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Everything posted by Sauron

  1. So, problem: My shrouds aren't toggleable and my cargo bays don't display an open/close button (but the heat shields work). What did I do?
  2. No. But I'm hoping to get back to it once my life settles down a bit. Work has been all-consuming.
  3. So, thoughts on station parts: -2.5m counterparts that match the two 3.75 options you currently have. They beat stock by a mile but they also don't match as well as a result -Adapters like the one you have (which is excelent thanks to the node in the middle) that match your 3.75m options -Half-length 3.75 modules -A 3.75 cylinder hub with 4 1.25m attach points (like the American nodes on the ISS)--so 4 1.25m with a 3.75m on either end -A few parts that match the science lab's texture a bit better than a hitchhiker (go nuts ) Edit: By the way, do you mean 16.1? I only see versions 16 and 16.1
  4. It seems to be a dry mass calculation issue (?). Tanks that should weigh ~60 tons are weighing 140 with no more fuel than their lighter counterparts. Can we fix? Edit: Definitely a dry mass calculation issue. Rescaling the second smallest 1.25m KW tank to 3.75m produces a tank with ~30t of fuel (as it should be) but over 100t dry mass. If this is a Tweak scale issue, please, please fix it. Also, reiterating my request for scalable landing legs and B9 landing gear
  5. A few requests/thoughts on SXT: Can we get the tweakscale options back for the following: -Cargo bay. -Decouplers. Especially the lattice decoupler. I have a powerful need for that in other sizes! -SXT ARM-Alike tanks -Scalable OMS and vernier thrusters! They're the best things ever but I need them in other sizes! Also, if you're in the mood for some irritating work, a few more station parts like the ones you're doing (which are awesome) and perhaps a stubbier, Apollo/Almaz-style 2.5m capsule would be fantastic.
  6. No, it's doing it for stack mounted parts as well. KW and stock at the very least. Does it conflict with editor extensions or something?
  7. I'm having some serious problems with rescaled tanks and engines not producing the correct amount of DV. In that when I put a rescaled tank that's exactly the same size and volume as it's similarly sized (unrescaled) counterpart my DV actually drops. Is this a correctable issue? Currently there's no point to using this mod on engines and tanks. Much as I love it. Also, I would be eternally greatful if somebody made configs for a few parts that don't have them yet: B9 Landing Gear Stock Wheels Stock Landing Gear Default RoveMax B9 Landing gear Stock Landing Gear AEIS Parts. Especially landing gear. Also, I'm finding that rescaled engines performance is still a bit out of whack. I know it's on the table already, but polishing the scaling would be nice.
  8. Is it possible to get this pack without the towers? They look a bit out of place.
  9. No such part in KW -- the interstages decouple only on one end.
  10. KW has an option to use it's engines without shrouds. Also (and more importantly), you can use interstages to cover (say) a 2.5m engine on a 3.75m stage or to cover non-KW engines. They also make very useful structural elements for hiding other parts if you don't mind the decoupler and irritating nodes.
  11. You could take a (much lighter) Better Than Starting Manned approach such that pods come with enough life support that a new player can land on the Mun/Minmus without any major issues, but missions longer than a few weeks call for life support equipment. (This has the nice upshot of making certain types of pod meaningfully different!) Though for what it's worth, I think people overestimate the difficulty of the basics in KSP. Launching and resource managing is pretty easy stuff. Adding a bit more for players to track doesn't make the game much harder in the areas where it's actually hard (or rather, has a steeper learning curve) like docking/rendezvous and (good) spaceplane design. But even then, looking back, I'd have enjoyed KSP a hell of a lot more if it came with a much higher difficulty. As it was, there wasn't a whole lot of time between novice with a good working understanding of how rockets operate to functionally a veteran (I got to orbit with my first rocket and to the mun without realizing maneuver nodes were a thing. Durr ). Maybe a few weeks. People freak out about making the game too hard for new players, but it really is too easy (and a lot of the difficulty came/and to a lesser extent still comes from bad game design like old SAS or clunky maneuver nodes). So let's make KSP harder but in meaningful areas and as a conscious game design choice. Life support is one of these.
  12. ARGH! The dust storms on Duna seem constant as well. This is really irritating. How can I remove the storm layers on each planet?
  13. Laythe and Duna have clouds for me (though is the clouds at ground level at around 3500m on Laythe intentional? I really like it.) EDIT: Similar dark clod issues on Laythe's poles
  14. To clarify: I ran at full timewarp for several game-weeks with the black clouds persisting throughout. On a constructive and slightly related note, it'd be nice to have slightly 'puffier' stormclouds that look a lot more solid. Is this doable?
  15. I've followed the install directions for Astronomer's pack exactly, but it seems like something didn't install correctly. Those black clouds move but never dissapear. Halp?
  16. Those 3.75m habs are the best I've seen! (Can you release matching 2.5m variants?) Also, the cupola-textured 2.5m habs would really be better without the windows (we can place those ourselves if we want them--you've provided the parts after all )
  17. I'll put up a download link when I get the chance (but it's not exactly a hard design to replicate). And no, it doesn't fall apart--dead stable goes for structure too Presumably it also flies in stock, but honestly, I don't care enough to check (why would I ever not play with FAR)
  18. SWEETJEEZUS WUT!? AAAAAH!!!!! You earned your rep...you monster.
  19. Seriously for something made when I was fooling around for a few minutes, it's a pretty effective little plane. Take off at ~90 m/s (which you'll reach in a few seconds tops) land at around 80 m/s. Enjoy your mach 3+ stratospheric hops and stupidly excessive thrust vectoring. This plane is dead stable at pretty much any speed (go ahead, get up for coffee ) and very fun to fly.
  20. Can someone please explain how flex fuels actually works?
  21. People keep suggesting KAS/quantum struts, but they fill a slightly different role. A plugin that created (permanent, presumably) and sturdier linkages between ships would be a useful thing indeed.
  22. Thermal turbojet powered aircraft (as db48x has pointed out) would be the main goal. There's no room and no need for a giant brayton cycle generator for that sort of thing (and aircraft can't handle the extra weight and length). Also, powering kethane extractors, bases, life support, etc.
  23. Yes, but presumably it makes sense to get a bit more use out of the giant nuclear reactor you're using It's a perfectly logical niche that while not critical, is a nice touch.
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