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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I think he's joking, about how the kraken is an actual feature, rather than a bug Pritty silly reason for a necro though
  2. None of those 'beginner' things is going to make it any easier to actually DESIGN a ship, so your entire argument as to WHY you'd want difficulty levels is completely moot. And WTF is 'reduced atmosphere physics' supposed to mean? That makes no sense at all
  3. I see you are on of those people that is confused about mass and weight. Everything has mass, also without gravity. WEIGHT is simply a factor of gravity and mass. You can try it yourself, put something in space that is more massive on 1 side than the other, and try to fly it. Your ship will flip
  4. Claw can only attatch to other parts, not planets (asteroids count as parts)
  5. I'm pritty sure you can't just turn off a nuclear reactor. What he meant is that it DOES give up radiatION, but no radioactive MATERIAL. So it's completely safe to fire in the atmsophere, because the only thing you can irradiate there is air
  6. No A nuclear power reactor doesn't just produce power. It produces heat. Something else than turns this heat into power. And those extra parts would make it much heavier
  7. Well, you can always EVA the pilots of your ship and put them in the lab while sciencing
  8. Does the alpha asteroid have multiple female asteroids, or do they bond in pairs?
  9. Now this is one of those ideas that I never even thought of as a problem, but would still make my life way easier. I aprove
  10. Click somewhere to 'close' the node, so that it turns into an 8 pointed star. Than rightclick on that node. It'll bring up a big X in the top, and 2 little buttons to switch between orbits in the bottom
  11. The time is relative I'd suggest keeping the science you already have, no need to grind through it again. About the tweaking (that's the draining tanks). Since .23 you can tweak alot of things. For example landing legs can be set to deployed or not deployed in the VAB, instead of just the default not deployed. Very usefull if you want to see how far the legs will reach down, so you don't have to test that on the launchpad. You can also tweak the max thrust engines will give (in percentage of the total max thrust). Not very usefull if you're just starting, but if you check the TWR (thrust/weight ratio) with Mechjeb, you can use that option to make sure that the TWR is the same between staging (to high and your rocket will be less efficient). But that's advanced rocket building, not important until you want to optimize your rockets. Something to do after you mastered building regular rockets
  12. Yes. Though not during loading screens, so in the end it'll only be a few seconds of time Make sure you quicksave before your final landing manouvers. You never know if something goes wrong. I always quicksave before any manouver. Docking and landing mostly, because those are the hardest
  13. Well, in that case you didn't There are a few ways the game can draw predicted orbits. This post will explain the difference between each: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/11322-Different-Conic-drawing-modes You can currently only change it in the config files themselves. Open it in notepad
  14. Yea, those are awesome. It's amazing how people can come up with something you don't even concider an option, and quickly realize is unmissable
  15. That might indeed make it easier for the newbies, since everyone always tries to land first on the Mun, while Minmus is a better choise for newbies. Though on the other hand, both Mun and Minmus have their own advantages now. Mun is equatorial, and Minmus is low gravity
  16. Damn, why didn't I know of that mod earlier? That's perfect
  17. Looks good, must have been a pain to get it in orbit in such a big chunk
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