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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. no luck here. tried it on both modded and unmoded install. unmodded no klf 120fps with klf 60 modded no klf 60fps with klf 10fps havve u checked the code for the toolbar. causse the toolbar icon is up even on start screen. i remember before i had a mod that would whenver u hovered over its toolbar icon would causse fps loss. it was never updated so chunked it.
  2. the current version remembers the last 3 just it can get wonky and at times not show some people. thinkk its just some form of connection issue stavell is looking at the fps issue now but he notrious for not responding for days so if u find the problem he probaly wont mind if u fixed it
  3. if we used 12k their be to many crying over imploded computers
  4. take a screen shot then click on the name. depending on internet speed and sserver depends on how long take to show. also make sure your firewall not blocking the .exe part of the mod. i remember before some had issues with their firewall blocking the screenshots. ive always had issues where a ss of my own takes a while to show but not for others. right now not many of us on there due to he is fixing a issue that is causeingn loss of fps.
  5. 1.05 had no offical x64bit so no offical support of it. if u still on 1.05 useing 64x hack u should move to 1.1 as its 64x is stable and dont randomly ctd or freeze like the hacked way.
  6. loll ui problems is what alot have issues with . once u get that put out test version ill help u test it for any errors.
  7. well any decay is good thou. only reason i didnt use rss before is could never fit in the mods i wanted at same time but now we ccan fit alot. well mostly what probaly hold up RSS is mods that need wheels and ui updates. the biggest thing holding up RSS is that kosperuis has a major bug in 1.1 it works but cant remember what the bug did but it was game breaking thou.
  8. dont think RSS will be updated till nexxt week as right now nathankelll dont have time to update real fuels yet
  9. if u meant me? i was just saying how the 64bit for 1.1 is stable not that your mod is working on 1.1 dont have it in my 1.1 buiild yet.
  10. there are 4 versions on the download on main page each is differnt quality version
  11. just ignore him star some people get but hurt just by u saying hello to them. btw the 64bit for 1.1 is just as sstable for me as 32bit so should be safe to say u never(unless they break it again) put a 64 lock on it again. no once this is updated just need real fuels then my normal game can be fun again and then ill be all ready for finaly building a RSS game once it gets updated.
  12. yeah it is but last i read the mod author for that is refuseing to do any sort of compatiblity so it can intefeer for more advanced mods like RT and such. before u say well he has rt like stuff yeah but his is very very not much differnt than stock for RT like stuff.
  13. for those with issues of not being able to get out of vab and such its a known issue with ksp that normaly happens when your game is throwing errors. open up your debug its alt f2 for short one. if u seeing a error spam then bomb u probaly found why u cant exit tthat scene. its quite common for ksp to act up if a error is spaming by not being able to do stuff even up to not being exit game and haveing to endtask it. so before u decide its 1 mod specific do the normal trouble shooting by removeing 1 mod at a time tilll the error is gone.
  14. stavell maybe i misstyped but its not the .exe even if u not conneccted and dont have the outside game window open u sstill have the loss of fps. for me its 100 fps loss on title screen and around 10-25 sometimes greater on launches. thats why i said i belive its the ui doing it. it might be as simple as its updateing the ui to much to just a line of bad code. here a example of tests i did before. game launch conneted to server and everything. 1. at start windown normal fps 20( should be 120) 2. ingamem launches fps 20-35( should be 40-50) game launch not connected to server but server window open 1. same as above. game launch server windown not open or conneccted. 1.same as all above. sincce i tested it that way it leads me to belive its the ui or how the ingame ui looks for the info form the exe
  15. realy want to use it on my 1.05 buiild but u need to add things so that it dont interfeer with other mods like RT. for example have were the transmission stuff disables if it sees RT is installed
  16. stranz he in process of redoing alot of stuff so that should fix that issue. have u tried adustingg the color yourself? just backup the .cfg and see if u can get it a color u llike.
  17. if its default there shouldnt be a problem. as game will be designed for that but on windows game is dx9 i think maybe dx10
  18. far as i know forceing any mode other than default not working. for me open gl andd dx11 forceing would cause it to freeze on random part and not counting the background while loading was a bright pink which is never good.
  19. i can verfy that the mod is causeing fps issues. 1.1 with klf installed main menu fps 12. without klf installed 121 might want to see if the issue is with the ui as even if u donnt run the exe u still get same fps so its not the connection between the exe and klf but the ui.
  20. so funny pellinor how u both said exact same thing i did yet go on to bash me for it. gah that made me choke on my tea laughing.
  21. some advice never never btw did i say never scale engines. if u scale the engine any other mod effecting that engine has potential to break or go nuts.
  22. first 100 sats is to many. plan yoour sat networks try to do like real companys do have as much coverage for the least number of sats. what i normaly do is 4 around kerbin at the geo orbit area 1-2 around mun and minmus and 2 just bearly in the sphere of influence of kerbin and on those last 2 one is 0 degrees while other is 90 remember remotetech now will try to auto path a signal if it can so if u got 100 sats its gonna look thru 100 sats to try to path it.
  23. only reason i found it is cause the smokescreen 1.1 pre was throwing a error when u went to map. in acutaly the error fro smoke screen has some similarites in that seems like game and mod are on 2 differnt pages. in smokescreen cause mod was saying fx effects should be showing when in map mode but game was saying they should be destoryed(or whatever unity does in that case) that error for burntime looks like its caused by game cant decide if the betterburn display should be shown or not. the ship switching i did was from map screen from space and i didnt have any nodes up didnt check to see if it showed if u had nodes.
  24. doesnt work on 1.1 as the menus have to be redid and other things.
  25. tried the updated dll seems to work fine. now if we could get a pack of iffernt styles to add beyond the base that wouold be good
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