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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Not now, due to the potential for bugs and degradation of the already miserable performance. There's also the lack of things to do in IVA, simply floating about in a craft would get old pretty quick. If one could actually interact with things inside a spacecraft I'd be more interested, but IMO it's too late in the piece to add something this big. We already have planetary surfaces with nothing to do on them, oceans with nothing to do in them, and buildings with nothing to do in them. Moving inside a craft strikes me as about as interesting as climbing the island control tower, I did it once and I'll never do it again.
  2. Looked for output log, found random image. Unsure how to read it. Obligatory link to support request instructions (though it is getting a little outdated): For anyone to have a hope of diagnosing your problem, they're going to need the full log and a list of mods, with versions, as a minimum. If you can narrow it down to a certain mod causing the problem (using the standard binary sort on your mod list), this will go much easier. Linking the craft file and a list of mods required to load it may also be of use. With the information you have provided so far, all I can say is: Likely something to do with autostruts, possibly an outdated mod. But with only that image to go by, a guess is the best you will get.
  3. By the community, for the community. KerbalX, of course. Squad have tried this before, pushing a proprietary host with no respect for the efforts of the many volunteers who support their game. They will fail, again. Long live KerbalX. Long live Spacedock. Screw valve, and screw steam. If some of you want to use steam workshop, that's fine. I'll never see your craft, and others who don't use steam won't either. Your loss. Nice work @SQUAD, you're getting so good at fragmenting the KSP community I expect it was the plan all along.
  4. How about any controller support for PC running GNU/Linux? Will 1.4.5 be the KSP release with no serious regressions... The wait continues.
  5. Of course. In the long-run, no. Though it probably will be for me, because I am stubborn like that. But right now, the easiest and safest course of action is to give them nothing. If software vendors realise that the choice is "be transparent or get nothing", it might even help the other front too. Users are not, and should not accept being powerless. Poorly worded, perhaps. How about: Quit with the pants-on-fire, woe is me, must uninstall, bad bad Squad panic, calm down and do something practical about it? If people have only just realised what is going on, that's on them for ignoring the warnings. I've been pointing out the business model of these companies for years, and yet people still give them personal data in exchange for convenience. Sure, we should call Squad out. But there's no excuse for not getting your own house in order too. As you say, two fronts. Those who come along to say "So sad, I have to uninstall KSP now" are fighting only one, and poorly. Indeed we are.
  6. Tough bikkies. Go get a real job. Ads are obnoxious, invasive, and often vectors for driveby malware or phishing attacks. I'm not putting up with any of that. I have and will continue to donate to the "content creators" who make my life less annoying... By which I mean the creators of adblock software.
  7. Maybe. Still hurts you more than it hurts them though, at least in the short-term. One can quit playing and not help to publicise or mod the game, or one can keep playing and not help to publicise or mod the game. This is the internet, and with the analytics firewalled nobody knows you are a dog player. Just as effective (or not) either way. One of these options allows you to keep playing a game you (presumably) enjoy. I suspect, if Squad / TTI gets A into G and complies with the GDPR, this will become a moot point before protesting here has any real impact anyway.
  8. Spacedock, after checking out the relevant release thread here.
  9. Nope, no Mcafee in the ebuild that I can see. I'd certainly report it to the maintainers if there was, the bugtracker is handy for stuff like that. Reminds me why I can't stand the Windows "search the net and run random executable" software management system. If one is going to use such a dodgy system, clicking the first thing you see might not be a terribly good idea... Doesn't everybody run an adblocker? Why would you not run an adblocker?
  10. Heh, don't worry about the mod authors or the small open source developers. Worry about the big commercial software vendors... or in this case, record labels. They are far more likely to think they can screw you without being found out. Sometimes they even think they have a right to hijack your computer in the name of "intellectual property". IME, unsafe browsing habits (i.e clicking without thinking), p...... (word I'm apparently not allowed to say here) software and outdated web browsers or plugins are the source 90% of the time. The other 10% is mostly downloads from compromised websites, or from "app stores" that don't understand what maintainers are for and care more about numbers than quality control. The main download sites for KSP mods do indeed lack maintainers, but the KSP modding community is small enough and open enough that any malicious code would be spotted very quickly. Any software that does that is not decent or legitimate. Do people really think this is okay, and keep using software that comes with "partner offer" malware in the installer?
  11. So don't. A product like KSP has no need for an internet connection, so blocking it entirely is a safe and sane default. It's not so easy with applications that require a connection to work, granted, but a single player game does not. I do, and I do. It's not always viable, but where is is there's little excuse for not taking basic steps to protect your own privacy. In the case of KSP it's not only possible, it's easy. There is always more than one option, legal solutions like the GDPR are all well and good, but users need to take charge of their own gear as well. I'm not saying "don't complain", I'm saying "take the technical option where it exists". Then complain. The vast majority of personal data in the great advertising net was given freely through choice or ignorance anyway, not collected with subtle spyware. The point I was trying to make in the first place is that uninstalling KSP is akin to the old saying "cut off your nose to spite your face". There are ways to continue playing the game without giving away your data if you make the minimal effort to learn. Sure. And while you wait for that to make it's way through the byzantine legal system, you can firewall KSP right now. Plug the leak at the source. Company gets no analytics at all, because this user decides not to give it to them... And doesn't care at all about their press. There's no reason for KSP to connect to the internet, and it's easy to prevent it from doing so. I'm not saying "let it keep happening", quite the opposite. I'm suggesting that users take practical steps to prevent it. Uninstalling the game isn't one of those, and IMO, complaining on a forum isn't either. It's been happening for years, and the majority of users have been allowing it to continue. Is it any wonder that companies believe they can get away with it? Stop giving them your data. Indeed. IME, these are the same that fail to read licence agreements, fail to back up important data, post their entire lives to social media, then start screaming when somebody points out what they have set themselves up for. I'm not sure whether this is learned helplessness or pure apathy, but either way it's counterproductive. Teach kids to code, support open source software, stop uploading your life to big data, and learn how to use your own equipment. Knowledge is power, and it's there for the taking. Gentoo here too, FWIW. I wouldn't call it "custom" though... Most Gentoo users let portage do all the work I did run LFS for a while... I found that overlay more trouble than it's worth TBH. And I hear you WRT mono. Sigh. You can easily opt out of data gathering. Firewall the KSP process or send DNS lookups for the redshell domain(s) to localhost. It's not rocket science, and a quick internet search will show you how. If you'd rather give up playing the game though, suit yourself.
  12. Probably this one: I note that Squad hasn't entirely fixed this yet either...
  13. Are entirely optional. Generally speaking, a healthy suspicion, basic experience with human greed and enough technical competence to know where to look is all that is required. I find it rather bewildering that so many people can be comfortable using the internet and internet connected devices without even looking into what is really going on when they do. Of course software publishers are collecting information on you, it's easy and it makes them money. You'd be hard pressed to find a modern car that doesn't snoop on you, let alone some black-box software you got off the 'net. This isn't shocking, it's blindingly obvious. That doesn't make it okay, but it sure isn't a big revelation either, just because someone posted about it on reddit. Effort would be far better spent learning how to detect and thwart this activity than getting all outraged and shouting about it. Hell, you don't even need a hat.
  14. Count me as one, as my input devices do not work in 1.4.x. It does crash occasionally, and the whole jumping / exploding landed vessels thing is pretty frustrating. I'd rate it "playable", but certainly not "bug free"... I'm still waiting for this mythical "1.0" release, the one with no serious bugs or regressions.
  15. This^. Making a fuss might well get this lot removed, or it might not. Either way, nothing will happen immediately. As for all the talk of "uninstalling until this is removed", if you do that hurt no-one but yourself. Squad / TTI isn't interested in you playing the game, they're interested in people buying it. If you want to punish them, post some nasty reviews... Or, you could take charge of your own systems and learn how to operate a firewall, then you can fix it now. Really, I don't get all this outrage. Yes, spying on users is not nice, but developers have been bundling spyware with proprietary software for ages. Why make so much noise now? Games were phoning home 10 years ago, and nobody seemed to care. It's going to take more than complaints on the forum to change this behaviour. For now, just firewall the damn thing and be done with it.
  16. On the poll: I'd very much like to see wheels and landing gear that aren't janky as all hell, don't bounce or slide around unrealistically, and actually behave like wheels rather than exceedingly jittery point colliders. This is the way, along with watching control-point orientation.
  17. Cannot reproduce. KSP 1.4.3, Gentoo amd64, Plasma 5.12.5, Frameworks 5.46.0.
  18. FAR. Because "drag cubes" are confusing, counter-intuitive and unrealistic. So is the artificial "Mach 1 wall" in stock aero.
  19. Much as I would like to believe this, I have yet to see any evidence to support it. MS are still all about profit, and still seem quite willing to resort to underhanded tactics to make it. I was willing to take the "wait and see" approach to this acquisition of github... then they went and and launched GVFS, completely ignoring the complaints of the GNOME foundation over the usurpation of a name they had been using for years (and search rankings etc. that go with it). Microsoft loves open-source? Yeah, right. Microsoft has a long history of trampling the little guy whenever they like, and buying out competitors only to destroy them. Looks like little has changed.
  20. Because IRL biplanes are too draggy, and the interaction between the two sets of wings at supersonic speeds vastly complicates the design process. It's not impossible to build a supersonic biplane, it's just extremely difficult to design one that is efficient and stable at a range of supersonic / hypersonic speeds. Monoplanes are simpler, stronger, easier to design, (usually) less draggy, and don't require the finicky wing-interaction tuning. In KSP this is all irrelevant, because the aerodynamic model sucks. It's a bit more realistic if you run FAR, as some of these effects are simulated and the shape of the craft (and wing) actually matters for drag...
  21. Maybe it's just me then. It was still just silly internet-points, but being presented with those options when I finally found the button certainly made me stop to think about how many points a helpful or interesting post warranted, and why. Now it's kinda too easy to obtain, and far too easy to game, as we see here. Then again, I'd be just as happy if the whole rep thing went out the airlock. I don't care about my rep count, but every now and then I run into a rep-bait post or a rep-farming circlejerk so obvious it makes me cringe.
  22. Indeed, but from the linked test that sure doesn't look to be what's happening here. From the performance impact, I'd almost be willing to bet that it's a simple brute force "loop through all ready ports on everything in physics range every update". Neither do I, but I do know that a heap of stuff is done on an update trigger that runs every frame. A heap of stuff that I can't imagine needing to do so every 20ms or so. If it's checking docking conditions this frequently, that's just wasteful. Indeed. None of us can go look at the source to find out though, so it's kind of a moot point. Aside, has anyone filed this on the bugtracker? It's not really a true bug, but it'd fit in as an RFE.
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