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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Lots of parts results in lag, that's just how it is unfortunatly You can try the welder mod, which allows you to weld multiple parts tougether, to reduce part count
  2. We have to make some compremises if we want really big bases. In this case, it's having the base survive a crash. Besides, if you mess up the lending in such a way, you already break the lander. It's not like everything involved is static
  3. You'll probably get some money back from things you recover
  4. Well, if you refine it on the ground to fill up your tanks, and than fill up th kethane tanks to fly those up to the big storage/refine station in orbit, I'd say that's the best option. It'd be pritty heavy though, and take awhile
  5. Yes, there have been MORE than enough discussions about this when it was announched that they shelved it. Go look those up if you want to find it, I'm not oing to do it for you
  6. The devs have investigated, and came to the conclusion that the current idea does not work. Suggest some alternative ideas if you want them to concider something, instead of just saying 'I want it to happen'
  7. I'm afraid that building kits would prevent alot of creative building though. Atleast if I understand correct that it'd result in a prefab structure. Maybe design the base as a base, and than have it turn into a building kit?
  8. He means 64 bit KSP KSP is currently still stuck in 32 bit. The plane you want would have thousands of parts. You'd be flying a slideshow
  9. Well that sure would be interesting, if we'd power our FTL spacecraft with controlled singularitys somewhere down the line. As of right now, I truely do not know enough about this subject to really comment. But it is a nice thing to concider. Would a miniature singularity even have any effect on the universe?
  10. Yes, and I meant that you can combine stage 1 and stage 2, into a plane with rocket engine (or use the RAPIER). Basicly you'd turn the plane (which can go fast enough already) into an SSTO. Shoudn't be to dificult if it can go hypersconic with that payload already
  11. Based on the pictures, it seems like you have 1 probe core, and nothing else for control. A probe core adds VERY little torque. Torque is how fast you can rotate a space ship. Try adding some SAS modules to the lander/miner, see if that improves things. Also a safe bad to add some basic solar pannels to the lander, just in case you'd run out of fuel. They aren't that heavy after all
  12. Personally I think the science thing is on the right track, in the way that we have a single currency, science, that we use to research new things. The way I see it, is that we research things in outer space (or in orbit, or on the lauchpad. You get the point). Those research points are added to a kerbal national database. And than we (as KSP) are rewarded with a budget (the amount we get in this budget is based on how much date we bring back, and how much this data is worth. The worth of the data is the direct number of science we get in game), and with this budget, we research new things to help progress our space program. If we'd have to do something in propulsion in order to advance propulsion research, I fear the science system would only become more and more grindie-er (is that a word? It is now). There's already grinding biomes on the Mun and Minmus involved in the science system, let's not introduce more
  13. In the future, a good tip to add crafts to a save file: Produce a dummy craft, and replace the dummy with the actual craft in the save file. To make a dummy, go to the VAB, make any craft (just a probe core is enough), hit launch, and save. This adds the 'craft' to the save file, Just replace this craft with the actual craft, and done without complications
  14. You can skip the 2nd stage if you turn the plane into a spaceplane. Dip out of the atmosphere with the plane, disconnect the payload, and circulize with the payload. Than land the plane as it dips back intop the atmosphere
  15. Right, I'm sorry. I thought I was playing a GAME. Stupid of me. The things you can 'already manually repair' are things that break for a predictable, consistant reason. Wheels break because you were driving to fast. Lander legs break because you hit the ground to hard. You can identify the problem, and not do it again. Things breaking is no problem, as long as there is a REASON for them to break. And when you have random malfunctions, there is NO REASON behind them. Atleast nothing you can influence. The only differece between a bug breaking your ship, and a 'random event' breaking your ship, is that one is unintended, and the other one is intended, by the devs. In both cases your ship is broken, and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it
  16. I fail to see what there is supposed to be fixed here
  17. I think a full partnership would go to far, and might have some bad effects down the line, but endorsment might be nice
  18. It would be a nice option for the overly huge ships yes. Probably nice to add some special part (a variation of the launch clamp), a fuel tower, as a requirement for this. This would add a nice extra cost to these ships once money is implented
  19. If I damage my probe, it is because I screwed up somehow. I can prevent it by not screwing up. If a random event damages my probe, there is NO WAY to prevent it, other than praying to RNGesus. And that is the entire reason the devs don't want random events. Every event has to be predictable. There has to be a reason for something happening
  20. I think it's a little redundant. Nothing wrong with having it, but hardly a priority
  21. Realism for the sake of realism is bad. In this case, we need to forsake the realism for the sake of gameplay.
  22. Even repairable stuf would still render your probes worthless if they need to be 'repaired'
  23. I would spend so much more time in IVA mode if this were the case. Long as they don't overdo it offcourse
  24. Science IS the devil in KSP though. It's evil, it's driving us to killing Kerbals over and over and over
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