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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Beastly Science has remote report (mastcam) and remote sample collection (scoops)
  2. The basic questions three; Are the antenna/s active, Is the power powered, Are dishes targeted Otherwise some pictures would probably help with any diagnosis
  3. Double awesome, when a single awesome isn't enough.
  4. If you could please put up a simple 123/ABC walkthrough of what you work out from implementing your own FX under the new particle system, that would be fantastic
  5. I have a (hopefully minor) request Blank frame-works, essentially empty simple models if you would be willing share with us (as .blend/.fbx etc) that exactly match the end profiles of the non-circular/non-stack parts so we could make parts which match exactly to the Mk2 and/or others It would be nice if these example models were part of the PartTools package actually (or an sanctioned version of Taniwha's .mu loader)
  6. Given NathanKell's idiom, I would guess that they're the real world launch capabilities for the LLS (Zenit-3SLB)
  7. From your whole mesh, select the bit/s you want to split off and hit [P] and choose 'by selection' [Edit] You might want to duplicate first (shift+D), then separate the duplicated mesh, so that when you separate the mesh, the edges between the separated pieces don't get messed up (depending on vertex/edge/face mode)
  8. KOSMOS RLA Stockalike RemoteTech2 KAS Near-Future Propulsion Engineer Redux Docking Camera (Romfarer - Standalone) B9 KW Rocketry AIES FAR Chatterer Visual Enhancements (Clouds and City lights) PartCatalog RealChutes Active Texture Management MSI Infernal Robotics Module Manager (dll) Firespitter (dll only) Blizzy's Toolbar Improved Spaceplane (Porkjet) HotRockets CoolRockets RollKage Editor Extensions Beastly Science (Scoops and Cameras) Procedural Fairings SCANsat And my own parts (Bond Aerospace) I think that's everything...
  9. That concept piece puts me in mind of the Gearbox Homeworld/2 'HD/modern' remakes + BBI's Shipbreakers currently I progress
  10. Due to their size they can take ~10 minutes to load the first time you run the game with them Once the cache file has been generated for them, subsequent loads will be almost normal
  11. Maybe the smokePoint transform uses X+ (red Unity transform arrow) for direction the smoke is coming off rather than Z+ (blue arrow) like the thrustTransform uses (or Y+ for RCS) I'll see if I can fix it and roll up a new alpha upload along with a bunch of texture fixes tonight [Edit] Turns out the smokePoint uses Y-, anyway refreshed the download and it should be fixed on the 1.25m M.A.C.E, I'll fix the other one for the next update.
  12. I was coming up stumps with progress on these engines after getting their rest positions to mesh, staring at this trying to figure out how the animating petals should hit the base when they transition out for thrust And then it hit me that last September I hadn't ever used a 3d modelling program before and this whole thing was a pipe dream, so yeah, that's progress. Thank you KSP for putting this dream in my head, and all the community folks that have helped along the way.
  13. I could swap the keyframes for the animation so they're reversed, the video's I've seen they seem to open up with afterburner I put this together on a memories of watching a J58 spool up from a documentary I watched years ago, remixed with the way SABRES/RAPIERS look
  14. There is a Module for FXModuleAnimateThrottle which I linked to the throttle setting using MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = thrustFlex dependOnEngineState = True responseSpeed = 0.2 } I made the animation in Blender and imported it with the part into Unity For the life of me I cannot get an emissive to work though (I think that's a current problem with the way Unity 4.3.3 creates animations though)
  15. I suspect the issue is that the direction is arbitrary for the particles, so if the model is rotated differently than the model is expecting the particles originate and travel expecting the model to be laid out a certain way You can see this if you rotate a engine upside down (pointed -z in the modelling program) and then export via Unity to KSP, the particles use the origin correctly but graphically flow backwards toward the engine because they use the origin but not the orientation
  16. If I can make an ancillary suggestion for the Jet/RAPIER, one that articulates open as you throttle up
  17. Finally fixed the silly shading that was happening Still need to rebuild the texture though /headdesk [Edit] Go baby go [Edit2] Fixed thrust petal seams at the base Still trying to figure out how they should mate and recess with the base though (currently they just impinge straight on)
  18. Mostly kinda almost finished Will tidy up and roll up a new alpha release [Edit] New alpha release now available The MACE engines use Nazari's HotRockets! jet effects, please let me know if this is an issue (i.e. it calls them from HotRockets! using the new FX system, it does not include any part of HotRockets itself)
  19. The problems with 'Active Vessel' connections are such that the feature is scheduled to be removed in the next version, to be replaced with Group/List connection logic
  20. I remember reading that wings need to be oriented slightly differently from other parts (for lift), not sure if that also effects the mirrored orientation though
  21. Who wants a bigger one (hur hur) Functional, need to finish the detailing and texture.
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