want to step on any toes (plus co-ordinating the size of the trusses so they're all the same profile).
  20. Damn, I was guessing from my desk at work then forgot to check if this actually worked when I got home, sorry about that Glad some of it was useful at least
  21. Not sure, that'd be up to the individual contributors I guess I made the HRS panels at real size as per NathanKell's request with the intention of having rescaled versions for other applications (K0.64/vanilla etc)
  22. That's toggled by the RT2 action bar on the bottom right isn't it (the middle one that looks like a world)?
  23. Under GIMP I think you should be able to deselect layers RGB leaving only A Copy all of layer A Create layer mask > alpha switch to layer mask and paste layer > transparency > remove alpha layer (it's still there as the Layer Mask, you might need to lock RGB layers?) right click Layer Mask > Disable unhide RGB layers underlaying RGB image should now be visible The alpha channel is still there on the mask, re-enable before you export and it should (hopefully) be fine? TLDR; Layer mask > transparency is the only decent way to deal with RGB(A) images under GIMP Good luck!
  24. Doubly excited. Trusses and fixed NODE{} calls in 0.24, hnnnngggggg etc
  25. What about making a MODEL{} resized copy of the floatation ring also appear at the top of the capsule in the interim?
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