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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. The physics we have now is just the computer crunching numbers to see what happends. You can still make it lag to extremes with enough parts.
  2. Sometimes going to space center and back to the ship could also fix it
  3. How high is that rocket? If physics kick in and it starts jiggling a little, it might simply break under the weight of the unsuported lower part. Add some clamps to the solid boosters
  4. Than what did you think? That it would load a magical quicksave file that you DID NOT MAKE? That's a pritty stupid asumption you got there budy
  5. There will be no aliens in this game Lifesupport is coming later. MUCH later
  6. That is awesome. What mod is those greenhouses?
  7. Is there a list of what each tech tree actually is? It would be nice to know the difference
  8. Well, than you are not a game developer. That means you don't know how to develop games. That means you don't have a god damn clue how long it takes
  9. Yes, KSP can be run without steam. So you can have multiple KSP's installed at the same time. Not a common thing on steam though
  10. Did you somehow miss the entire optimazations? I guess you never launch anything bigger than 50 parts than if you haven't noticed it. How long do games take to develop? Last I checked, more than 3 years. Almost ALL of the development time is alpha. Beta doesn't start until the game is almost done, and all features are basicly complete. And this solar system is how squad WANTS the system (including the gas giant and other planets already planned). Let's let squad make the game they want. They made modding EXTREMELY easy for just those complaints. People wanting to customize a game to their own needs is exactly why modding exists
  11. If it's limited to atmosphere, it should not be to bad on the CPU. Most people don't have a constand influx of part heavy things falling back down. It would be a nice option I think, for if you have a beast and want to use it
  12. Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer makes it MUCH easier to get to orbit, because you know the deltaV of each stage
  13. Do you know how to make a game? If you don't, than shut up about it. You don't correct the chefs if you don't have god damn clue on how to make pasta. Especially when everything they have let you taste so far is perfect. Apart from that, you didn't pay for the complete game. You payed for the version you have NOW. Every update you got after you bought the game is free for you
  14. It is a state of rest in between sessions of KSP
  15. No indeed. Instead, they simply release a game that isn't finished yet. GREAT alternative. I don't care if it's a bridge or a game, you don't release it when you are still building. Have you ever seen a bridge that wasn't finished yet be opened to the public? Ofcourse you haven't. Games are different though. As far as I know from game development, it's almost impossible to predict when it will be done at the stage we are in now. You are playing a game in alpha. Games in alpha don't have release dates. Bugs popping up at random because you added something make sure of that. Noone's saying anything about Squad not having deadlines. They aren't strickt 'IT MUST RELEASE TODAY' deadlines though. They set a goal, work towards it, and release it when completed. That's the fastest anyone can work.
  16. We are going to need some more info on the rocket if you want any more than 'put struts on it' A picture would help
  17. I really hope they add updates based on when THEY are done, not based on when the comunity becomes restless
  18. Sirrobert


    It's a great movie. And what's even better: Spartans really were that badass. Not just movie badassness
  19. Welcome. I found the addiction gets less once you know the game really well. Less challange. Since the game is in alpha, some patches are going to break your saves. Trying to work around it to prevent that would only cost the devs a ton of extra work. If you want to keep your science, you can manually edit your new save file to add as much science as you deem apropriate
  20. If you have such long burns, you are using your ion engines on some very heavy crafts. Ion engines are meant for the lightest of the light probes. For long burns, I usually just tell Mechjeb to preform the manouver node, tab out and do something else.
  21. Both work. You need alt to select another tank, but it won't matter when you are selecting the first tank Anyway, glad it works again. Weird that it didn't at first though. I wonder what caused it
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