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Everything posted by frash23

  1. recordmydesktop is the best one imo. It's the easiest to use on linux, and the performance hit is minimal compared to bandicam or fraps.
  2. How stable is this for a lightly modded 0.25 game? Are there any downsides? How much are loading times improved?
  3. Linux already has The physics engine is still singlethreaded though
  4. Do you think an openGL port possible? I'm not asking for it right now, just if possible :b
  5. I see. If it bothers me too much, I'll just install wine and run it through that.
  6. Hello, I tried this mod, but it gives me the error "Currently only supports Direct3D 9.0c". I use linux, so I know that the game is run using mono, but I have no idea on the Direct3D part. Is there any hope for me?
  7. Would it be possible to make a version with half the altitute limits with the higher warp speeds included? I would make it myself, but I don't know how
  8. Around 40-60, I think. I am using a tiny netbook with a mid/low-end i3 and onboard graphics.
  9. I personally use this mod for reduced CPU usage, which actually lets me play without noticable framerate reduction Also, the 64-bit linux version is native 64-bit, not a PAE patched version - true 64-bit improves CPU performance, as running x86_32 code on an x86_64 CPU is a bit different
  10. I am working on some GFX for the thread, but i have 5 images for the 3-man lander up. I put it in a link to not make the post huge.
  11. MINIMAL INDUSTRIES "Absolutely brilliant" -Me What is Minimal industries? Minimal industries is a group of one person (me), that builds stuff in KSP with my minimalist skills i gathered in web developing. I personally like to refer to my "3-man atmospheric lander" as my signature building. I am currently working on some GFX for this thread. PLEASE NOTICE! As some of my creations carries kerbals, please use this formula to get the correct weight: SPECIFIED WEIGHT + (0.09xAMOUNT OF KERBALS) Thank's in advance. BUT WHY?! There are a lot of reasons, but i am going to adress 6: I like minimalism It's my fetish. minimalism is sexy. I picked up this habit when programming Getting prepared for career mode! Reduces lag on bad puters. I hope that's enough reasoning (I'm not giving anymore). Landers 3-man atmospheric lander As i said in my description, i think of my 3-man atmospheric lander as amy signature building. In fact, this creation is what started my idea of minimal industries. Specifications Weight on launchpad: 0.50 t Dry weight: 0.44 t Features Includes an LV-1 engine, along with an oscar-b tank - used for slowing down on duna/from interplanetary speeds. Drogue parachute - i chose this parachute because it has a semi-deployed drag of 4, where others only have 1. It is also enough for landing on Kerbin, Laythe and Eve without help from the engine. Ability to hold 3 kerbals. Images http://imgur.com/a/mRZNA (Link, just to not make the page huge.) Cons Not able to drop tank after use Not really anything more - this is my signature building after all! DOWNLOAD http://www./download/f9f1hqk4vzxp18v/Tutorial_vehicle.craft Minimal industries is not copyrighted ©, 2013
  12. I really want a million time warp feature. It took ages to get my Eeelo station up
  13. Downloading every mod i saw The game would take 10 minutes to load, and crash at a 90% rate. I now like to stick with stock.
  14. Why not replace a couple of teh "Boom de yada"'s with some "Need more boosters" Just like once, it would go like: "Needs more boosters, Needs more boosters, Needs more boosters, Needs more boosters!" I might submit a couple of lines if i can get my good mic working. Another suggestion; We should also see if we could get Harvy (HOCgaming) to do a couple of lines! Also; +1 for making Danny make the video!
  15. A lot of things. Except for my challenge entries here's a short list.; Make a one-ship station + 2 landers + 2 probes ship. Is succesfully deployed around Dres. Working on a secret little mod project Some other stuff - don't remember what. Oh shi- i was supposed to study for my politics exams for tomorrow
  16. The issue is not the CPU or the ram, as long as you have more than 1GB ram. On my cheap laptop, KSP takes ~600 MB ram on kerbin, and 53% of my CPU. The big issue is the CPU. First step is to update your graphics card
  17. I only use "part" mods (i only use stock on challenges), and then docking cam. EDIT: Whoops, looks like i messed up. The two first images are from an early prototype that didnt work. Fixing asap. Seems i'm not actually under 25T But i mean really, sorting out 400+ screenshots at 4AM never goes well, does it?
  18. I intentionally landed on a hill, with the enine pointing downwards. Exploded a couple of times, but i got it on like 5th attempt...
  19. Alright, finally finished my trip (4 hours ) It weighs 29.45 T, and has 6 parts. Album: The two first images are from a prototype, and not actually correct. The rest are fine. Proper images below album. No mods at all, not even mechjeb or alike.
  20. Thank you so much for sharing this tip! +rep
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