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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Moved the origins for the arms to the body/rim to match Unfortunately this throws off some positioning, have to fix the petal animations for the new length/position of the arms as they're not currently meeting the petal origin correctly any more
  2. I don't see any licence specified in the OP? I'm still glad this is out though, alas stuck at work for 8 more hours yet before I could play with it T_T
  3. Awesome, was having a little trouble with my new joystick with no fine controls
  4. Some progress with the actuation arms [Edit] The actual F100 doesn't do CVT (well there are models that do, but they have large vectoring assemblies) so by default this value would be set very low, or disabled [Edit2] Should move the actuator arm origins on the lip of the engine body, and put in a placeholder texture
  5. No problems at all since updating to 2.0.1, tweakable and better performance, very nice!
  6. After some initial confusion concerning the GE-129 on certain models of the 15K inner CVT petal prototype [Edit] inner+outer assemblies Outer petals also rigged for using constrainlookFX so in game there will be the actuation pistons (eventually) for the CVT action and petal flexing [Edit2] In game flex test for CVT bundles Gimballing in already, no pictures of that though.
  7. The updated SmokeScreen (2.0) and HotRockets don't seem to be getting on, things seem fine at launch, but at ~25,000m ~750m/s the exhaust detaches and starts emitting in space nearby instead of from the engines Could this be related to Proot's Renaissance package, is anyone with default SmokeScreen 2.0 and HotRockets seeing weird exhaust effects? Those blue dots are the engine effects which are now emitting in space nearby rather than from the engines Followed by later on in space
  8. I updated my SmokeScreen.dll with this new release and things are going a bit... weird, engine effects (HotRockets!) detach from their engines shortly after takeoff (~25,000 altitude seems to be ~750 m/s) and appear in space somewhere off to the side while spitting their effects ~perpendicular in a stretched fashion, example image; Those blue dots are the engine effects which are now emitting in space nearby rather than from the engines [Edit] Later on in space
  9. Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it, I really need to get on the revision I had planned for the M.A.C.E.'s too, full petal circumference for the small one instead of just the partial cover x6, and fully articulating all the petals instead of as a big group (or maybe in subsets, the eurofighter EJ200 engine pushes groups of 6 petals I think), as well as changing the animation to pinch in during throttle up (to ~66% throttle?), then flex out all the way during 'afterburner' (66-100% throttle). I'll have a look at the engines you've mentioned I was thinking about the plausibility of a 2.5m sized jet, and then remembered the A380 which just has four of those huge RR-Trent 900's, so yeah, no problemo
  10. Stubbles posted in the development thread that they were starting a short term contract and would be busy with work for a little while Hopefully everything is going well and we'll see him again soon
  11. When starting a new game it would be nice (eventually) if there were a bunch of options essentially ranging from the current sandbox all the way through to whatever the game supports which would be considered career hardmode Budgets and Currency; Yes/No (Earn currency by missions and spend currency to send mission -or- Unlimited money) Reputation; Yes/No (Earn (or lose) reputation by completing missions and advancing Kerbalkind (or exploding) -or- No repercussions for failure) Aerodynamic modelling; Simple/Advanced (Current simple aerodynamics -or- More realistic aerodynamics requiring fairings and part shielding etc) Life support; No/Simple/Advanced (No supply or environmental needs (unlimited snacks, air and EVA time), Kerbals consume Food and Air, Kerbals consume resources, produce waste, need to stay the correct temperature and other concerns) Re-entry heating; No/Yes (Headfirst re-entry in a command seat? no problem -or- Requires correct re-entry angles and the correct shielding) Science; No/Yes/Hard (No research / start with all tech, Normal earn/buy research progression, lower research returns / higher part research costs) People could mix and match their own game types to suit whatever they felt like, feel like playing for science but not having to worry about money, or start with all the tech but have a budget restriction oriented game, or anything else the player wants Also a 'restrict to stock' option when starting a new game would be nice (such that, regardless of what mods/plugins are also installed, that save is entirely stock when loaded and played)
  12. During the last Squadcast Max metioned a new modeller they had brought on (probably from this) who is currently working on updating the plane/spaceplane stuff, hopefully this includes the cockpit IVA's. This could have been one of his patented Hagrid announcements though I was kind of hoping we'd get an introduction or announcement about the new hire from Rowsdower, maybe they'll show them off after their first content package is ready or during a Squadcast?
  13. Try SCANsat, now maintained by Technogeeky for your mapping needs.
  14. Please update to v3.0.1 of Procedural Fairings as eDog included an updated KSPAPIExtensions with this version which should no longer conflict with PP
  15. The HLSL/GLSL goes up to 5.0 right now SM4 is basically ~DX10/OpenGL3.3 level feature set, it's 'major' step up from SM3 was geometry shaders, I think, where you could tessellate and shade the resultant interpolated geometry.
  16. NMap (for GIMP) and xNormal are both free and useful for extending GIMP's capabilities and generating various texture maps respectively.
  17. Between Steam, The Humble Bundle Store, Green Man Gaming and Squad itself, it ends up on sale pretty frequently so I wouldn't sweat it.
  18. I'm not sure if it's part of stock Unity, but within KSP you can specify pairs of objects (like the suspension elements of the wheels), and these pairs (via the constrainlookfx module) always point at each other, although it does require some setup under Unity to work properly In Unity you set these elements to be pointing straight up (Z+, no rotation), but once loaded in game they'll be rotated (by the module, set in the part.cfg) to be facing each other even while moving (via engine gimbal, shock traverse or wheel turning etc) Actually I'm not sure if it'll work with animations like this though because the modules points to the part origins, which aren't moved by animations like they are by some of the other part modules
  19. You don't need to specifically animate everything like that, pistons can be handled via the look constraint module where the two elements automatically point at each others origin
  20. I've just been winging it I should probably put a bit more thought into it After finishing this space station perhaps
  21. As I said, even a blank one causes a crash, so a blank starter config KOSMOS.cfg with nothing ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = KOSMOS enabled = true } Makes KSP crash during load, so I haven't gotten to make a more detailed one yet since I need it to load first so I can sort out the un_NRM'd normals It could be because of something in the dev build I'm using though I'll put it back in after worked today so I can get an output_log to post up though
  22. CbbP is setting up the requisite CurseForge and working on making a new KOSMOS build Hopefully they'll have enough time to get this done over the weekend, RL permitting
  23. Could always have the other procedural elements (beyond the stock bodies) be dependant on a seed value, even additional bodies of the Kerbol system That way if you come across something particularly stunning, or want to share, you could pull up and share the seed value/code used for your system (perhaps through the alt+f12 menu), and other users could input that seed into their game which could digest it and let them see the same system/arrangement/bodies on their end. [Edit] Nevermind I see this already came up before I finished typing up
  24. I'll ask CbbP about uploading a refreshed package (with at least the techTree and VAB icon fixes) to the new mod repository since the Spaceport one can no longer be updated
  25. I'm trying to run ATM with KOSMOS, which works fine until I attempt to make a KOSMOS.cfg (so I can specify normals, which aren't all _NRM terminated), then it crashes Even a blank/default enabled=true config with nothing else results in a crash What parts of the crash report would be helpful (or other info)?
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