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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. For the non-wing/aileron parts, you need to change the module = Winglet to module = Part at the top of the part.cfg's And then comment out (add // to the start of) the dragCoeff = and deflectionLiftCoeff = arguments further down in the cfg under winglet parameters Unless someone has posted FAR lifting body configs (if that's even possible) for the bays/fuselage/cockpit somewhere already?
  2. You can frame an imgur album name (v7LOq) with IMGUR tags to embed an album
  3. Nooks very nice, maybe offset it back a little though so the smoke isn't starting at the nozzle but around/behind the flame
  4. Fixed a few model issues, reduced triangle count by ~28%, broke the texture again (/facepalm), but otherwise Sort of happy with it, going to make a v2 a bit later with proper interlocking thrust petals now that I'm comfortable with the basics Going to make a short detour through command seat (again) and wheel territory (new stuff!) first though
  5. So the new launcher will let you set mod options before loading into the game proper? neat Any other awesome beans to spill (like per-save mod enable/disable, because that would be fantastic)
  6. I haven't looked as KSPI yet, although I've seen quite a few streams using the parts, too much free time playing with this stuff and not enough actually playing the game Oddities abound with gimballing No idea what's going on here, Unity version looks fine, preview thumbnail looks fine, actual in-game is off? Changing the orientation of the gameObject the thrust animations are tied to results in no change at all either /headscratch [Edit] Everything else associated with the gimballing, thrust, effects, smoke all works, just the petals are 90' over and refuse to be orientated [Edit2] I think it's because I had to break the prefab hierarchy [Edit3] Yep, on the upside Everything moves now (chained animations woooooooooo). [Edit 4] Of course everything is now moving more than I expected by gimbal-degrees so I need to adjust the model otherwise stuff is just passing through each other and it looks weird :\
  7. Excellent, messing with UV's is so far my least favorite thing, so seeing stuff which looks this clean indicates a lot of effort.
  8. Oh, that was me trying to get it working on the MACEv1 test part (it doesn't, yet), I mean, it works in Unity but not in-game Apparently this is something to do with the way Unity 4.3.3 makes the associated animation, it would work under 4.2.2 but I can't be bothered downgrading since it will probably work in 0.24 (since it sounds like this will be based on 4.3.3)
  9. Wouldn't 3DSMax 1m = ingame 1.25m, the scale there is different vs. the others?
  10. Nice, I've been playing around with throttle linked animations using the FXModuleAnimateThrottle module, hadn't even gotten to looking at the gimbaling to make them look like they were vectoring yet
  11. That first one should be fixed after Mekan1k pointed it out a couple of pages ago, which engine is still shooting out smoke in the wrong direction? Oh, I could be the MACEv1, I should really remember to take that out as it's a depreciated test part There sure are, there are a couple of posts about me trying to fix this one page back, known issue, still working on it as time allows The bays were/are for use with MSI-IR, it just meant you didn't need a probe core or manned pod with your vessel, useful in some cases and completely immaterial in others. The collision meshes should (should!) be conformal with the bays but I haven't looked at them for a while and they need finishing (the outer meshes could almost certainly use simplifying, need to go in an make the simple node_collider meshes in Blender for them)
  12. One of the reasons I didn't really think about doing it was that the doors/panels would essentially become decorative, you couldn't (for instance) attach something functional to the doors (like a rover which would drop off after the door opened, or lights etc) because they wouldn't move when the door was actuated with the conventional animation system, but beyond that limitation they could still see some use. Was that landing package the SpaceTech one? I'll have a think about it, one of the things I wanted to do was a drop pod in the style of an upside down flower, where it would open up after re-entry but before landing, landing on the petal tips with the payload suspended in the middle. Will have a think about general (deployable) surface structures
  13. Would there be any interest in having animated bay doors for some of versions of the automation bays? I envisaged them for use with MSI-IR (or actuating the doors) but some people might not have/want that
  14. I could add another set of thin inner 'gap' petals for that, I was concerned about making the complexity to high, the tri-count is already getting up there. They're SABRE/RAPIER style engines, they're currently using the HotRockets! effects, feel free to try them out if you like (just pare out any parts in there you don't want)
  15. Having the filler, it just looked like it was stretching, this way let you see more FX as the thrust went up Alas, no normal/bump map for it as yet, since I can't make the baking work properly and/or reliably, it's on the list of things I need to do
  16. Happy with that bit at least That looked a bit boring, this was more, uhh, dramatic I guess? Apparently it should shrink down then only open up under afterburner so oh well, looks neat I can only imagine what the Crotch pilot is soto-voicing over the intercom the whole time
  17. They look a bit... bland And the specular isn't consistent with what I wanted, at all :\ (also I can't get an emissive to work for the life of me)
  18. You can manually set the scaling with scale = and rescaleFactor = in the part.cfg, otherwise it applies 1.25x by default Since 64% seems to be the default real->kerbin scale used in a lot of mods anyway, I had assumed it was intentional because it fit so perfectly
  19. They're definitely 2.5m in game (you can match up a mainsail with the 1st stage tank for example), probably because the default scaling is x1.25 So if you're making 4m, that will actually end up appearing as 5m in game (4x1.25), so that's perfect
  20. Oh, I hadn't actually looked into it, a lot of mods step up node sizes in 1.25m 'units' so you get half (0.625), one (1.25), then 2.5, 3.75, 5m etc On reflection, the scale for the Zenit-3SLB tanks is ~(1/1.56; 3.9m->2.5m) ~64% , so with the Energia core being 7.75m real, that would make the centerline tanks ~5m (using the same scale)? Then you could have the Energia strapons as straight fuel tanks and clip your existing RD-171 engines to them to make the Energia-II configuration
  21. Awesome, is this centerline tank going to be 3.75m?
  22. Gonna have HotRockets, CoolRockets and SmokeScreen together for glorious all seasons particle system update for all types Probably followed by KSP crying in the corner
  23. I wish I could get the texturing on my engines up to this sort of standard, spaceplane fun to be had.
  24. Who saw (or maybe didn't see would be more appropriate) the manipulator arm annoucement in the kerbaldev tumblr feed? Not intended to detract from MSI at all, because personally I think the most likely scenario is complementary Hopefully the game technology behind it opens up even more possibilities for MSI-IR
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