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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. What is it with all that 'Kerban' I see popping up everywhere? There is nothing in this game that is called kerban. The planet is called KerbIn. Where the hell do you people get kerban from? (and no it's not a typo, those letters are on the other side of the keyboard). As to your suggestion: Alot of the 'probe' things you suggest are required for the basic functioning of rockets. Taking them away from the base probes and forcing players to add them as extra parts is just stupid busywork. Star tracker required for the navball? You can't fly a spaceship without navball. (also, they use a gyroscope for that, not a star tracker. You can't even see any stars if you are on the dayside of a planet). Computer core: Wut? Why the hell would that not be included in a probe body. A probe body IS a computer
  2. Now THAT, sounds amazing. It's amazing how such a small addition can turn a suggestion from bad to great. I never even thought of that as an option
  3. So you were to lazy to double check before you deleted a ship, and that's somewhow the game's fault? Holy damn, learn to accept that you screwed up for once. Learn not to do it again
  4. That's probably because you are not in orbit. Do a manual burn to raise your periaps. Use the blue manouver node points to raise your periaps, excecute that burn, and than tell Mechjeb to do it again
  5. This is a GAME Adding something that makes it more difficult to enjoy the GAME just for the purpose of realism is a horrible thing to do
  6. I gues that's a compliment to your scripting talents, if your script does exactly what it's supposed to do, while you didn't even concider it
  7. Engines don't just randomly lose thrust. You must have done something to make this happen. You can change max thrust with tweakables, so that might be it
  8. A MISTAKE is accidently clicking the delete button, when you wanted the fly button. That's what the confirmation protects you from. So we are already protected against mistakes. Deleting a craft, and than thinking later 'o crap, I should not have deleted this', is your own fault. YOU deleted it. If you're not sure, don't do it. And you don't learn from mistakes, if the only mistake you make is a mistake you have no reason to be afraid of. You only learn if you had something happen to you, that you don't want to happen anymore. If the computer just fixes it, you have no reason to learn. Because it's not something that needs solving. Nope, word still asks if you want to save, and if you click don't save, IT DOES NOT SAVE. Yes, I just tested this in Word 2013. If it CRASHES, than it'll automaticly load up the autosave the next time you open Word, but it does not keep that autosave if it doesn't need it (you telling it not to save, means it doesn't need to keep it)
  9. There are no random chances in this game. The devs want the same action to have the same result, every single time. So that's a big no for 'chance to burn up' Also there is no reentry damage, so you can't just suggest asteroids get it, when the rest of the game doesn't yet
  10. Batterys don't reduce the speed of electrity drain. It'll delay the speed at which you run dry, but if you are drilling and you don't produce enough power, you WILL run out. So put on more solar panels
  11. There is a limit to how much you can protect people from themselves. If you are to stupid to click delete instead of fly (or just double click), than you deserve it. Learn from your mistake, and don't do it again. To compare this suggestion to Microsoft Word: Deleting is like hitting the red X in the top. Word will ask you if you want to save your document. If you hit don't save (in KSP, you hit yes, you really want to delete), than your document is GONE. No, you can't get it back. Because you told the computer not to save it. The best you can do, is go back to an older save, and lose your progress since that point
  12. I'm sorry, but if you delete a big station THROUGH the confirmation window, I can't feel sorry for you. This is what they call natural selection. Suck it up
  13. Make sure you pick an asteroid that's on an impact trajectory with KSP, so you can easely move it into aerobreak height Far less than you'd expect actually, if you properly aerobreak. That said, you can actually easely push asteroids. Right click it let you target it's COM. Make sure your rocket is perfectly alligned with the COM, and you can safely push it
  14. Alright, so you keep it running Why the hell would you add a heavy power generator to a rocket engine? You want to save on weight as much as possible
  15. I always put a few static solar panals on all my rockets, to make sure they are always able to recharge electricity
  16. No, the physics are computed relative to the center of mass I have no idea how to fix it though, sorry. I only just started catching my own asteroids
  17. Alternatively to docking, there are mods that let you place fuel lines between 2 ships. KAS is a good example
  18. Minmus is a better. Easier to take off from there because of the low gravity, so you can haul more fuel per trip. I think it's best to process the kethane on the surface, and only haul fuel
  19. AU is the avarage distance TO the sun. Not it's orbit A real AU is 1.4960×10^11 meters
  20. Meh, mine sit next to a nuclear rocket and just think that it makes nice colors. I don't think they mind the RTG
  21. Well a RP use than? I always have to come up with some reason why I build stuf.
  22. Looks cool, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the use is To hitch a ride on the asteroid? Cause you already have the station for that right?
  23. Ok after downloading and disassambling your lifters (for science, obviously), I noticed something weird. There is a single 2x3 shielded solar pannel on the 2nd stage of the Munshine VIII LT I have a feeling that it's not supposed to be there
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