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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. My votes go to: Kash, Koins, Kredits, Kreds, Kubit ... Hopefully it will make the list! And if it had to be close to an existing terran currency: Kesos - because Squad is ... you know ... And I thought The Three were just friends ... K..nowledge ... ?
  2. Take a look at this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64227-0-23-22-Jan-Smart-Parts-V0-3-NEW-Fuel-Valve-and-Detail-Improvements
  3. Unexpected blessing in disguise: Managed to get my 30t transfer stage into orbit, but when planning to dock my lander waiting there, I noticed I decoupled (staged) the docking port during its launch, so I was left with a lander that wasnt able to get anywhere ... so I used it to do a test landing - which revealed a. the small thrusters did not provide any thrust and just heated up the big heat shield several meters below them, b. the parachutes were placed in a way that made the lander land head first, c. parachutes were able to rip the ship apart when they are fully deployed - so I launched a new one. Next up is the transfer of the remaining crew from the Kerbin explorer to the interplanetary ship. Still no special fuel (Kethane) for the nukes available, time is running short for that transfer window.
  4. 3d 10h to transfer window for Duna Duna lander is in orbit, survey probe as good as launched and the transfer stage is complete - yet my boys seem to be unable to come up with a launcher capable of hauling it up into space - even with empty tanks ... But maybe I should not call it a transfer stage, its more a complete science ship with lab, crew quarters, big tank, four engines, main docking port for the lander and additional ports for small probes and satellites ... Another problem: In my universe the only thing that is able to power a nuclear engine is Kethane - the department charged with establishing a mining operation on Mun has failed to do so and now there is possibly not enough time left - and there is no deposit near KSC ... I am quite good at making my in-game life kerb really hard!
  5. It tries nothing really, it looks if it can reach the active vessel -directly- and does so or not. For me this really is only for ships in transit. As soon as you reach your destination, contact should be established by targeting the planet/moon from Kerbins satellites and targeting Kerbin from your mothership/com-sat before you initiate any probe activity. The width of the cone of your dish may be a problem here though.
  6. A picture of the craft is always helpful to be helpful. Also, do you use FAR? I guess no. Edit: Yes, what Ninja said. ;P And no, there seems to be no mod to enable saving while flying in an atmosphere.
  7. To be clear here: Does it help to change the "control from here"-part or does this cause the bug? Does it only bug out if the controlling part is not a probe core? Maybe it has something to do with the root part from VAB, but I do not know how you (sub-)assemble your crafts.
  8. Do you even read? What I said was, that if they had an inclination to satisfy the wish for seasons, an advantage for an easy launch at any time would be lost for new players. And - simply as a fact - that "kerbolar" eclipses would be rarer.
  9. Yes, more stock categories would be helpful here, too. I do miss e.g. "satellite", so I set my satellites to "base" - quite easy to realize a base in orbit is not a Munar Spa and Hotel.
  10. Decouplers are quite strong actually - do not forget that any struts, although they will "rip" when decoupling, will negate the decoupling impulse.
  11. Perfectly acceptable player behaviour. If it werent for my OCD in certains kinds of games, I would have started "advanced" and not "pre warp" in Master of Orion 2 ...
  12. The problems I have (had) with EVAs: 1. Seems to be solved in the latest version of KSP, trying to grab a ladder - prominently the one at the hatch of the one-man-starter-pod* - the Kerbal turned in position, its jetpack trying to compensate, ending with a drifting Kerbal and another try. Lately the jetpack seems to automatically deactivate before the Kerbal grabs the ladder and pulls itself onto it. 2. Eliminated by training and realizing that in EVA the controls are to be touched even softer than during docking. 3. Still annoying me is the sliding along a ladder without me ever moving. No matter if the Kerbal just exited the craft, grabbed the ladder or just stopped moving on it - they will start to drift along the ladder until they drop off. * maybe at some time in the future I will memorize the designation of all parts ...
  13. You missed my point. I am not offended in any way or want to tell anyone how to play their game. It is just that the recurring observation of militarisation in otherwise "peaceful" games ... gives me thoughts ... I just may be getting old though. I do not like it in planes, and that is my honest opinion.
  14. Does this consistently reappear after uninstalling and reinstalling the mod?
  15. Jivaii, you can clutter up your PC all you want, these gentlemen simply advise you not to. It makes sense, as it always makes sense to put "valuable" data - and even games are valuable if you count the time it would need to redownload/install them again, not to forget the savefiles - somewhere safe. Safe from suddenly necessary reinstallations of the operating system, safe from hasty mark-delete actions on an overly full desktop, accidentally hitting DEL ... so, somewhere else then directly onto the desktop and therefore on C: If you need different copies of KSP for modding etc., then please do so, but maybe copy them to your games folder and place a link to the launch file onto your desktop. Should you need help with that, then I am sure anyone here will help you out - just not me, because I wouldnt know the english menu items, tut mir leid.
  16. Must have come into the game with planes - their gear is always deployed at launch. The first "g" simply turns off the light of the gear indicator for rockets.
  17. I read Cilph had managed to switch focus to change dish configuration on other crafts in map view in the latest RemoteTech2 version.
  18. The first one would be CPU intense? The second one sounds really nice. It reduces the number of dishes needed on ships and the necessary targeting of dishes criss-cross-around the system ... but does it? Hmmm ... if the problem comes up while departing a planet, calling for a short range-wide area dish at first and switching to a narrow-long-range dish at some point - which would again not be able to see every satellite because of its narrow cone ... Having two dishes targeting two satellites in Kerbins orbit should be enough, as long as there is a 24/7-360° coverage of Kerbin, always connecting a satellite triangle/square/ring to KSC, so targeting two satellites that are on opposing sides of the planet will always connect the ship - as long Mun and Minmus keep away ... But the satellites would still have to target the same vessel (via "active vessel") - which only is sufficient if the vessel is not to be split into several probes for instance, because then the satellites would again have to target one specific vessel, the probe-mother-ship, as the different probes most likely would not carry large dishes and would not be targeted from Kerbin's satellites when they become the active vessel. So, as far as I can see right now, the only thing that would profit from an array is a vessel in transit that will not be used to relay commands to anything else - making the "two dishes targeting to opposingly orbiting satellites" option easier, no? If the problem is targeting a comm-relay at another planet, then maybe the cones are just to narrow to hit something in the targeted planets orbit? If the suggestion stems from the problem having to setup satellites with loads of dishes to always establish contact to every other body in the system, then perhaps let dishes in Kerbin's SOI link to every satellite targeting Kerbin? Edit: On second thought this would make things a bit easy ...
  19. Is it possible to save the achivement.dat in the appropriate savefile folder?
  20. Did you put the Engineer folder into your KSP\GameData folder? If you have the parts your installation should not be totally wrong! Do you use the toolbar addon? Clicked the KER button?
  21. 2-14 shut me down as well yesterday - will try today without ATM, clouds and TextureReplacer. You say it start slow the first time - what does it do? Does it create alternative files in the cache (and inflates harddrive used by KSP) or does it apply changes to the original files? Could these be kerbed and unusable now in some way?
  22. Another thing that changes with the use of Remote Tech - as well as slowing down everything until the bigger dishes are available.
  23. Having seen quite a few designs and knowing of at least one longer youtube series ... but never really willing to start a discussion about it ... but now that you ask for an honest opinion ... with no intention of being a spoilsport ... KSP and war, weapon systems up to reconstructing ICBMs ... it does not sit well for me. Not that I oppose games that deal in war and violence or would not play them myself (from Battlefield to Payday), but the intention to introduce the theme into games with a totally different premise - I just cannot comprehend. On the topic of this thread though: The craft has a bit of a boxy feel to it, maybe try to fit/add some wing parts at a 45° angle?
  24. Kerbin, Mun and Duna share inclinations parallel to the orbital plane to give easy targets for less experienced players. Giving Kerbin a tilted axis and tilting Mun's orbit too would result in: 1. fewer rarer eclipses 2. giving an easy launch to Mun only twice in a Kerbin year, as its orbit would only then be aligned as it is now And being able to select a launch site would be nice, but it would have to have a viable reason to do so - which would be a tilted Kerbin axis/inclined Mun orbit. Tilting the other planets wouldnt change that much - switching their rotational direction on the other hand, both around Kerbol and themselves ... big asteroid/planetoid with 90° tilted axis, highly exentric and inclined orbit going clockwise ...
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