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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Yes your asumption is correct. There will only be 1 joint connecting the roof to 1 pillar. You can also indeed use struts to connect the roof to (something else) with more than 1 strut Aditionally, if your roof (example) consists of 4 pannels, you could attatch each pannel to it's own pillar. The pannels would not be connected to eachother, but they will all be connected to their own pillar
  2. Well, I supose you can switch it between catagorys by naming the ship itself, and changing it's class
  3. Based on your tech tree, you have fuel lines. Use them, they will make your life a whole lot easier
  4. Maybe we should wait for the actual money system to be implented before we start making suggestions on how to change it
  5. Aaa, if only that was possible btw, it's Mun, not Mün
  6. It'll be a waste of time, because once they add new features, they can go right back to polishing again. And again. And again. There's a pritty good reason that polishing is only done at the end
  7. Welcome Nice to see you jumped right into the Kerbal way of life. I doubt there are many people here who have never tried to EVA a kerbal during decent (or accent). On that note, they usually do manage to hang on once the parachute has fully deployed. And Jeb has a tendency to always manage to find his way back for more. Good luck on the Mun. Don't forget Minmus, it's easier to land there because of the low gravity (while Mun is easier to get to and orbit)
  8. Kerbal Alarm Clock is kindoff a must have
  9. As far as we know, life needs some liquid to form in. It's probably safe to say that a body that has always been barren will not have life. Bodys that used to have an atmosphere that's now gone (like mars) could still have some life left though
  10. If you have mechjeb, you can use the manouver node editter to manipulate it even if it's closed like that
  11. Talk about diving into the deep. Very impressive to build a huge interplanetery ship after docking a single time, nice work
  12. You can still copy the entire KSP map and put it somewhere else, it'll work just fine. This way you'll have 2 KSP games, and thus 2 versions (once the steam map updates)
  13. On the steam or not, the choise is very simple: Do you like steam? Than use steam. Do you not like steam? Than don't use steam. Personally I buy all my games through steam, thus I have it on steam. On the performance: It's actually improved in one of the later patches, so your computer will be able to handle things better. That said, the main bottleneck of this game is your CPU. If you have alot of parts on your rocket, this will eventually start to lag. And with the full game, you have an entire solar system to explore. This usually calls for bigger rockets than you need to get to the Mun, and thus more parts. You never actually need 1000 part rockets though. They are just fun to build. (note: your computer WILL lag with a 1000 part rocket). And yes, I definitly recomend you buy the game. I has been giganticly improved upon since the demo, a ton of new parts, new planets and moons (including a second one right around Kerbin), and even half a carreer mode (it's in construction right now)
  14. Now I'm not a pilot, but I'm pritty sure modern planes can actually land purely on autopilot
  15. Which are on rails and thus can't crash with anything
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