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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Sarbian and Nothke were working on exactly that from memory
  2. I don't have RSS, but commenting out the winglet code and changing the module to part makes them behave with FAR
  3. Oops sorry, yes that as well, right at the top from module = Winglet to module = Part, otherwise the parts will have a lot of lift
  4. Mostly likely KSP running out of memory due to 32 bit limit, try running Active Texture Management as well
  5. Go into the ...\GameDate\SpaceplanePlus\ directory and comment out // all the winglet parameters for the parts, i.e. // --- winglet parameters --- // dragCoeff will override the maximum_drag value dragCoeff = 0.3 deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.6] -Edit to- // --- winglet parameters --- // dragCoeff will override the maximum_drag value //dragCoeff = 0.3 //deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.6 save and done.
  6. The X needs to be set (for blender) in object mode (global transform), easiest way is; tab to object mode, select all [a], rotate [r], X, -90, apply rotation (ctrl+a > rotation), rotate, x, 90 The transform>rotation>X should now be 90 (visible in the object mode information tab [n]) I've been having the same trouble with a T section for a while Which makes it far more difficult to use in game that in should be :\
  7. Two node_stack_xxx arguments can be attachable, if you have more than two defined then the last two nodes defined in the part.cfg will be the attachable ones You can have a separate node_attach for the part being surface attachable on top of the node_stack arguments as well The part orientation in Unity can have an effect as well, so make sure to set your X = 90 orientation in your modelling program before importing, not having the part appear in the 'upright' default position (i.e. a fuel tank looking like on it's side instead of upright after importing to Unity) can make things work strangely
  8. I wish it was something cool, but it's that I had almost no idea what I was doing when I made the first version so the the entire piece is one unbroken mesh with lots of unnecessary faces and vertices like this Which seemed (in my brain at the time) like the way it should be done The reduction is relative, just me getting into the way of thinking about how models are actually rendered which means the v2 now looks like this instead Which is a lot kinder on resources
  9. So this is where the stack insert v2 is at The triangle/face count is way down, I should probably do something with those central slabs, they don't really fit
  10. Orange tanks don't have lifting power, they were talking specifically about the NODE{} size at the time, and how big node 3 would be (since 0 = 0.625, 1 = 1.25 and 2 = 2.5m), since the engine parts were not finished (you could briefly see a scaled mod (KWR Griffon-XX?) engine they were using as a stand in at the time). The parts were only going to work because of the Unity physics update which would allow multi-point connections away from the origin on both ends rather than the current single connection with single sided offset-to-origin limitation. The only way this is relevant to Daemoria's development is that 6m parts should be just fine (in 0.24), the other matters are not decisions that we can influence in any way whatsoever, they still couldn't/wouldn't/didn't make any announcements/confirmations about it on todays Squadcast either, maybe in HarvesteR's upcoming blog post?
  11. It's been fixed for the 1.25m M.A.C.E., I can remember if I did the 0.625 M.A.C.E. though, let me check [Edit] The transform was fixed in Unity but I can't remember if I'd exported it yet, so I've done that and refreshed the alpha package
  12. The SLS tank node size was described as 'the size of an orange tank with 6x orange tanks in symmetry around it', which makes it three 2.5m tanks across, or about 7.5m, even though that doesn't match 64% scale which people seem so fixated on
  13. The recess for the actuation clearance is a really small detail, although it does look better for it since the petals don't just merge through the body as they move now I have a rebuild of the 4-way stack insert done, it looks identical but has ~25% less tri's, I'll keep working on it as I'm sure I can reduce that further (although that might require the cross-mesh detailing to change a bit) Take 2 on the resource storage tanks look a bit more, well, tank like Need to set up plumbing and other detailing etc
  14. The SLS parts coming with the 0.24 and NASA Asteroid Mission pack are going to be ~7.5m, so 6m shouldn't be any problem (with the new multi-point joint system)
  15. Heh, they certainly didn't turn out as much like cylinders as I wanted, the idea seems sound and the layout seems ok I was just hoping to keep the triangle count down but it distorted them a bit much
  16. That worked ?! Woohoo! If only I could have some good ideas for my own stuff
  17. Try adding dependOnEngineState = True for rocketengine2, so MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX //engineID = rocketengine2 //runningEffectName = engineSmoke directThrottleEffectName = engineFlame2 thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform2 dependOnEngineState = True } Although I have no idea if that particular snippent will apply in that module, although the original transform splitting idea worked so hopefully this will also
  18. /self-consciously checks own parts to make sure not among offending parties
  19. Under what licence are these parts released? I can't find any mention of it in the OP Is Semni still about/intending to work on these, last post I can find from them is six months ago?
  20. I had to drop the EE.dll (and KineTech) due to errors as well, replacing the default SABRE config's with landeTLS ModuleFX ones
  21. What about an open ring top with struts connecting to the main body (possibly running through the gaps between the four globes.
  22. For some it is easier to be angry and bluster over-top of a fault or error, than to admit you have made such an oversight or error. Critical self assessment and reflection can be hard. Some people are only looking to vent, and not for an answer, so an answer can be perceived as an attack against their reasons for being angry, i.e. the answer is perceived as an accusation that their anger is invalid.
  23. Ah, I did put something in for that but I forgot to put a picture up, probably because I managed to do something to the alpha channel of texture I was working on and now the specular effect looks absurd like someone went crazy with the buffer and I can't figure out how to tone it down without breaking the whole texture, I may just have to start again with that one (and fix the UV first since one of the problems was actually an island being at the edge so it always looked pale in game on that edge). [Edit] This is what they currently look like with the recessed joint space for the petals to flex within You can see the main body has gone super shiny (and a bit too dark). [Edit2]Was thinking about 2.5m or mk2 profiles version/s, I should really finish at least a base texturing/specular pass on everything first Managed to get a vaguely metal looking texture and rough looking specular on some parts (the stack insert radial trusses) Way better looking (while being half the res/size) than the flat grey previously, but still not quite there, I might rebuild those SI trusses almost completely to reduce the triangle count though, they're a bit heavy in that regard.
  24. I must try for this effect [Saturn V launch footage - E8 camera footage @ 500FPS - 2 minutes in) I rate my chances ~0%, but hell if I ain't gonna try.
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