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Everything posted by inigma

  1. I've been actually playing GAP while I wait for CC update. Here's a Wright Flyer I made with KAX kuey tail props for the props.
  2. The whole purpose of making GAP (see sig) was so that I could make this in career mode for a purpose.
  3. Why is this pull request failing? https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/2933
  4. how's this? This will only be seen by StageRecovery players - anyone who has a folder named StageRecovery in GameData.
  5. I was not able to replicate this at all with the current dev version of GAP 1.1. In response to this I added a check to ensure crew recovery goes off first before science recovery.
  6. so what is the CC syntax to code a behavior to only trigger if a particular mod is installed? is it BEHAVIOUR [NEEDS:StageRecovery] { } ?
  7. Contract Configurator does not recognize targets as far as I'm aware of. CC only triggers off of the active vessel... which means the player is limited to KSP's vessel switching rules, which is a danger if a player switches to a buoy and splashes down with it but then can't switch back to their plane in flight due to KSP limitations. It's also why the bail contracts are also very touchy. Nothing like bailing and landing just in time to see your airplane go out of physics range, kill the kerbal pilot as a result, and thus fail the contract. argh. Some things are just limitations that have no easy solutions. If someone has Stage Recovery, the easiest solution is to just inform the player perhaps as a FAQ, but perhaps in-game as well, as you suggest, that someone stick around until they can visually confirm splashdown of the buoy. If it becomes a problem, I can load a special version of the BuoyDrop contracts if a player has StageRecovery installed. @nightingale is it possible to filter behaviors (such as dialogs) to trigger only when a certain other mod is installed? I was thinking: BEHAVIORS (NEEDS:StageRecovery) { name = DialogBox type = DialogBox ...} this way the contract still works even if StageRecovery is not installed, but will trigger the behavior when it is installed. I'm trying to figure out the best way to check if a player's buoy has dropped from a plane and the buoy has splashed down, without requiring the player to toggle to the buoy (and thus running afoul of KSP vessel switching limitations). Thoughts?
  8. This is fixed already for 1.1. https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/commit/1cc218d3e4756ea8f4e294f55aae33eabba95d22
  9. Now time for a GAP 1.1 update: - 45 contracts now - added altitude contracts - added airspeed contracts up to Mach 4 -changed the agency on several contracts to be more consistent with intended agency functions -added Kerbal Aircraft Builders agency since GAP 1.1 is intended to be the KAB merge that @maculator has graciously allowed to happen so his vision can continue. -updated the GAP 2.0 contract map: https://bubbl.us/?h=934b/5fc8d0/37aoS1/A8mNuU&r=1455570987 -documented all known bugs, and will spend time soon to hash them all out -fixed a number of reported bugs already. see current changelog here: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt I am hoping to get 1.1 done within the next week... and hopefully before KSP 1.1 comes out just in time for everything to break again. I am fighting a cold right now, so I can't guarantee much action this weekend except verifying bugs and working on a few of the critical ones you've reported. Bear in mind that the dev version of GAP is not playable at the moment, so I don't recommend sneaking a preview just yet. Some CC bugs need to be fixed before making GAP 1.1 possible, so at the very least GAP 1.1 release will not be released before Contract Configurator 1.9.4. As a side note, to increase CCF compatibility, I've been thinking about decoupling a few contracts, and making GAP modular. This way someone who doesn't want Coast Guard contracts, won't have to see them. Of course, in a future version of Contract Configurator (currently on the table for CC 1.9.4) permanently declinable contracts is a likely possibility, which will make it easy not to have to modularize GAP since players will be able to permanently decline the starting contracts for Island Tours, Coast Guard, Airlines, and what not, effectively preventing a player from ever seeing them again (restorable of course by an Alt F12 contract operation) - and preventing me the tedious work and rebalancing of any GAP modularized solution. Thanks for playing with GAP and reporting what you have. You guys are the best! I hope you're enjoying the pack. I can't wait for someoene to professionally review a bug free version. heh.
  10. If you ask me, I think what's happening is that the filter is working, but the NONE is being applied to all the filter objects itself, and not to objects whose attributes are in the NONE node. Essentially if a NONE node exists in PartValidation, then the NONE check is applied to all FILTER objects, regardless of any additional attributes found in the NONE node. Opened #449 for this.
  11. PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation title = not have any solid rocket motors FILTER { partModule = ModuleEngines } NONE { MODULE { EngineType = SolidBooster } } } Is just not working. Even with your latest fixup. The contract window says: None have module Engines: Incomplete None have module: Incomplete None have Engine Type: SolidBooster: Incomplete and it fails on any engine now.
  12. @nightingale Any reason why the following: PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation title = not have any solid rocket motors FILTER { partModule = ModuleEngines } NONE { EngineType = SolidBooster } hideChildren = true } fails to complete when rocket engines or monoprop engines are used, and not just solid rocket motors, but passes when regular air breathing engines including the RAPIER are used? How best to require a craft not to have solid rocket motors, but allow for any other engine type? edit: it seems all the engines that fail have in common the partModule ModuleEngines. and all the engines that pass have the partModule ModuleEnginesFX. It seems then the filter is looking for all parts with ModuleEngines, but not checking the NONE parameter. Correct?
  13. You really should consider updating the contract pack list in your OP. If you have a moment.
  14. I had this insane idea to consider decoupling the Kerbin-centric GAP contracts from the non-Kerbin centric contracts as part of a solution for RSS compatibility. Insane because it means GAP goes modular (or maybe that's a sane thing?) But along the lines of decoupling, which has nothing relevant to do with my question here, I was wondering about your Requirement SplashDown: does. Is it checking if the player has at anytime simply reached the water with a Splashed ReachState (preferred) or is it more complicated than that?
  15. Could you add to the script a function to attempt reducing horizontal speed to 0 for a true hover and thus prevent drift for a KAX single huey engine helicipter? Would be Holy Grail right there.
  16. Thank you. I am not entirely certain that GAP will work with RSS simply because its core design goal is to allow players to make money flying passengers to and from KSC Island and other stock places. To code compatibility, I would probably have to disable 80 of the GAP contract pile on RSS detection. Thanks for the heads up, but the majority of GAP contracts use Kerbin terrain and waypoints, so I don't think it would be feasible to code for RSS compatibility without a major rewrite. It would practically be a different contract pack. Mods that overwrite homeworld terrain may not be compatible with GAP unless I split out the non terrain specific contracts and rewrite all landing params. Quite a project. Outside current scope and my avail time at the moment. Well there went my OP tagline boast.
  17. If I recall correctly, if a player switches to buoy and rides it all the way to splashdown, after splashdown, KSP prevents toggling back to the aircraft. I think this is why I decided not to code for science transmission until after landing and crew recovery.
  18. Thanks for confirming this. Unfortunately I'm not sure if there is a way to code for separate buoy splashdowns before the next contract parameter opens up - at least not easily. Doing so anyways would probably make stock GAP BuoyDrop more difficult since the player would have to somehow be instructed to toggle to the buoy (perhaps via an Ens. Ro dialog box?) and wait for splashdown while making sure to keep their aircraft in physics range... all just to keep GAP preventing SR players from triggering a stage recovery event. ...or I might just add this answer of yours to a GAP FAQ and avoid future player confusion.
  19. I added #149 to allow for bailing over water. I added #150 to test StageRecovery compatibility (after all, I too plan to plan with SR when I play career). Update process is to first update CC and GAP, then load KSP and cancel existing contracts so new ones are generated in the pre-loader.
  20. Added #148 to test adding a sequence check preventing the completion of the science parameter before crew recovery.
  21. @TruthQuark said he was able to test GAP with RSS. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-1021-air-flights-tours-coast-guard-sts-jan-11-2016/&do=findComment&comment=2353725 I will look at testing RSS sometime and update the OP accordingly. I opened #146 accordingly.
  22. #401 iterated spawnkerbals can wait. #149 neg rewards and penalties I consider a greater priority than #386 perm declinable contracts though they both go hand in hand with offering part unlock contracts for a price and declining them permanently if not wanted.
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