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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Can you give me steps to duplicate the duplicate props issue? All contract props should be deleted on contract completion or failure. You can delete assets from the assests folder except flags, to save memory and physics. Contracts are not dependent on crafts except the KSS Rix carrier landing contract.
  2. There is only one chute contract and its weight is low vs other contracts. Memory footprint is only as large as a sheet of paper. You can land Kerbals in stock KSP as GAP can be played stock, but EVA Parachutes is recommended as well as EVA Parachutes by default, both are listed in the GAP OP and now recommended when you install GAP via CKAN. Future versions of Contract Configurator will allow me to specify perm declinable contracts so you dont have to take a certain contract tree. Pinging @nightingale. For now you can manually remove any contract from the pack manually. Just reference the map in the OP so you don't rip out a dependent contract. It doesn't check. Read through the Wright-Bail.cfg and you will see that it only checks you are flying at altitude and that you then EVA a kerbal... and land the plane, and kill no one. Very simple logic.
  3. i want to play test this mod but can't find it anywhere. can someone help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ylT9zJyAs
  4. I must say. I just flew my first AI battle. BD this is an amazing mod. Wow. I might just make a GAP contract for it...
  5. Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 1.1.2 inigmatus released this: a Gameplay Improvement Pass Requires Contract Configurator or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases Total Career Contracts Available: 51 1/31/16 GAP 1.1.2 Kerbals are rather hardy. Bumped Wright-AirplaneRide G limit to 5 Gs (Gimbal line at 5 G is easier to see and watch out for) updated KSP-IslandLanding descrption to require Astronaut Complex building level 2 (flag planting requires Astronaut Complex level 2) added language to KSP-IslandSurvey contract completion message informing the player to work on upgrading the Astronaut Complex to level 2 added land and stop language to contracts since landing is defined as stopping your vehicle's motion while on the ground. added requirement to IslandTours-Shoreline to require a boat only, not a seaplane, to prevent players from building seaplanes before Wright-FirstFlight, but encourage boats before. removed IslandTours-Shoreline as a requirement for IslandTours-Flight-1, to separate out boat tourist contracts from plane tourist contracts. removed antenna check from buoy drop contracts (to avoid an MM patch for compatibility with RemoteTech installs). removed waypoint 6 from KSP-IslandSurvey as it now requires player to fly back under waypoint 1 instead (makes waypoint 1 easier to find) clarified the air breathing engine parameter check in contracts to include lack of specific fuel types on board in addition to lack of certain engine types (so even modded engines are properly checked) fixed KSP-AVC. Now checks for version! (finally)
  6. I do run into a slight problem with this - and I am sure your players would too: CKAN does not remove the directory when a mod such as RemoteTech is uninstalled. This causes MM to still see the RemoteTech folder, and thus for MM to apply the patch to the contract, and then causes CC to fail loading the contract since that part does not exist. I then tried: @CONTRACT_TYPE[CoastGuard-DropBuoys]:FOR[KSC?Coast?Guard]:NEEDS[RemoteTech]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna]] as the condition for applying the patch but it was to no avail though. This was my best attempt for MM to check if there is a RemoteTech folder in GameData, to also then check if there is a ModuleRTAntenna module available, and only then apply the patch. But apparently my syntax is wrong (possible, it's almost 2 am) and MM thinks ModuleRTAntenna exists and thus applying the patch, since the patch still gets applied when seeing the RemoteTech folder and then CC fails loading contract since the part does not exist. I did various combinations to simplify the check, using just the HAS or removing the NEEDS and FOR, but again, to no avail. Same result, the patch is always applied, until I delete the RemoteTech folder manually. Lots of fun. Edit: 4 excruciating hours trying to figure this out (why am i beating my head over a CKAN issue?). I gave up on it and decided to just remove the antenna check to avoid GAP requiring MM for anything.
  7. Is it possible to add MM checking to PartValidation? PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation:!NEEDS[RemoteTech] title = each having a transmitter partModule = ModuleDataTransmitter minCount = 2 disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation:NEEDS[RemoteTech] title = each having a transmitter partModule = ModuleRTAntenna minCount = 2 disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } I found that RT renames the module from ModuleDataTransmitter to ModuleRTAntenna and I need to check for this. The above though doesn't seem to pass the CC debug reload: [Error]: ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'CoastGuard-DropBuoys',PARAMETER 'PartValidation' of type 'PartValidation:NEEDS[RemoteTech]': Unknown parameter 'PartValidation:NEEDS[RemoteTech]'. Is there a way to check for either or without resorting to an Any set parameter? edit: im such a dufus. nevermind. PARAMETER:NEEDS argh.
  8. I can't duplicate. Try eliminating mods to see if you can find a conflict. As soon as I am within 500m, the waypoint trips: Notice the marker disappears when I approach and trip the parameter "fly to the search area." Make sure you are running CC and you have GAP 1.1.1 installed, and then cancel and reload this contract. If you replicate it after eliminating mods to just KAX, CC, TakeCommand, and GAP, then give me a save file as I can't duplicate this one. raised: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/173
  9. Question for everyone: Should Join SSI contract give these wheels (currently so): or these wheels: I know 1.1 will give us new wheels, but until then, what do you think? I've noticed some players having really hard time with the small rover wheels.
  10. Well i tried duplicating in GAP 1.1.1 and I can't duplicate it. My heli is only a girder with command seats (I hyperedited to the waypoint), and I am able to trip the "fly to the search area" parameter fine. I will need your craft file to test further. Here is my testing showing it tripping: Oh were you able to get the tourbus contract to work finally in GAP 1.1.1?
  11. I love these weekly Spacecraft Exchange reviews. Wonderful idea. I don't visit SE as often as I used to with my time spent over in add-ons now, but I love the review. Helps me to catch up every week!
  12. The code is: //Contract Goals PARAMETER { name = VesselParameterGroup type = VesselParameterGroup title = fly to the search area vessel = @/craft PARAMETER { name = VisitWaypoint type = VisitWaypoint index = 1 distance = 500 hideOnCompletion = true disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } Essentially you have to be within 500m of the active waypoint. Is the waypoint hiding before you get there?
  13. Looks like the waypoint didn't complete. The checks are sequential. Try again to see if you can get the waypoint check to complete. Looks to be possibly related to: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/163 if so, I'll roll out a fix for it too this weekend.
  14. Looking really for people's gameplay desirables: how much money and science and rep and experience do they want to earn? Are the contract instructions clear and intuitive? Are there any annoyances? Any repeatable bugs? Any specific contracts/ideas they want to see explored/expanded/added? you playing with GAP 1.1.1? 1.1.1 fixes this. or at least it should. make sure 1.1.1 is installed, cancel your current contract, and reload your contracts, and decline the Tour Bus contract once or twice until it appears again, and re-do. Should hopefully work. btw, that is an awesomely cute looking tour bus!
  15. modlet dseired: would be nice if someone where to take up the Holodeck mod (it's MIT). Just need a basic simulator without KCT.
  16. Ship Save Splicer v1.0 (01/09/2016) [KSP 1.0.5] Description: Ever built a ship, base, or station in one save and wish you could transfer it into a new save? Perhaps you built a really awesome station around Kerbin in a save, then added the New Horizons mod and had to start a new save. With Ship Save Splicer you can export the station from one save and import it into another, even if they use wildly different mods (with the exception of required part mods). Just enter the tracking station, select a craft from the left, and press the "SSS" button. The ship will be exported to the "Kerbal Space Program/Ships/export" folder, ready to be imported into a new save. To import a craft, enter the tracking station and don't select any vessels. Press the "SSS" button to bring up the importer in no-crew mode and select the vessel you want to import. It will then be imported without any crew members. To import a craft with all of its crew, mod-click the "SSS" button (so Alt-Click or RightShift-Click) to bring up the importer in "crewed" mode. Importing vessels with crew has a much larger potential of breaking things, so make a quicksave beforehand! When importing with crew all the crew stats should transfer properly. If there's already a Kerbal with the same name in the Save (for instance, "Bob Kerman") then the imported Kerbal will be renamed with a roman numeral (ie, "Bob Kerman II"). License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (KerbalStuff) finally someone comes up with an InflightShipSave successor I'm in love.
  17. GAP dev update: Now that I found a Twitch streamer playing GAP, user Million_Lights is streaming GAP so I can see how others are playing GAP. I've been cringing at a few bugs that were fixed in previous releases (he will upgrade to 1.1.1 soon), but I've also had the privilege of seeing a number of areas for gameplay improvement, so I am working on a stealth 1.1.2 gameplay and bugfix update. Not so much bugfix as it is grammar and ease of play fixing. You can see the current GAP dev changelog here: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt Watching others play GAP will really help me refine it. This is the beauty of having a stable relase: I can sit back and watch others play and tweak what I think will improve it to perfection. I won't be working on 1.2 as quickly as I did on 1.1, as I want to take a small break from GAP enhancements to actually just play the game myself - or at least watch others doing so. Check out Million_Lights's twitch stream here: http://www.twitch.tv/million_lights/
  18. Can I get https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/2935 merged? I have GAP 1.1.1 out and EVA Parachutes really need to be recommended for it since most players won't know to look.
  19. Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 1.1.1 inigmatus released Requires Contract Configurator or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases Total Career Contracts Available: 51 1/28/16 GAP 1.1.1 reclassified Jebediah's Tool Shed as a ship rather than base to prevent conflict with severedsolo's Bases contract pack. added language to IslandTours-Flight 1 and 2 that a player should fly within 500m above the waypoints, and not under them. made KSP-TourBus repeatable. added workaround for existing CC bug to allow KSP-TourBus waypoints to complete with Command Seat only craft (thanks maculator)
  20. Ok, all issues you've raised are addressed here: thanks for working hard to test it! - I have fixed the island tour language to be more clear: the waypoints are surface waypoints (hence no point in trying to fly under them). This means you need to fly within 500m above them only. - The 100 m/s speed record should pass if you hold the level flight for 5 seconds (there is a duration timer) - I finally fixed the KSP-TourBus contract - I reclassified the Tool Shed as as ship. Let's hope that doesn't cause any more problems. - You should be able to use the same vessel for multiple contracts without issue. - Kebals in Command Seats not loading after vessel failure is a known issue here: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/162 - GAP is not cheat proof due to KSP and CC issues whereby local Kerbals viewable by Space Center can be recovered. A player will need to simply refrain from doing so. I could spawn everything far away outside of Space Center range, but it would be very impractical. I will be releasing GAP 1.1.1 with all the fixes ASAP.
  21. I figured it out. The waypoint completes fine if and only if all my Kerbals are not in a Command Seat, but inside a pod. I'll a raise github.
  22. @nightingale I can't seem to figure out why I can't get the Space Center waypoint to complete: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/KSP-TourBus.cfg starting at line 349 When I remove the VPG, it works fine. WIth VPG it doesn't trip. Any ideas?
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