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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Subsequent to Beta 22, Unity 5 is now onto Release Candidates
  2. I'll add my voice/vote/request here (again) for addressing this in the space centre environs. The sidebar of the R&D building research screen (and part icons) also suffers from this.
  3. I want to see an baseline accessible system which highlights the possibilities of the framework being provided, whilst the system itself is completely modding accessible (which in this case seems like it is). A feature I would really like is KSC storage support for resources. Currently the only resources you can 'store' at KSC are Science, Rep and Funds. It would be awesome if you could store other 'stuff' (like say antimatter, or karboundum, or anything non-standard) by flagging the resource as 'isStorable = yes' in its definition or something. I know you can just build an on-site tanking apparatus, but having some measure of baseline support would be neat. Being able to recover vessels and not have its resources disappear would be neat and opens up the possibility of having resource scarcity, sure you can buy LF, RP-1 or Xenon etc at market prices but ouch (if that's your bag, baby).
  4. The developers cannot give you a more positive 'yes' answer without committing, nay, trapping themselves beyond reasonable exit if things don't work out If Squad say definitely unequivocally yes, and then some unforeseen snag makes it infeasible to port up KSP to Unity 5 people will flip their collective excreta in a conflagration of utterly epic proportions They have to caveat it, just in case They want to do it, it is likely they will be able to, but given prior 'but you promised us!' reactions, some of which are still dragging on, I don't think Squad wants to give their CM's another Sisyphean feature bolder to push up the community hill, they're quite probably sick to death of it.
  5. I remember the cheering when they made the MONO/.NET update announcement at Unite 2014, and not understanding at the time why they were all so excited Pity that won't be part of the Unity 5.0 release though
  6. Well kinda, Unity 5 does get PhysX 3.3 and other stuff (multi-threaded job handler etc) which will help, but it might not be the universal all awesome all the time no-limit fix being hoped for Under Unity 4 / PhysX 2.8.4 all physics processing is happening on a single thread which can fill up a single processor core very quickly, with Unity 5 / PhysX 3.3 discrete 'body collections' can have their own threads, which, while way better (because your space station and hugezilla ship would be independent processes happening in different threads/cpus without chunking your FPS when they're near each other), but for monolithic objects (say a single framecrawler class vessel) their processing is still constrained to a single thread, so the improvement would be limited to that between 2.8.4 and 3.3, which is honestly still pretty big in its own right. There was a Unity Technologies post explaining what it would offer (which I could be misremembering), I should have saved the link for it
  7. I think the volume of complaints in the Unity 5 Beta Forum would be deafening if the win-x64 situation remained as flaky as the unity 4 one
  8. The release notes for beta-21 are still pretty big, I would expect the number of fixes per iteration to go down a bit first I'm assuming there will be a few Release Candidates signifying Unity Technologies thinks it's basically ready to go out the door It would be nice to hear from someone inside the Unity 5 Beta Program about the actual state of affairs/readiness though
  9. I wouldn't mind the gauge if the gauge was actually readable like an altimeter readout or something, but the current one is just a bit vague to be used for its intended purpose, especially when the planning office says, this will cost you some specific number of reputation to activate a strategy, and your feedback regarding your current level is... i'm in the green/light-green stripy region? Similar to the current funds / vessel cost presentation differences A unified/global presentation method/font would (I think) be very nice. I mean, maybe funds are going to be green/red for funds in/out, and reputation would be blue/yellow for reputation gained/lost etc but having a different kind of presentation for each data type is, I'm not sure, UI self mutilation? ok, that sounds mean but I'm not a graphic designer so I'm not sure how to put it in politically correct terms, but the same kind of thing where you have consistent type/font so that your brain doesn't need to make perceptual/input leap between each part of your document/webpage.
  10. I usually parse config files to make sure stuff like node sizes are correct (previously because FAR, but doubly so now that joint strength has a node#/node# component), but that's about it
  11. I think procedural with a fair amount of leeway as to length and a little leeway as to width (maybe up to +1/3rd of base diameter or so?) They should be able to cover a reasonable payload (including various protrusions such as legs, solar panels, antennae, RCS ports etc) without getting too far into silliness territory (in career mode) Possibly have the system be initially fixed/locked (i.e. have very tight bounds on what can be modified about them to start) Then have them become more procedural/unlocked as R&D/VAB/Research levels increase (whilst being unlocked in Sandbox, more so than even max/tech/research in career) As procedural you could have as few as two extra parts, at its simplest, base (which sizes to the node it's attached to) plus the fairings, my concern with discrete part sets is that the player is going to be buried in a profusion of 1.25/2.5/3.75/oversize options, side walls, long walls, caps, slopes and adaptors to enable them.
  12. KER HotRockets KOSMOS URM/SSPP KWR RLA AIES FASA - Launch Towers MKS/OKS PlanetShine EVE Chatterer DMagic Orbital Sciences KAC + Transfer Planner Collision FX MSI BfS Final Frontier Lazor Docking Cam Procedural Parts Procedural Fairings TAC-LS ATM TweakScale RemoteTech DOE TextureReplacer (w/ KSPRC) Trajectories FAR Probably forgetting a few? [Edit] Yeah so... USI w/TAC pack Near Future - Electrical Taurus HCV ScienceAlert
  13. Built in Kerbpaint for the URM tanks with RGB sliders then?
  14. Maxmaps said they're not interested in having procedural everything, but would be fine with procedural elements for some things like structural members (I believe the specific examples were the I-beams and trusses). So I'm not sure whether that would extend to fairings but could go as far as 1.25/2.5/3.75m shrouds which are as long as they need to be (within reason)? Hopefully there will be more information in the impending dev blog mentioned in the Squadcast
  15. There are separate links for the HRS panels by themselves and the S1 truss (with 3x HRS panels on a main arm). I'm not sure of their vintage though so let me make new uploads and link those up as I'm not sure where I was up to following some hard drive issues [Edit] After I get Unity reinstalled anyway. And partTools /headdesk [Edit2] Fresh copy of the S1 (current beta) Please let me know if anything is wrong with it, really need to finish that
  16. Well that sucks, does it even try to load but crash or just gone completely unresponsive?
  17. Thanks for all your work on this Biotronic, do you have a paypal etc for donations?
  18. If you're feeling adventurous you could try build-164 of 1.6 direct from the RemoteTech github page Working for me so far yadda yadda dogs and cats living together caveats out the wing wong
  19. If you start a new 0.90 Career game under x64/windows, all your KSC facilities automagically start at L3 If you start your game under x86/32bit and then switch to x64, all your KSC facilities are automagically upgraded to L3 on load
  20. That's weird, I built it using the windows file manager built in zip functionality specifically to avoid that What should the archive parameters be to avoid this issue in the future?
  21. MOARdv created the URMP plugin to handle the URM tanks after looking at the original MODEL{} node approach, it's great. The parameters for the plugin are also very well documented on MOARdv's github page While it's covered via CC-A-SA 4.0 I, a polite request directly to MOARdv about using it would probably get you far
  22. I apologise if this has already been asked, but dtobi's (now depreciated) SmartParts used to let you set up triggers like what seems (superficially at least) to be happening with these stages (trigger part [say decoupler] when fuel is expended) So I guess the question is, does the plugin support this sort of functionality? (i.e. can I add your module{} to another part (if it's even a module) and utilise the functionality) or do all the controlled modules need to be self-contained in a single part? You know, I should really just download the mod and have a look when I get home
  23. There should example craft included in the next releases
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