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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Would be awesome if you combined these two mods into one mod: Possible?
  2. Would be awesome if you combined these two mods into one mod: Possible?
  3. haven't had a moment yet. just finished up developing this: imgur.com/a/HZzgC carrier is next.
  4. In 0.3 or 0.4 I removed the time requirement. Coast Guard rescue contracts have a time limit though so one will need a rescue craft on standby before accepting them.
  5. what have you got? its yours to release as you wish. i just want to know if i could try using it for the carrier contract. im testing another carrier too. ill see how well i can spawn it with Contract Configurator.
  6. no rush. yet. most of my testers are using alt f12 for now to complete and move on, but before New Years would be great. thanks nightingale!
  7. Just a note that GAP 0.4 is ready to release with a really awesome and fully fleshed out Coast Guard multiple buoy drop mission, however CC bug #407 apparently exists in CC 1.9.1 and not just CC dev, so I am unable to publish GAP until it can get fixed since essentially it prevents about 70% of my contract pack from completing and I consider this a critical bug at this point. I have no idea how it escaped my quality check when I released GAP 0.3. I'll skip to just working on GAP 0.5 for now as a result and wait for a CC 1.9.2 to fix things.
  8. I really like these. Really. A lot. These are perfect! I'll make sure you get proper credit. Do you have any more?
  9. 685 lines of code and hours of testing later, I'm done! *whew*:
  10. The instruction is to fly up to 2000m and land at KSC runway exactly. The first flight contract though you can land anywhere including the island. You must have broken something on landing to fail the safety check. I can't duplicate a failed contract with multiple dips at the 2000m mark. Let me know if you can replicate any issue.
  11. Very interesting. I'll test it out. Landing for GAP purposes means to have landed at the target, with nearly 0 m/s motion (less than 0.5 m/s).
  12. I'm not a fan of cars or boats... but I do want airplanes! And yes, if there are any mod dependencies required for a CCBF setup to function, then the requirement to have your mod be such a dependency would be for your mod to have MIT licensing or something similarly less restrictive, or even public domain. I also like this not just for continuity sake, but also for adaptability sake for Squad to take off with the idea if they so chose.
  13. Stock parts only, they don't have to be functional. Perfect. link?
  14. I need boats to spawn in distress and rescue Kerbals from. I need at least three more good boats, could be any size, but preferably small stock part count (under 100), with Command Seats and maybe even cabins. Crewed by anywhere from 2-10 Kerbals. They do not have to functional (heck they could even look disabled) since they are props meant to stage a Kerbals in distress. Contract Configurator can spawn any vessel from my GAP\Assets folder anywhere in the game. Example of a rescue mission: (see link to the GAP Contract Pack in my sig) UPDATE: Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose 1.0 Beta is released! Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-10-beta-air-flights-tours-coast-guard-sts-105jan-4-2016/
  15. Buoy drop testing... (still in development)
  16. As mentioned in my OP and elsewhere, I'm just opening up the discussion. Where it goes, we'll see. My focus is on the progression side of things which I am sure leads into balance and costs at some point. Bear in mind a framework is just that. A frame. Not all parts need to be in place to work. sounding rockets > ground vehicles > boats and submersibles > aircraft > unmanned rockets > probes & rovers to planets > manned spacecraft > landings > space stations > spaceplanes > and beyond If you think of the above as a lego set, each tier in the progression can connect to any higher tier if middle tiers are missing, it affords players the ability to skip entire progressions, but still play a balanced game. Someone just might want ground vehicles > aircraft > probes & rovers to planets > space stations > and beyond the idea of this collaborative effort would be to code anything necessary for our products to allow for such - hence the framework idea and the need for open collaboration with willing modders. Time is precious for all of us, but certainly if we keep this simple, it might actually take off. Example, I code contracts for aircraft, with my contracts playable in stock career. When I find time, I can allow it to recognize completed contracts for boats and subs to give my players an expanded experience, but not require it if CCBF boat and sub contract packs are missing from a player's install. This is easy to do since by default my contract pack are designed for stock play, and all I would need to do is get creative and perhaps add optional requirements to my contracts checking if certain CCBF contract packs were installed. On the output end, I would probably code an end contract for recognition by higher tiers on the framework. A part modder would want to code in costs and whatever else would be needed to ensure that any or all missing nodes in the framework would still support balanced play with the mod part. Checking for other CCBF mods would be optional again if the modder desired, but again, not all CCBF nodes would need to be installed for the mod part to function, since after all, it is coded for stock first anyways (usually). Keeping it simple. Setup a framework, agree on costs, and let's see what we can fit together. For starters, I think we need to agree on a framework. If the above is agreeable, then I suppose the focus is on costs and a possible tech tree recommended (hence I recommended ETT, but any will do if it can support the CCBF framework).
  17. I just found it. Is there a way to extract PQS values from the Waypoint Generator Behavior?
  18. I am not looking for anything but an answer to the question: is there a need for modders to come together to align themselves with a career game progression framework of: sounding rockets > ground vehicles > boats and submersibles > aircraft > unmanned rockets > probes & rovers to planets > manned spacecraft > landings > space stations > spaceplanes > and more with each modder contributing their coding skills to the niche they desire to focus on, and certify their contribution as being in cost and game play balance with all mods thus far in cooperation with the framework? CTT is a great start in this general direction, but it seems like only one piece of what a career player needs. It seems to me that there needs to be something more offered to the career player who wants to experience KSP following the progression outlined above - an experience that encompasses every aspect of the game and what it can offer, not just a tech tree. And more than just grabbing random individually developed mods and hope they all work together. What do you think?
  19. nightingale, Ok im on to working on randomizing my distress call contract. It's the one with a ship and two kerbals spawned at a location in the ocean. I know how to randomize the distress waypoint, but how can I feed that random waypoint info into the location attributes for SpawnVessel and SpawnKerbal so those functions know where to spawn the ship and kerbals at the random waypoint?
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