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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Been cluttering my game with mods - trying out as much as I can before .21 as I will carry over almost nothing anyway.
  2. There is no ugly, only interesting! Check if CoM and CoT of your upper stage(s) are lined up nicely and you dont burn your fuel in a way that imbalances the ship over time.
  3. To get it out of my head: Facing a several minutes long prograde burn I would want to keep burning at the prograde indicator - not at the maneuver marker all the time - or would I?
  4. Yes, I do still read, and not for school! Id like to read a good space travel sci-fi book. Should not take place all over the galaxy, preferably in our own solar system or the near interstellar neighbourhood at least. Low tech level, no hyperdrive - maybe some alternate reality during the 60s or a look into the future of the next 10 - 50 years.
  5. As the stock instruments dont give enough information - especially height above terrain and more exact vertical velocity - I no longer fly without my Kerbal Engineer. I am not yet bored enough or spitting out enough ships and probes and whatnot to require autopiloting to keep up the fun - frustration comes more from my inability to built the rocket in the first place sometimes. And actually I am more "afraid" to install modded engines, tanks, wings etc. of which I dont know if they are created in an "overpowered" way then to use mods that give some kind of deeper insight/info to what is happening.
  6. I too like keeping it "realistic" - and I try to abstain from modded engines, tanks etc. because I am in no way capable of deciding, if the parts were created "overpowered" meaning in a way that places them outside the parameters used to create the stock parts.
  7. If you didnt build it there: Copy the craft file over from VAB and edit the rover in the plane hangar, especially deleting and refitting the wheels.
  8. While trying to built an interplanetary craft and experimenting with launchers for the different parts I came up with two questions. The main module of the craft and the two experimental launch stages attached to it was somewhat unstable when only considering CoM and CoT but the wings (mostly for looks) seemed to keep the flight path stable. So, in regards to space planes and early orbital turns, would wings actually help to get heavy payloads into orbit - as an alternative to asparagussy rockets? Turning early and leaving the atmosphere tilted 70° or so? And would there be any benefit from wings during aero-breaking aside from more drag? More control to keep orientation and better escape possibilities during ascent after the breaking? Speaking of aero-breaking, I cant figure out to use this site correctly. http://alterbaron.github.io/ksp_aerocalc/ What would I enter for altitude and orbital velocity? These two numbers change a lot while closing in on the planet ...
  9. How is air "transported" inside a plane anyway? I started building some of my own - the air "reserves" fluctuate between 0 and full like crazy, but KerbEngi shows almost 100% TWR. In some of the designs I downloaded the "air fuel" dropped gradually.
  10. As far as I know nodes calculation do not take atmospheric drag (slow down) into account.
  11. To sum up the last few days: Landed a probe on Duna - twice thanks to "End Flight" during sleeping times ... thank you quicksave! Landed a smaller probe on Eve - botched the orbiting by aerobreaking but probe landed well. album
  12. First probe crashed - filed it under "successful navigation test". Second probe was rather big - test for manned landing module - an brought a robo-rover with it. Manned landing in day light this time - but always forget to document my rockets ... must be because I only know it would have been worth it AFTER I attained orbit ...
  13. Reminds me of A.M.Y. from Red Planet - craft file?! Tons of mods for sure?
  14. My favorite question: No clipping-poodoo expected?
  15. Up until now my biggest fail was to "sleep" during a burn and shooting a Mun orbit expedition around Kerbol with drained fuel tanks. The rescue mission was supposed to be a technological breakthrough in ion propulsion. Can anyone guess whats wrong in this picture ... -.-
  16. Got the fuel generator working - note to self: learn to read - and docked. Was quite a pain ... RCS way back at the tug and tons of module in the front ... 2 pictures third row of solar sails is blocked by the first - should have rotated them against each other - yet the four panels further behind is not blocked at all ... I think I will leave it as it is and wait for the next update to built something nicer with a docking area.
  17. Shot up and docked my fuel generation module with my space station - only to realize after all the hassle with launching the big tank assembly and fiddleing to dock, that the fuel generators do not transfer the generated fuel into the big tank - wrong plumbing on my part, problem with the mod? Well, better always test everything on the launchpad ...
  18. Your "arrow" looks way "cooler", sure - but your doublewinged hopper has its own charme - so I am not sure which one would be the ugly one?
  19. Will be staying at a friends house for a few days and copied my save files over. Already miss my own fast graphics card especially during low altitude operations. Speaking of which: Managed to land a space plane from orbit! Controls are laggy due to low fps I think and planes here dont behave the way I am used to from other games, but with nothing to aim for I could just concentrate on a smooth decent. Next step will be aiming to land close to KSC or even on the runway.
  20. If you have a finished design, please share the craft file and note the used mods for it. I really like the look!
  21. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/fueltastic/ Fuel from solar energy - just if you do not want to refill your refueling station manually every time. It is one of the "unrealistic/cheating" mods - if there even is such a thing - that I "allow" myself to use without giving up much game play and challenge. Reasoning: If I established a working system once, I can delegate operation to my assistants.
  22. Does caps lock reduce throtteling up/down as it does with movement? You just gave me a hand-to-forehead-lightbulb-moment, thank you!
  23. Watched a lot of instructional videos on youtube and managed to get a user built space plane into orbit - didnt dare to land it yet or even try and built my own.
  24. Is there a perfect constellation of variables - Kerbin escape burn angle relative to position Mun, speed, path around the Mun ... - to leave Kerbin and enter an orbit around Mun without retrograde burns? Is this only possible for target bodies with an atmosphere to aerobreak in?
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