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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. You need a ship/vessel/base with 6 Kerbals and the large (2.5m stack) probe core to operate as mobile/remote control centre
  2. This has already been requested, although I'm not sure if anyone actually started working on the plugin which would dynamically scale the exhaust effects to atmospheric pressure [Edit] It would be awesome, if I had any C# programming skills at all I would give it a try
  3. Yesh, that blows. Best of luck finding a new place on that sort of notice. Hope the new job is at least going well.
  4. It sure did to me when I first ran into it, everything else loaded fairly normally and then kerbin1 ... ... ... I was sure it had crashed, eventually I just left it loading in the background while watching the Squadcast and it finally made it though. Maybe because the HD Kerbin1 texture is 8k x 4k, by far the biggest one on my insall at least. After that first load where it makes the cache files though, it loaded fairly normally.
  5. If you're using Astronomer's HD Clouds Pack v2 (just a guess), that will take a long time to load (the first time), like 9-10 minutes for just that one texture. After that it should be fine
  6. The Rm55 (at 320 vISP) should have ~315 T/t, since it weighs 0.9t that should put it around 285 thrust (or around 200 if you account for the 3' vectoring) just to be in line with other (non 48-7s) stock engines So, options are Leave weight / thrust at 0.9t / 120kN and adjust the ISP up (for ~133 T/t @ 3') making it ~315/365 for sl/v ISP respectively Leave ISP / Thrust at v320 / 120kN and drop weight down (for 220 T/t @ 3') making it ~0.55t Leave weight / ISP at 0.9t / v320 and pick up the thrust (for 220 T/t @ 3') making it ~200 Or move it into a gap not currently serviced by other engines, the 3' gimbal/VTC eats into the engine stats heavily so you could drop that to bump other stats.
  7. You have to pick the numbers from somewhere (where did the 150 kerosene in your RD-58M come from for example), either tank volumes or liters of fuel (if a KSP fuel unit is even a liter), iterating up/down until it burns long enough for what you're making, or you can work out exact amounts using engine ISP etc I guessed ~180 because 180 * 0.8 came out approximately around the original 150 you'd listed and 180 * 1.2 was also a whole number (instead of something.4 etc), two simple multiplications just seemed easier Direct would be (150/0.8) * 1.2 = 225 [150 Kerosene with 225 LOX assuming ratio's of 0.8 and 1.2 respectively]
  8. Make sure your ratio numbers add up to 2 Pick/set a number of 'units' (I picked 180 above) and multiply by your ratio's 180 * 0.8 = 144 Kerosene 180 * 1.2 = 216 LOX
  9. Your draw amounts (0.9/1.2) add up to 2.1, so the proportions are actually going work out around ~42.86% Kerosene and ~57.14% LOX instead of the 45%/55% you seem to be expecting with your 150/200 fuel amounts [Edit] Try Kerosene/LOX ratio's of 0.8 and 1.2 and amounts of 144 and 216 respectively
  10. You haven't ended up with ..\GameData\GameData\MP_Nazari (and two copies of ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll, one in \GameData\ and one in \GameData\GameData\) have you?
  11. The top right resources drop down shows ship-wide totals unless you hit the 'stage only' radio button at the bottom So you're seeing additional resources remaining for the upper stages
  12. The stack batteries from the Near Future Propulsion pack are good for this, you can get a 2800 Ec battery for 0.625 format.
  13. Has anyone had any luck with animations (or emissives) under Unity 4.3.x or is there still no resolution for this? I don't want to roll back to Unity 4.2.2 and re-create every scene for my whole project just to make these work
  14. Could you simply combine dtobi's Smart Parts with TaranisElsu's TAC Self Destruct Modules? Set a timed trigger via the dtobi part to trigger the self destruct module part X seconds after decoupling [Edit] The TAC parts can actually be put on the staging by themselves with a timer now
  15. Try making the Intake transform a child of the model mesh instead of the parent GameObject for the part So instead of (I think?) intakeL (GameObject parent) >AVRO_intakeL (model mesh) >>AVRO_intakeL (collider) >Intake (transform) Try intakeL >AVRO_intakeL >>Intake >>AVRO_intakeL By dragging the transform and setting its parent to the model [Edit] This is the arrangement which ended up working for me at any rate
  16. You add an empty RCS module to them (pointing to a transform which doesn't exist) and then they behave normally in the VAB/SPH I don't know why this works, I'm actually struggling to remember who even came up with the fix?
  17. Oh, hrm, inside blender you can just hit the eye button next to its mesh in the hierarchy to make it invisible [Edit] It's probably a good idea to make in non-selectable at the same time you make it invisible
  18. In Unity, highlight the node_collider mesh, then delete its [Mesh Renderer] component from the inspector tab
  19. That reminds me, I should update that with the URM-U tank fix to stop them expanding from mouse-over in the VAB/SPH view
  20. If you make a simplified collider for the engine in your 3d modelling program, make sure (in Unity) to Make the Mesh Collider convex (it's a tickbox for the component) [Add Component]>[Physics]>[Mesh Collider] Delete the collider meshes [Mesh Renderer] component (otherwise the collider will appear as a solid untextured object over your model in game)
  21. ok, I'll try, so 1) Get the 0.23 part tools download from Mu's PartTools thread 2) Open the PartTools023.zip and drop the PartTools directory from it into your ...\[Project Name]\Assets\ directory *If you're using windows your project directory is probably in your Documents directory so ...\Library\Documents\[Project Name]\Assets\ 3) When you open Unity (your project), and you have a model scene open, you should be able to press the [Add Component] (in the inspector panel, on the right, at the bottom, by default), in the popup, select [KSP] then [Part Tools], the Part Tools (Script) component should appear in the Inspector tab. 4) The Part Tools (Script) should have lines for Model Name, File URL and a dropdown menu for Texture Format, .mbm should be in the dropdown
  22. This pic from the modding information thread is all I've seen You could try contacting authors of mods including wheels?
  23. if you've installed KSP part tools into your Unity install, and added the Part Tools component to your project, .mbm should be available as a texture option under the write options for the component (under the write address)
  24. Hit [Go Advanced] at the bottom right when you edit your post, the subject line should be available again Maybe try building some rover chassis in the VAB/SPH using current parts until you've got what you like in terms of usable/mountable space and/or wheel attachment points and then model it as one piece, check out things like dune-buggy or HM vehicle frames for layout inspiration Best of luck!
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