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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. They tend to do that sometimes. Switching to something else (ksc, or another craft) and back always fixes it. That said, you don't need manouver nodes when landing. Make sure you know how far above the ground you are (if you don't have Mechjeb to tell you, watch for the shadow, or the light coming from your landing lamps), and keep your speed at 40-50m/s until you see this shadow. When you are close to the ground, break and land safely
  2. It releases some radiation, sure But it does not release radiactive material. And releasing some radiation in the upper atmosphere, noone gives a crap about that. I don't fire them in lower atmosphere because they are inefficient
  3. What makes you think it's a ballance issue that manned missions are better? The Lab requiring crew to opperate is a pritty good indication that the devs want manned flight to be the main aspect if you ask me
  4. Sounds like the rocket engine isn't in line with the COM
  5. WHY? It has interesting characteristics. It's perfectly equatorial
  6. So? This isn't NASA the game. This is KERBAL space program. There is no such thing as earth in this game, no reason to try and mimic it The real world doesn't have a second moon either. Are you going to want that removed, because it's not realistic?
  7. What you want is asperagus staging. That'll allow you to get much more deltaV out of the same rocket. This should explain the concept: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Asparagus_staging If you don't have fuel lines yet, remember that you can right click the top tank and empty it. That'll save alot of weight. Once it's in orbit, you can send up other rockets to refuel it
  8. What exactly do you mean with in the void? It seems rather normal to me Do you mean the straight line? That's how your ship will move inside Minmusses SOI, relative to Kerbin. It will be a hyperbole relative to Minmus itself
  9. Yea, it tends to do that when you are extremely close to the edge of the SOI (so only just, or just not, entering it) Rounding errors
  10. Very nice sollution, but I AM going to have to tell you something now that will make you facepalm (sorry) You could have send Bob on EVA, and use his jetpack to push the rocket
  11. You just pulled a perfect Kerbal than They knew about electricity, but didn't think about combining it with rockets
  12. Sounds to me like you're either burning in the wrong direction (make sure your navball is lined up with the blue point, that's your manouver node direction. When you say the time does up, what time? Time till node? Time needed to burn? Does the deltaV required go up or down? Are you using gravity turns? You have to start going sideways while still in the atmosphere, you can't get into orbit if you go straight up until apoaps And in case all that fails: This should help
  13. It's not just far off. Alien societies are on the wat not to suggest list. I believe the devs have stated that they don't want any other civilizations in the game, that it's all about your space program. I do however believe that we will eventually get citties on Kerbin itself, so it should not stay a barran rock with just KSC on it. There will also be contracts next update (or the start of that system atleast), so that will be a good start to start populating Kerbin
  14. If a craft that you don't control is in atosphere, lower than 21km on rails, it will despawn Anything further away than 2,1km from your current craft will go on rails So yes, that won't work
  15. Yes, if you tell mechjeb to make a transfer to another planet, it will do that at the next possible window. However it's a little picky, and if the last window was 2 days ago (for example), it'll wait until the next window. Even though you can still have a pritty easy transfer 2 days after a window. The angle is still pritty much the same
  16. Did you test your entire rocket? If you didn't, I suggest you quicksave, and stage through the entire thing. Pay special attention to the nuclear motors. (after the test quickload back offcourse) Nuclear motors arranged like that with a decoupler around them have a nasty habit of blowing up when you stage them
  17. Well in stock, your base is nothing but a collection of parts that LOOKS like a base. It won't have any actual use. So a couple of hitchhiker modules to make a 'living module', a power module with solar pannels/RTGs, maybe a rover hangar (if you attatch the hangar to the power module, it could be a refuel station for the rover). A transmission module with a few antennas arranged to look cool. Maybe a Mobile Processing Lab with science parts as science module It's pure RolePlay. It looks cool If you want a base that has a purpose, I'd suggest Kethane. You could build a pritty big Kethane refinery, with some of the same modules I mentioned to make it look cool
  18. No the thing is it's periaps is than still in atmosphere, so the next orbit it'll get slowed down more (and more and more and more)
  19. No you didn't, because if you do it right you WILL get closer. You can manipulate your orbit to go in ALL directions. Including 'closer to the planet' You probably forgot radial. The blue circles
  20. I always hated achievements, so I'm going for a hell no It's especially bad with immersion games, but just as bad with everything else. Here I am getting sucked into a game world, do some random thing, and suddenly I get a popup basicly saying "ATTENTION: YOU ARE PLAYING A GAME"
  21. It is definitly easy to get a closer encounter than 2 gigameters. Just open a mode, and fiddle with all 6 axes. You WILL get closer with 1 of them
  22. And how the hell is the game supposed to determine 'small in relation to the stage'?
  23. If only there was an easy to use search engine to help us with these things
  24. I tried B9 once. I ditched it after I saw just how many parts there are. How the hell am I suposed to find something in that haystack? Anyway, mods are just that. Mods. Made by users. Let the devs focus on the core game. Let the users focus on the mods. If someone wants to take over B9 to keep it alive, they can
  25. Wait, you actually flew to a planet in that game? That takes forever, when I tried once I just figured it was a skybox, after I didn't get any closer and gave up
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