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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Actually, as Mr Manley's given name is Scott, it was meant to create a sense of reverance. It was no allusion to his heritage, although he does quite a funny Sir Connery impression!
  2. Now what do we have here that I havent seen yet?! *downloads* Is the gold foil part supposed to be probe core for satellites or is it more than one part? There is no download for it sadly!
  3. Make a backup of your safe file, copy over the old umbrella antenna from .21, switch the MODULEs of one the SCANsat antennas from its part.cfg to the umbrella and rename it in the .cfg too - load, pray, tell.
  4. Really love this newest addition to my gamedata folder! Fine tuning orbits for satellites is driving me nuts, but at least they have a real purpose now! Some questions though: Did anyone else had the cone indicator lines in map view vanish? Regardless which buttons in the UI I de/activated, the cones did not come back. Only noticed it half an hour before I went to bed and did not want to restart the game once more. Also, is the window that shows all available antennas on the active vessel supposed to be stuck in the lower right corner of the screen? And, is there a way to assign antennas on every vessel from map view or the space center without loading/flying each and every vessel in turn?
  5. The Scott made a video about editing the orbit parameters in the savefile. But I am not sure you would really safe resources, because for the lights to do something they would have to be in physics range anyway?
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38577-0-22-UbioZur-Welding-Ltd-2-0-Playtest-3-Now-In-Game-Tool Some parts dont like to get welded it seems, engines especially, docking ports limited to one per welding, dont know about lights - have not tried this mod myself yet. But i guess parts without a special function and without animations should always work and welding lots of structural parts, tanks, batteries etc. into one chassis already lowers the part count.
  7. Doing anything right for the first time or even by accident, first smooth docking without half an hour of dancing around, soft landing close to a target location ... only two days ago I managed to fly a really nice gravity turn, creating a suborbital with an AP not to high and already spanning half the planet - after months of burning like hell, skipping through the atmosphere right after AP again, fighting to get an orbit that is not 75x548 km ... I felt like an artist!
  8. Building small is actually easy - as long as I am not trying to build a lander, here I always go a bit crazy and then need a bigger rocket. I started out big, especially before career mode. Everything was massive, heavy, could hardly turn, therefore packed loads of RCS - and I usually ended up with half empty fuel tanks or even an unused third/fourth stage. Recently I started to try more and more to just build what I need and they fly better - also because I am getting a better grasp on gravity turns at last. Though this will most probably come to an end when I start building space stations again ... "So many launches? And every module comes with two more parts for docking ... " Show me the way to your showroom!
  9. What for are plans anyway? As I did not think once more, I kept my 2/3 period deployment orbit for my comm-sat transporter instead of changing it into something that would give me a square formation, I ended up doing a triangle formation once more - this time I paid more attention to fine-tuning each satellites orbit - after one went kinda rogue and I had to let it overtake the others to get it into position once more. Radial burns halfway to AP or PE are quite useful here I learned, but even with fine control RCS it was a pain. And: Good thing the satellites do not use power when not the active vessel ... As I had planned for a four sat setup I had one to spare to nearly 2000 m/s dV left in my transporter, so Jeb got a practice run on establishing a geostationary orbit - lots of pain once more, but actually easier then tweaking an orbit at 800km. Still having lots of fuel, he paid Minmus a visit in a low flyby.
  10. Because they are just a tool to absolutely fine tune your satellite orbit. And I hope I will get there soon, RT2 practically warrants this - had to refiddle my comm-group because it went blind after only 50 orbits or so ...
  11. I deleted everything I did not want - seems to work - but I left one ambient in and like the ship hum so far. I am only using Apollo, one STS (sound the same annoying way anyway ), half the beeps, the ship hums and left in one ambient file to be safe.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-WIP-SCANsat-terrain-mapping http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1081-Mapsat-4-devbuild-2-now-available http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9396-0-22-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build
  13. So, you released another update but there is also a dev-stage version around?
  14. Do you have a dish at Kerbin pointing back at the ship/Duna?
  15. Radially attached engines never pull fuel without a fuel line. Fuel only flows freely up and down.
  16. Is there an omni on both halves of the craft? Did you activate all omnis before undocking? Does every probe have its own power supply? If you rely on dishes for communication between the two probes, you have to make both dishes to target the active craft before undocking, I think. Another - probably silly - thought: You switched the active vessel?
  17. As milking the biomes gets less and less efficient as more lucrative targets come into reach with your increasing tech level, just schedule every return mission to land in a different biome to get them all eventually. There are (by now) two mods that scan planets to create maps - both also show the biomes.
  18. Place them seperately. Nope. To ungroup, I click a group, unhighlight every single member of the group and then pick the one I want and move it to the stage I want it in. Maybe to complicated, maybe I only have to deselect the one, I actually havnt tried this yet. To group them up - save, load, hope - sometimes it works and the stage is a bit tidier/shorter. I feel you pain!
  19. If you would actually read what others are writing, then you would have understood that surface speed is not the speed at which you are getting closer to the surface. Just for the fun of it I would like to read your definition of air speed.
  20. This is mathmatically sound, but has nothing to do with the situation discussed in this thread: Landing from a clockwise or counter-clockwise orbit - on Kerbin and Earth meaning east to west or west to east. The rotational speed (on the equator) is constant. In your latest example you chose two random values to make your math work, but you cannot make a planet spin faster or slower as you want it to, just because to only want to change your speed by a set value, disregarding your orbital direction. Your orbital speed - when speaking of the speed you have to maintain to remain at a given altitude in orbit - is the same in both situations. But your surface speed changes with the direction you are flying around the planet - by the rotational speed of said planet, which is either added or subtracted from your orbital speed to calculate your surface speed -> your speed relative to the surface. And this surface speed is what you have to reduce to zero for a safe landing.
  21. If you change your speed by 0.5 from 2.0, you will be going at 1.5 or 2.5 depending if you go 0.5 faster or slower, but the conveyer will still go at 0.5 and thereby your relative speed will still be not 0 and the conveyer will rip of your feet while landing. If you stop moving from 2.0 your horizontal speed will be 0, but not your relative speed.
  22. Depends on the direction of you and the target. One question first, you do understand that we are only talking about horizontal movement?
  23. YES! So in total you changed your speed by -0.5 - 2 = -2.5 or 0.5 - 2 = -1.5
  24. Relative speed: Sum of two vectors, think of vector as speed in a given direction. 1000 m/s west + 50 m/s west = 1000 + 50 = 1050 1000 m/s west - 50 m/s east = 1000 - 50 = 950 To reach a relative speed of zero you would have to change your speed by either 1050 m/s or 90 m/s.
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