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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. the way it reads is u have to land the rocket whole. i lauched around 10 times and it would never complte. since i use far the rocket part always runs out of fuel before 2k or gets ripped off once fuel runs out. maybe its lookiing for something that its not saying for example maybe its looking for the engine still attached which is hard to do with far. u could also add some contracts for say fllying a sounding rocket certain distance and also landing it in a specfic biome. that would encourge peoplel to load a few sounding rockets onto a plane to go to other biomes and launch them
  2. the contract for launching a sounding rocket 2km cant be completed due to it wants the rocket to come down whole so if u use far it 100% time willl rip off the rear part when fuel runs out. might want to change it to be lauch a rocket over 2k and do any experment or just have the guidancce landing saftely count.
  3. i worded that wrong. its not locking the game it is input locking it. input lock can be cleared by opening debug and clearing it but u still wont beable to go into the building. useing the clear input lock is also a good way to fix the bug where the camrea gets stuck close to the buildings.
  4. well if u can input llocking misssion control building where u caant even go in it or go to another building unles u clear the input lock then yeah its a big bug. if u do a quick fix then u can spend all time u need to redo the code
  5. hope u get it fixed. realy wanted to use this but with it conflicting with contract config contract packs it was causeing my missiong controll to get stack locked and would have to debug to clear stack lock then remove reearch bodies to get it working again.
  6. that error spameing but its once very 5 or so sec. so it dont kill your fps or other mods functions. now on to more playing to see if it is research bodies causeing the mission control lockup
  7. getting this error. [EXC 13:45:36.668] TargetException: Non-static field requires a target System.Reflection.MonoField.GetValue (System.Object obj) ContractConfigurator.TitleTracker+TitleTrackerHelper.get_uiListMap () ContractConfigurator.TitleTracker.UpdateContractWindow (System.String newTitle) ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.GetTitle () Contracts.ContractParameter.get_Title () ContractsWindow.contractsWindow.refreshContracts (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 gID, Boolean sort) ContractsWindow.contractsWindow.RepeatingWorker () ContractsWindow.DMC_MBE.RepeatingWorkerWrapper () trying to figure out whats causeing after i upgrade building causeing the mission control to lock and be unable to enter. right now it might be soome form of conflict between reasearch bodies and contract config but not sure. here what happened i upgrded my launch pad to othe second level and after that when i tried to enter the mission control it would input lock and not go in. have to open debug menu and clear input lock to do anything but the mission control would stay input locking it. now this is with research bodeis installed. exited the game and removed research bodies go back in the game and i can go into the mission control. i had the same happen before when i upgraded mission control. that time i removed contract config and it sstoped the input lock on it. im not 100% its a conflict yet so ima play without reasaerch bodies and if it still happens then its probaly a contract pack maybe. the contract packs im useing are scansat fieldresearch gap hisztoric missions interplanetary mountaineer kerbin space station remotetech
  8. go to the github for versions up to ultra resolution. next make sure u didnt install eve seprate use the one that comes with sve
  9. found something new. seems that it has issues with real fuels. if the fuel is unstable on engine it givves a n/a but the isssue i had is even after getting the fuel stable to fire the engine it stayed n/a and also the countdown dots never moved. there was no error in log so u know
  10. tried the eve u posted last page to fix the error when looking at mountains and now the clouds are big greyis blocky blocks ima just stick with what u put oout for now as that error from looking at mountains isnt constant and is only at space center anyway. now off to finishh buiilding my mods i want to usse to play with
  11. coobo kerbalsim is basicaly a combo of thosse mods but also its dumbed down some and also it has 0 compatibly with most mods so not realy good since it dont play nice with other mods yet.
  12. click on the big download button on main age and pick a quality. start at LQ or low quality and work your way up till u find one that dont lag u. to disable volmetirc u can do it ingame by opening the gui but i always forget the keys . if u didnt have this issue before but started after he redid the cfg and such either u useing to high a qulaity for your computer or yoiur vid card cant handle the volmetrics. the abrevaitions are LQ low quality MQ medium quality HQ high quality UQ ultra quality
  13. current version is 6.4 try updateing and see if it fix it. if they dont fix it try disableing the volmetric and see yoour fps. to me sounds like your computer cant take the clouds so either disableing volmetric or droping to lower quality will help it. @Nhawks17 they removed that mod i pointed out. probaly people should understand just cause its not on the forums dont mean they can sstill post stuff without following the licensse.
  14. im on there right now and u can see a SS with my fps. kits all running good now.
  15. jusst tested it on my moded install and im back up to what it should be. there is some flutiations in the fps thou its not as constant on the space center screen as before but its beetter than the 2-12 fps i had before now its showing fllutating from 20-50 where without klf it consstant 40-50 area
  16. that may have did it stavell. let me test it on my modded install now(it takes a while to load) so far on the unmodded im at 200fps like it should be.
  17. @Nhawks17 did u see this over on kerbal stuff? i looked at its textures and they seem like some of them are yours or rbrays from stock eve. jusst wanted to check as all the links he provides are dead links http://spacedock.info/mod/608/CVE - Cloudd's Visual Enhancements jusst wanted to know if that is ok for someone to do?
  18. well mmgfrcs as u know every mod u install has varrying fps drops due to various even a texture pack. with no mods installed i can get over 200+ fps. ofcouse i dont want 200 fps as that give u a headache after a while . now that i think about it if i remember right didnt the fps issue onlly realy come up once the stock toolbar part ws added maybe?if i reember right kerbal engineer had a similar problem before when in vab if u had the windoes for kerbal engineer open the fps woould drop similarly to how klf is causeing all fps to be low.
  19. hope it be something simple to fix it as my modded game is unplayable with it installed. 50-60fps normal without klf folder installed and 3-12 fps with it insstalled .
  20. with this updated now just need real fuels and my game will be all updadted and be waiting for RSS to update. thans for update
  21. if u dont want clouds but the auroras just disable them ingame. u can do anything with a little cfg edits or even ingame editing. for example before when playing around i had it use eves clouds for kerbin . it looked awasome but killef fps trying to launch abig rocket
  22. read up ive did that before. with or without the client running is the same. thats why me and teh other guy was asking if maybe something in the klf .dll is in some way causeing the game to clamp fps at half of what it shouold be. here a quick test i did with no mods installedd yesterday see if u notice something. normal--->with kfl 1. 120fps--->60fps 2. 140fps---->60fps 3. 180---->60fps 4. 200fps---->60fps(yeah i can get over 200fps with no mods)
  23. tbo the best thing to do with ksp is alwlays intall lmods 100% the time yourself. i never liked ckan my experence with it was it ccrashing on every step i did to install RSS and in process messing up thosse files as they where corrupted by the crashes. for me to install 5 RSS mods thru ckan it crashed or froze 8 times so i gave up and i do everything manualy to ensure stuff instsall right.
  24. to bad u havent absorbed StationScienceExpanded as think its been abandoned it would expand the station scence more
  25. windows 10 im useing 64bit. ive also just tested it with no mods at all not even MM, evven on 32bit and was same. to be honest istead of loss of fps its more llike klf is forceing teh game to cap fps lower
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