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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. The side panels are procedural (part of PF) so they should 'just work' You could make a new part.cfg with rescaleFactor 1.5 to make a 2.5m fairing parts copied into 3.75 parts (and bump the 7th node descriptor from 2 to 3), but fidelity is not guaranteed (they're not made with the intention of scaling), you'd need to ask CbbP for dedicated 3.75m/ARM-SLS sized URM fairing bases though as I just help out.
  2. The support mesh didn't come together how I'd hoped, that is for sure. Still iterating on it Still too complicated for the size/roll I think, need to relax my brain
  3. Isn't that the the point of the exercise though, in that Snjo does what they like, then lays out how they did it (set-up, animation, maybe even the plugin), and then other people get to learn about it in a step-wise fashion with added access to the resources so they can also pick apart a functional example as well [Edit] A more reasonably apportioned side tank Mesh structure with three sub tanks, intending to have size0/0.625 snap nodes top and bottom
  4. Nope, just select all the discrete meshes in Object mode then join them (CTRL+J while in the object mode window). As for me, let me imagination go a bit And then gave myself a reality slap because it was already over 1k triangles and I hadn't even added the sub-tanks yet plus it was tiny so that fine detail would just be a mess unless you were right up in it. Oh well, float more ideas through my brain as time permits
  5. Pretty much, I have Blender and GIMP because they're within my budget (of zero). Something fancier would be nice eventually, but I'd have to exhaust the opportunities/capabilities of Blender before exploring other options for them, hopefully later
  6. Starwaster's updated version of Razcheks reflection plugin is the only one that comes to mind Best of luck
  7. If you're using KER, grab the updated Padishar .dll's for it, they work well with 23.5 (there was even an update today for parts with the physics significance flag I think) The engines seem fine, if quite a bit out of line with traditional 'stock' balances. It would be nice to have some guidance saying here is the performance 'baseline', and it can increase X much/way per tech level, which I guess might happen at some point since that wasn't possible before the techTree came in, so parts can be balanced against their tech level, and eventually cost as well. The twin+tank and quad are great lifters, like ultra-skipper sort of things, lift any misshapen space walrus skyward with a minimum number of parts The single chamber 2LA has excellent vISP (380), if you can get it up there, great for shunting great big things about in space with low part counts and reasonable efficiency Always prefered LRB strapons to SRB strapons myself, but with tweakables you can put something pretty light on top with the thrust down and have a single lifting part almost sending stuff to orbit with maybe a few fins on it. Some 2.5m SRB's to go with the 3.75m engines would also be grand. Or some bigger decouplers to go with those 3.75m tanks. [Edit] I mean radial decouplers, they look impossibly tiny against the 3.75m tanks and don't provide much stand-off given the part scale
  8. Then launch that in one of EJ's full size shuttles so you can shuttle a shuttling shuttle while you shuttle.
  9. A) No problem, some individual parts have as many triangles as your whole intended vessel (and a traditional ship could have many such parts) You could give it 100% specular and also wind up the KSP\specular shader values in Unity and it would be shiny as all hell, but to be actually reflective you'd need a plugin
  10. Unfortunately not, access to the dev branch as it's set up would allow users to access, change or even delete the root/unity assets within the project (the later of which actually happened at one point), some of which aren't really/ready for public consumption. Some stuff can be 'pre-released' with module manager configs (like the techTree implementation) and then have those changes rolled in next time, but building the releases with all the assets isn't trivial --- TL;DR - Sorry you need to wait for release.
  11. That is fixed in the dev branch, so this issue should be fixed in the next release, conincidentally that was exactly what the 'Yes and yes' in the post you quoted was about
  12. Sounds neat, more chances to inflict my potato textures on people. [Edit] What timezone is this being run on (because it's Friday afternoon here already, and my semi-available time for modding starts in about three hours and doesn't run for long through the weekend)
  13. You can ALT+F12 > Reload database to refresh in game assets without needing to restart KSP
  14. Yes and yes. Unfortunately my install of KSP asploded last night and I ending up spending all my free time fixing that and not being able to check everything or add anything Hopefully tonight
  15. If they're separate meshes in your 3d modelling program, you'll need to add the physics collider to each mesh individually -or- create a simple collider mesh which covers the whole assembly, then in Unity delete the colliders mesh renderer component and add the physics component to only the collider mesh
  16. Thanks for dedicating your time to this Sirkut, best of luck to you and helpers
  17. That fix is already in the dev branch so it should come through in the next release (although I was honestly expecting a game level fix to come in)
  18. I can add the solar panel (and any other fixes) to that techTree module manager file I should probably just put a link to that in my signature [EDIT] Added the links to sig
  19. As Unity opens .blend files directly, why export to .dae in between, do you use another program to set up animations or textures at that stage?
  20. If you're using Blender (2.70) the smooth shading option is now in Edit Mode on the Shading/UVs tab at the top left (or hit space in your Edit Mode window and search 'smooth')
  21. I'm going to guess and say switch to Object Mode to save If you save in Edit Mode then Unity throws a 'cannot import' error and your mesh doesn't show up This has been happening for me at least since Blender 2.69 (no idea what they changed from 2.68 and earlier)
  22. I'm running an i7-4771 with a GTX680SC and everything runs fine until I fire a SRB, I'm not sure how much more I could possibly need Sure the video card might not be a TITAN Black, but it's hardly a slouch? (Edit) This has only been happening since 23.5, prior performance was fine
  23. I am also getting significant graphical slowdown if I launch anything using the SmokeScreen effects I'm pretty sure it's not my computer though unless something to do with SmokeScreen vs 23.5 vs nVidia GPU's ?
  24. You possibly need to apply the Smooth shading modifier which has been moved to Edit mode under Blender 2.70 (which is good because now you can select by face/edge/vertex rather than by whole mesh only from when it was under Object mode). While in Edite Mode it's under the Shading/UVs tab on the left hand edge now.
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