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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Assuming the shader for the part set to KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular (I see a NRM / bump map in the materials) I think you need the Animator component on the 'engine1' model (not quite sure) Then you need to launch the animation window (ctrl+6) while you have the model selected (not the GameObject) in the hierarchy From where your picture is posted I think you hit the record button (the red circle) Then hit Add curve > Mesh Renderer > Material._Emmissive Colour, you'll need to hit the (+) next to it in the list Then from there, uhh, not quite sure, still figuring it out I can make the animation cycle by selecting the final keyframe and changing the .r .g .b and .a values, but I'm not really sure from there Maybe change the name in the [Animator] tab from Base to the animation you want? I'll post up any progress I make with 4.3
  2. I meant that the mechanics of the scissor lift are the same as the pistons (excluding the animation used for effect), so I couldn't see any barrier to such a part being implemented
  3. Mechanically that seems no different than the pistons, you have and attachment point, and a 'push' point which is moved directly away from the mount surface, the only thing different about it is the animation in the middle and the amount of travel the mechanics of the animation would provide.
  4. You need to (in Unity) add another empty GameObject to your project rename the new GameObject to thrustTransform make the thrustTransform object a child of your model position the thrustTransform object where you want the engine thrust to come out point the thrustTransform objects blue arrow in the direction you want the thrust to go [Edit] Hope that helps, otherwise there are more examples in the engine section of the modding information thread
  5. Alrighty, I made the SRV tester as a concept part for that already (it's in the download but requires further unpacking), I'm pretty sure I can do a lot better job than that now I'll see what I can do
  6. I wonder if that means the name= or description= argument needs to include the terms or if it can just be somewhere inside the .cfg as a comment First test with FAR didn't seem to provide any protection so I'll have another go later tonight
  7. Hrm, since there are only 0, 1 and 2 size nodes (for 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5m nodes), how does it account for things like 5m parts Maybe I just need to include //Cargobay, //Fairing or //Fuselage in their configs? I've downloaded FAR, so I'll try it out
  8. Please consider allowing the final node_stack argument or NODE{} size to simply be specified as their meter size (i.e. 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 etc) This would allow better control than the current 0/1/2 system as well being open to mods which could then specify their own discrete sizes (such as 3.75m or 5m for things like HOME, NP or KWR and 1/2/3m for CHAKA etc or even sizes smaller than 0.625 (size 0) for small parts which can appear completely enclosed within their node indicator bubbles in the VAB/SPH
  9. I'll check that out, thanks for letting me know. Huh, yeah two sets of sas/rw arguments, weird, I'll clean that up... and balance the RW values while I'm there as well I think (0.625 has 6 and a 5m also has... 6, nope. [Edit] What were you setting up / adding with module manager if you don't mind me asking? I haven't looked into adding FAR integration yet, I'm assuming it'll need the correct sizes for the stack_nodes and other arguments to indicate that things like the bay doors count as fairings to shield the parts inside. I'll have a look, maybe grab FAR and have a look at the included mm.cfg's
  10. They no longer have to be, (I prefer not) but you can set them up however you like Just having them together (name wise or by child association) makes it easy to group select and delete their Mesh Renderer components + add the physics collider
  11. This is what it looks like inside blender When I import it to Unity (by dropping the model asset into the empty GameObject) I get the arrangement in the first picture I haven't made the colliders/details/windows children of the parent/main model for this, but that is a purely personal decision, you'll get the same hierarchy you use in your .blend when you import to Unity
  12. Maybe the canopy isn't part of the pod as far as Unity is concerned (assuming it's a separate model within the same .blend) In the Unity hierarchy you'll need to assign it it's own mesh/rendering properties You can enclose the album code with IMGUR tags to embed it too [Edit; Example picture] All the different parts of one .blend up on the left, with transparent part (selected) [Edit2] Depending on the selected shader and alpha channel on the texture (if applicable), the part could be perfectly transparent (i.e. invisible)
  13. There will now be a slight delay due to computer difficulties I'm pretty sure all the project files are synced to dropbox
  14. Yes most stuff should be in the tech tree, for some reason I lost one sync with my dropbox and some (maybe all?) of the automation bays are missing their techtree arguments, I need to check and fix that and the outstanding UV missmatched bits of the walkway next Then I want to fix up the MACE texture (the interior looks wonky) and try making an emissive for it [Edit] I will get around to updating the picture album in the OP a bit later tonight hopefully also.
  15. If you're playing in career mode you won't have access to the c32 until later in the tech tree?
  16. I updated the alpha parts download with the revised parts, MACE engine and shock-spike intakes The shock spike intakes and the MACE need a bit more tuning, currently too powerful There is some texture inconsistency with the WW parts too but I have no idea when that will finally be resolved and I didn't want to hold up the whole thing because a couple of faces are still grey.
  17. Yes blender, thanks! I'm just starting to use GIMP, I should really borrow my wifes tablet though, as mouse drawing feels really unnatural. The sizes were off a bit until I remembered to switch to MODEL{} and rescaleFactor, I'd left them in mesh/scale initially for some reason and it took me a while to figure out why some of the adjustments weren't sticking [Edit] Oops 2am, better leave attempts at making an emissive until tomorrow [Edit2] Need to make a 0.625m reaction wheel too
  18. I wasn't even considering anything else Now I just need to figure out how to make an emissive (and make a decent texture)
  19. Some progress Everything works except the thrust for some reason, I must have the thrustTransform inside the collider or something Also, I forgot that I'll need some 0.625m format intakes, brb :\
  20. Something I wanted for myself The M.A.C.E (0.625m RAPIER/SABRE style engine); The Miniaturized Alternate Cycling Engine Inspired by hoojiwana's RLA stockalike 0.625m line of stuff, which is totally awesome.
  21. Would this functionality be supplied in the MSI re-write currently being undertaken by Sirkut where the degree of movement for the part can be set? Unless I am remembering incorrectly, I thought this would be part of the new functionality offered (i.e tweakables for the parts)
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