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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. How much gimballing on the RD-170 outrider/tanks? Some Urugan / E2 pictures have small winglets on the S0/Outrider tanks Which would give you some Aero based control authority (maybe even grid fins). --- Last resort kludge city suggestion (RW strength)
  2. Oh sure, I've been spending all my spare time trying to get this steering tracking bit working and totally forgot. I'll roll it up at lunchtime.
  3. You need to set the shading type (smooth/flat) in Blender before going to Unity Also I've noticed that in the latest versions of Blender/Unity, you need to set the shading and save while in Object mode or Unity will not accept the .blend (do not save in Edit mode before importing) Unfortunately this now seems to mean you will need to set>shade smooth for a whole mesh at a time because of Object mode Maybe you can Object Mode > Set shading for the majority then go back to Edit Mode and set shading for specific selected faces with [space]>Shade Smooth/Flat as required But mostly, remember to save while in Object mode
  4. Suggestion for anyone making wheels, use the exact default names as given in the example picture for the major parts Bounds suspensionNeutralPoint steering wheelCollider suspensionTraverse trackSteering wheel Or you're going to have a bad time Using your own labels and setting your custom names in the part.cfg doesn't seem to cut it as one might expect :\
  5. Mechanically done, just need to figure out the correct steeringCurve arguments Can only seem to find what the first two numbers of it do though, so more experimenting tomorrow I guess, hopefully one of them controls how fast the wheel pivots as the instant switch looks goofy [Edit] Hrm, need to be able to hide some GUI elements too
  6. There was a discussion about this some time ago where constantly rotating joint/parts would fail after some period of constant use I think it was something to do with the quaternion accumulation errors because the MSI code doesn't (currently) periodically renormalize the vectors, I would imagine this is something Sirkut would be addressing in the Plugin re-write they're currently undertaking
  7. Actually, another request (on top of being able to apply SmokeScreen to part explosions) The ability to add particle trails to Wheels
  8. Thanks Nazari1382, will need to wait until tomorrow (or really late tonight) before I'll have more time to dedicate to this endeavour Is the wheelCollider a specific sort of physics component? I guess I should really have a look through the component types too
  9. Your .blend is using a texture called test30 but the texture in the folder is model009.tga Even though you call the model009.tga texture in the config, because there is no test30 image there (the default texture for the .mu), the model is loaded without a texture (and cannot be later replaced using the 'texture =' in the config). So it has no texture in-game Try renaming the model009.tga to test30.tga in your mod directory, and remove the texture = argument from the part.cfg
  10. I guess you'd just get no smoke at all, and probably just an error line in the KSP log saying that part of the config points to something it doesn't (now) understand (without the plugin) Since the other engine effects use KSP's own 0.23/FX system I can't imagine they'd be affected
  11. Stubbles put something similar in the 1.2 release of the HA Zenit-3SLB
  12. Hopefully B9 and partners will have an R5 release to go with 0.24 soonâ„¢ and we can go back to discussing this cool mod and the cool stuff people make with it
  13. I wasn't really counting Kerbals as 'parts' like fuel tanks, SRB's or engines, no
  14. One of the Horizon Aero engine parts has two separate engine modules in the config (one for the central RD-120 and one for the outer 4x RD-8's) for the second stage part I'm assuming this is the part which broke it?
  15. Looking for more information on wheel building, videos or a tutorial, anything really. All I have seen thus far is the picture C7 posted From which I have a few questions; Which are meshes, which are colliders (and of what types), which are gameObjects, which object names are mutable? If we pair it up with the Wheel1 part.cfg, the information in the pic and some guesswork we get roverWheel1 [Parent gameObject] Bounds [Box(?) collider] roverWheelBig [Mesh? gameObject? imported model name?] base [Mesh?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp1-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp2-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp3-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part][/COLOR] suspensionNeutralPoint [gameObject? is that a box-collider on it which specifies travel distance?] steering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Orientation?] wheelCollider [collider for the wheel: Layer 27 - WheelColliders] suspensionTraverse [gameObject? does orientation specify direction? is travel limiting collider here?] bracket [is this a mesh or collider? does this limit travel? box collider working as a bounding box?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp1-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp3-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp2-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part][/COLOR] trackSteering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Orientation?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] bustedwheel [gameObject parent for broken wheel components] bustedwheel [mesh for broken wheel] collisionEnhancer [collider for broken wheel][/COLOR] Object01 [Uhh?] wheelMount [The mesh for the wheel hub that doesn't spin?] wheel [The mesh for the wheel part that spins?] collisionEnhancer [Sphere (?) collider for the spinning/turning wheel: Layer 26 - WheelCollidersIgnore] With config arguments (related to the given Unity hierarchy names); WHEEL; wheelName = wheel WHEEL; wheelColliderName = wheelCollider WHEEL; suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse WHEEL; suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint WHEEL; damagedObjectName = bustedwheel MODULE{FXModuleConstrainPosition}; targetName = steering MODULE{FXModuleConstrainPosition}; moversName = trackSteering --- So breaking it down I guess we have three main parts; The part which attaches to the rest of the craft, stable (unmoving) base and fixed origins of suspension elements base [Mesh] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp [Fixed ends of suspension elements][/COLOR] The bridging part suspensionNeutralPoint [gameObject? is that a box-collider on it which specifies travel distance?] steering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Defines forward orientation?] wheelCollider [collider (type?) for the wheel: Layer 27 - WheelColliders] The floating wheel part suspensionTraverse [gameObject? does orientation specify direction? is travel limiting collider here?] bracket [is this a mesh or collider? does this limit travel? box collider working as a bounding box?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp [Floating ends of suspension element][/COLOR] trackSteering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Orientation?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] bustedwheel [gameObject parent for broken wheel components] bustedwheel [mesh for broken wheel] collisionEnhancer [collider for broken wheel][/COLOR] Object01 [Uhh?] wheelMount [The mesh for the wheel hub that doesn't spin?] wheel [The mesh for the wheel part that spins on the hub?] collisionEnhancer [Sphere (?) collider for the spinning/turning wheel: Layer 26 - WheelCollidersIgnore] I'm assuming the trackSteering object works like the ModuleGimbal engine object in that this an actuation point and all children are moved? How does the suspensionNeutralPoint control how far the 'suspension' can move? or how stiff the ride is? Hopefully there are some good definitions for elements, known collider types, and/or corrections/suggestions for making wheels greatly appreciated
  16. With an added request to please extend the extended effects to cover part explosions also, because when stuff goes wrong and hundreds of tons of combustibles accidentally have a bad day, it shouldn't make a sad little grey puff.
  17. Anything with engines wouldn't work without being able to add the now required thrustTransform's to the model/.mu files, not sure if that applies to RCS thrusters (transforms) also
  18. The default install of B9 comes with some plugins which don't really play well with 0.23, or other mods I had to trade up the Firespitter .dll with the new one (6.1.1), delete ResGen, Exurgent Engineering and KineTech entirely, and replace the SABRE configs with the ModuleFX ones before it'd load right Even then, parts which flexed those plugins didn't quite work right (SABRE intakes don't animate because no KineTech, compressed air thrusters don't work because no ResGen etc).
  19. [Edit2] The next bit means figuring out how to make wheels, that's... not going so well Is there more wheel building information anywhere, like a YouTube video or wheel making tutorial, all I have seen is the picture C7 posted Which leaves a lot unanswered, which are meshes, which are colliders (and of what types), which are gameObjects, which object names are mutable? If we pair it up with the Wheel1 part.cfg and the information in the pic we get roverWheel1 [Parent gameObject?] Bounds [Box(?) collider] roverWheelBig [Mesh? gameObject?] base [Mesh? gameObject?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp1-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp2-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp3-2 [Fixed end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part][/COLOR] suspensionNeutralPoint [gameObject? is that a box-collider on it which specifies travel distance?] steering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Orientation?] wheelCollider [collider for the wheel: Layer 27 - WheelColliders] suspensionTraverse [gameObject? does orientation specify direction? is travel limiting collider here?] bracket [is this a mesh or collider? does this limit travel? box collider working as a bounding box?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] susp1-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp3-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part] susp2-1 [Floating end of FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX part][/COLOR] trackSteering [Called in FXModuleConstrainPosition, is a gameObject? Orientation?] [COLOR="#A9A9A9"] bustedwheel [gameObject parent for broken wheel components] bustedwheel [mesh for broken wheel] collisionEnhancer [collider for broken wheel][/COLOR] Object01 [Uhh?] wheelMount [The mesh for the wheel hub that doesn't spin?] wheel [The mesh for the wheel part that spins?] collisionEnhancer [Sphere (?) collider for the spinning/turning wheel: Layer 26 - WheelCollidersIgnore] On arguments; WHEEL; wheelName = wheel WHEEL; wheelColliderName = wheelCollider WHEEL; suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse WHEEL; suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint WHEEL; damagedObjectName = bustedwheel MODULE{FXModuleConstrainPosition}; targetName = steering MODULE{FXModuleConstrainPosition}; moversName = trackSteering So your mount is 'base' with attached suspension elements and the moving wheel parts are a children of suspensionTraverse, but the steering (object?) and wheelCollider are part of suspensionNeutralPoint even though the wheel mesh itself is part of suspensionTraverse? How tolerant is the MODULE{ModuleWheel} to the Unity hierarchy?
  20. Well it's getting there But the FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX stops working as soon as it goes outside so more to do there [Edit] Look/constrain now working indoors and outdoors Now to see if I can get it to do what I want otherwise... (and fix the glass which seems to have gone out of alignment?)
  21. I believe that part is being done with the Sarbian's SmokeScreen EFx mod, so yes adding support for other engines/parts should be just be a matter of making the correct config file for it
  22. Thanks Nazari, Seems like it wants raw Z+ too, not X=90 rotated for up like everything else wants either
  23. Thanks Stubbles! It's great having all these amazing modders such as yourself involved in the community I can look at all the great stuff and be inspired
  24. When using FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX (like for the suspension elements of wheels), where/how should the elements be oriented in the model/mesh? I'm assuming that the FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX rotates the selected mesh (at the origin) to look at the origin of its paired mesh (as set in cfg)? Does this mean the parts involved should essentially be straight up (with X=90) with the origin of the mesh set to the pivot point, and the module should be left to handle the alignment? [Edit] Pictures So it looks fine in Blender, and in Unity, but in game the suspension/actuation elements are suddenly all over the show I'm assuming its the meshes being rotated by the module?
  25. Slight roadblock Not sure what's failing between Unity and KSP, I'm assuming some origin or rotation is messed up locally/globally for the suspension/actuation elements (maybe it's the FXModuleLookAtConstraint/CONSTRAINLOOKFX?) Neither is the transparent texture coming through transparent /headscratch
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