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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Take 2 on the hex cored 0.625m structural stub still needs tidying up and texture etc but rough layout done at least
  2. I was busy adding the bevels and things and had to take a step back and say to myself, this thing is about the size of two office trash cans, my head would probably only just fit inside. Those cross-bars are only~ 3cm wide which would make the bevels ~8mm detailing at best, most of the time the details would be sub-pixel level and were ~25% of the tri budget, which is just silly, even the 2.5m stack insert doesn't do chamfers and it's far larger. Plus I really wanted the central pillar to be properly hexagonal rather than have those major chamfers on the edge which make it almost dodecahedral (?), a square and hex centre would fill most roles at that size I think, I could even make one with a 'flat' central pillar which is effectively 2 sided in the middle, hrm.
  3. What version did you upgrade from? If it was from a 1.4.x version you'll need to enable which buttons to display (per scene)
  4. I wanted a 0.625 structural part/girder/spacer and I think it got a bit out of hand ~1100 tri's is not really an acceptable number Better try that one again.
  5. The Probe Advanced Stability System or P.A.S.S Module and a model revision for the MACE engine
  6. I think bray89 is working on procedural volumetric clouds, and the option of replacing the existing ocean surface with the same sort of thing (procedural surface)
  7. Time for part trimming and some Active Texture Management?
  8. Use the 0.20 part tools package to install to Unity, then overwrite the generated ASSET directories/files with the ones from the 0.23 zip file
  9. Try Active Texture Manager or the KOSMOS lite texure reduction patch
  10. As far as I am aware, there isn't a way to reload plugins once the game is launched My only suggestion is to have an testing installation of KSP for this with as few parts as is possible to reduce loading time
  11. KOSMOS TechTree Integration Config File (for use with Module Manager) I should probably put that it my sig Please report any problems with this config so they can be fixed These assignments are the intended KOSMOS TechTree nodes and should be included in the next KOSMOS update (whenever that is possible)
  12. Not having much luck with building a rover frame, and that v1 MACE ended up looking a bit to much like the stock turbojet so I'll probably change it a bit so it is a 0.625 turbojet, and make something else for 0.625 RAPIER Wanted a 2.5m station hub though Need to sort out the end/dock texture but it's otherwise functional
  13. You should probably let bray89 know about that in the A.T.M. thread so they can include a DROMOMAN.tcfg with the correct arguments as part of the default install package
  14. I thought part of the current plugin re-write Sirkut is doing, was integrating the animator plugin with the robotics plugin so there only needs to be one? Maybe that was a stretch goal and I've just had too much caffeine
  15. Already happening 'when it can be done right' or words to that effect
  16. It needs license terms, but those terms are entirely yours to decide so "All rights reserved" is acceptable. [Edit] You can specify pretty fine granularity with your license like Majiir has with Kethane Abandonment terms are appreciated, but not necessary
  17. Sounds promising, a mod-by-mod breakdown of where the savings are, and which mod deserves to be punched in the texels would be very handy.
  18. I think if you hit the advanced settings button, the load/reset-to defaults is one of the new buttons that comes up in the advanced part of the VE window I'm stuck at work right now though so I don't have any way of checking that
  19. Delete the planes [Mesh Renderer] component from its inspector tab
  20. All the normals in KOSMOS are _NRM labelled so it should 'just work' without any weirdness there (well it does for me at any rate)
  21. Hi Mu, the 0.23 files update for the 0.20 package doesn't seem to be able to handle the way Unity 4.3.x is doing animations (the resulting .mu files either do not load, or load without animations into KSP). Is it possible to get an updated package which works with the Unity 4.3.x animation system or will it be necessary to roll back to Unity 4.2.2?
  22. I imagine you could give them a different transform name in Unity, then specify a different exhaust effect for that transform in the part.cfg So you have thrustTransform for your main one, where the thrust (and main effects) are tied to, and lesserTransform (for example) which only has exhaust effects directed to it.
  23. ctrl+alt+n to open the GUI, set cloud alpha to 0, apply, ctrl+alt+n to close the GUI, no clouds. set cloud alpha back to 1 when you want them back I prefer 1.005 size and ~0.7 alpha on the clouds (vs 1.004/1 default) but YMMV
  24. Could put it in Advanced Metalworks, being contingent on Specialised Control Systems (where the VA and M1-2 three man pod is), Specialised Construction and Advanced Electrics for the various parts? [Edit] CbbP is here, that makes things easier
  25. I can have a look at the part.cfg's Since it's an integrated system, they could all go into one techTree node, essentially indicating that once the relevant technologies are available the whole integrated system package is conceived Or I could break it down a bit, but that would lead to situations where the system could not be assembled, which feels weird because it's a launch system unlike the snap together nature of generalised parts
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