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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. The note in the download says 'optional HD textures are 2k', but both the textures in the R&SCapsuledyne are already 2k (even the normal)
  2. Sure, textures are (relatively) large so texture sharing helps reduce your mods memory footprint which is always appreciated
  3. You need to use the MODEL{} system for the parts, the texture sharing part can be done in a few ways The easiest is to have all the .mu's, configs and their single texture in the same directory The other is to have the .mu's and configs in separate directories from the texture, for this you need to include a placeholder texture (a 1x1 texture) so that the .mu is loaded with a texture. This 1x1 placeholder is then swapped for the full size texture later using the 'texture=' argument of the MODEL{} call. You need the placeholder because if a .mu is not initially loaded with a texture, you can't swap or introduce one later when the config is parsed. The 0.20 part tools thread has descriptions of the MODEL{} call functionality The Modding Information thread also has several MODEL{} links with examples
  4. This kind of issue is exactly what Ferram posted about earlier in their versioning request Please download KJR v2.2 for KSP 23.5, if you still have issues please report them in the KJR thread Announcing to the KSP community at large that KJR is broken or needs to be uninstalled when it just needs to be updated is harmful to the mods, and by extension Ferram's reputation and that of their other works
  5. Does the 3.75m SAS possibly still have the Ki/Kp/Etc old SAS value/setup or something (instead of the new RW module/strengths)?
  6. Don't forget that there is a dedicated Education version of KSP for teaching purposes. Nevermind I only got page two so I didn't see that it couldn't cost anything at the start
  7. Can you call them size 4 and have the system handle it, or are the 'size' descriptors hardcoded things instead of procedural?
  8. The post immediately before yours has Tiberion saying they're going to release an update
  9. It would be quite nice if we could specify child meshes as a VAB indicator, allowing for custom node sizes/shapes and things like floating indicators which would only show while you're holding a part in the VAB/SPH so you could have things like an open/activated/travel ghost for the part
  10. You can make a completely separate (simple) mesh to be the collision mesh in Blender, once you get your part into Unity delete the 'mesh renderer' component of your simple collider (so it doesn't show up as a white shape in-game) and apply the physics component to the collider mesh you have included. Collision meshes need to be convex, but you can include multiple colliders to get something that conforms to your part. You can join meshes in Blender (select multiple meshes an join them with CTRL+J), but I'm not really sure if this is what you're asking?
  11. I sure hope you can stop tracking asteroids and have them eventually fade back into obscurity Lurking just beyond the reach of the most powerful long-range sensors
  12. The modifiers can only be applied in Object Mode, otherwise Edge Split cuts your mesh along any edges which have angles over a certain threshold into separate faces (they're still adjoining, just no longer connected, i.e. dont share vertices at that edge). Useful if you want to have smooth shadows on certain shapes without it also trying to make a sharp edge also look like a round/smooth transition. If you have something like an engine bell, you can select the vertices at the edge of the cone, extrude for zero, merge at center and then drag the newly created central vertex up into the bell, but the best way to manage hollow objects is going to vary by part Example blender workflow TAB (edit mode) Z (toggle wireframe) B (bounding box select) drag box over vertices E (extrude) 0 (zero length) alt+m (merge) G (move) Z (along Z axis) drag vertex up to desired position
  13. I usually find it is also a good idea to average island scale [CTRL+A] in the UV pane before positioning your islands It's annoying to find a texture feature is suddenly larger/smaller somewhere else on the model because their islands aren't the same scale
  14. Minor update implementing the mesh fixes from the SI25-4 to the 3x and 2x variants The RRAM (camera) and SADDLE (materials bay) parts aren't finished, other minor UV and texture fixes I can't remember (walkway texture fixes I think?). [Edit] Really need to revise the UV's for the bays and do their textures, they've been stuck on flat gray for a longgg time, any ideas / preferences? (the texture itself would be editable .png in any case)
  15. The UI is a lot better, and it has a couple of new modifiers which are really good (the wireframe generator especially)
  16. You don't need an account to post to Imgur, only if you want to go back an edit/delete old things you've posted, or build karma
  17. I think there may have been a bit of a disconnect, hang on You would generate three separate .mu's (say small.mu/med.mu/large.mu for 06.25/1.25, 2.5 and 3.75m models respectively) The then small port would be (in the part.cfg) MODEL { model = \directory\small } The medium would have MODEL { model = \directory\small } MODEL { model = \directory\med } And the large would have MODEL { model = \directory\small } MODEL { model = \directory\med } MODEL { model = \directory\large } in their respective configs, does that make more sense? There are quite a few part-weld/weld-resize packs around so the large one being the .mu combination of all three should work
  18. If you're assembling a part using multiple MODEL{} calls within the same part.cfg, generating a final configuration with intersecting (physics) colliders can cause all sorts of problems (usually of the exploding variety) Otherwise each part you're calling can have its own collider (or colliders)
  19. Skylon is a reusable spaceplane utilising SABRE engines (What the SABRE's from B9, or RAPIERS from stock are based on) It is (presently) a civilian development by Reaction Engines (UK), although it has also attracted a significant amount of military funding
  20. My first thought would be to make it an actual part of the VAB building, like a Jumbotron with a couple of numbers on it (mass/cost/parts) in some kerbal fashion. However this would mean needing to swing your view around to wherever the billboard is which could become a bit of a chore, or just outright annoying depending on the layout of what you're working on Otherwise as a more conventional pop-down/up/in from one of the edges sort of like how you mouse hover over the altimeter and you get extra options now, but with an option to lock it out so the stats are always visible, hell even having the from the map view in the top right so you can click on it to get the mass/parts just like you can in the map view outside would be fine
  21. You'd need the price indicator once budget comes in at least "Your program cannot afford this launch vessel" (as long as there is no Clippy, you look like you're trying to build a rocket, would you like some DIE DIE DIE) You can get the part count in the load menu for a saved ship/plane/rover/thingy already, and the mass if you wheel it out to the launchpad and check the vessel information tab in the map view, but neither of those are particularly convenient even though the information is already available.
  22. The question came up a few* times during the ARM Marathon, definitely 3.75m *British Understatement
  23. I haven't noticed anything like this, the latest iteration of my default station core has ~70 docking ports on it at launch and it doesn't seem to cause any more lag than similarly proportioned/sized vessels without docking ports on them? Time for a test of Whackjobbian proportions (look at that, they've become a noun in the Kerbal vernacular)
  24. A quick pass over the Squad directory assets ensuring their textures are correctly PoT, appropriate size/resolution for their parts and finally sans alpha channel if appropriate would nice
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