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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Well you could fix it with the cheat menu (alt F12) to turn on infinite EVA fuel/infitine rocket fuel. It is extremely difficult to save a kerbalnaut without EVA fuel. For the future, I'd suggest always quicksaving before doing such stunts
  2. I think it's completly realistic yes. Mostly the deltaV. Planning with a deltaV map how big your rocket needs to be is how it actually works, instead of just making it big and hoping you have enough fuel to get to whatever planet you want to go and back. I mostly use the autopilot to take over repetitive tasks that I've done over and over already. And excecute manouver nodes. The main thing I use it for is excecuting tiny manouveres to fine tune planetery encounters (.5m/s by hand is nearly impossible)
  3. I only use them for rovers myself
  4. I asume the heavy top of the rocket causes the entire thing to wobble, and at that point it will start to break. Is this correct? You might be able to reduce the top heavy payload by breaking it up in 2 parts (with a docking port between) and sending them up in 2 different launches. Than assamble the 2 parts in orbit
  5. As far as I know the only thing that effects performance is textures, and part count. So the mod universe replacer might give you a little performance hit because it makes everything look more detailed. So the overall conclusion is 'no'
  6. You can with mechjeb, but in stock you can only do it with the mouse. To get to Minmus, do it in steps. First, match orbit. Select Minmus as target, put a manouver node on the accending/decending node (whichever is closest), and reduce that number to 0 (or close to 0). Now, all you need to do is burn prograde and you'll get to Minmus. For all confusion, I'd suggest checking youtube tuturials. Scott Manely has recently made some very good tuturials explaining everything you need, in small bite sized chuncks
  7. Aaaaaw, are you trying to insult me? That's cute Shouldn't you atleast try to hold an intelligent conversation than, instead of trying to insult someone who disagrees with you? I posted arguments as to why I didn't agree, haven't seen a single one back.. Ok let's read that again shall we? Hmmm, interesting. Now maybe I'm just a stupid, non game designer, but the way I read this, it would be possible for my ship heading for Eloo to be crippled (further away, higher chance of something going wrong), and than need a replacement part to be fixed. The result (if my inferior non-game dev brain can understand it) would be that I'd need to send another ship to Eloo (not really something you do in 10 minutes), dock in interplanetery space (because my ship broke on the way, so before I could do circulation burns). Sounds like more than a minor malfunction to me. This has nothing to do with challanging. This is hoping the RNG doesn't break your ship, because if it does, you might aswel ditch the mission and start anew (it'd be easier to send a new ship to Eloo than it'd take to recover the old one from interplanetery space). And than hope that one doesn't break to. You'd think your super game-dev brain would be able to recognize a tiny typo. I meant the expression 'can of worms'. Something you'd recognize if you'd read more books. Anyway, every Kerbal gender discussion WILL spiral towards a flame war VERY fast, and thus I will not discuss this further It's very different. Those fuel lines are on the OUTSIDE of the rockets, to facilitate asperagus staging. Through internal parts, fuel already flows. Minecraft has nothing to do with this game. KSP is about building and flying rockets. Minecraft is about mining and than building things. The reason you need to lay redstone to connect 2 parts, is becasue they are not connected without the redstone. Your engine IS connected to the fueltank. With another fuel tank. Your battery IS connected to whatever it is that uses power. There's an entire rocket in between them. Having to add electrical wires has NOTHING to do with engineering skill, all you'd have to do is drag a wire from point A to point B, over and over and over again. Go buy some bubblewrap if you want such a thing. Mechjeb and 'throw my rockets tougether and hope for the best' are mutually exclusive. The entire point of having a deltaV numbers is so you DON'T have to hope for the best. I like how you diss mods and claim realism though. How do you think they do it in real life? GUESS how much deltaV a rocket has? NASA uses more autopilots than KSP. Plan a manouver node and than click excecute? That's how NASA does it. See how much deltaV you need for a mission, than design the rocket to have that plus abit extra? That's how NASA does it. If you don't use Mechjeb or Kerbal engineer, either you have no clue how much deltaV your rocket has (and thus by definition are hoping for the best), or you manually calculate it (in which case you are an idiot. We as a species invented robots to do that for us). I also like how you claim realism, but don't use FAR. That fixes all your atmospheric complaints Uhu. And I'm astronaut writing this from the ISS. Give me some proof you're a dev. I might even buy one of your games. Even if, being a game dev doesn't make you 'win by default' in ANY field other than your own game. Unless you made a KSP clone, you are no more a consumer than I am. Except that I am a consumer for longer than you are. That means I have had more experience with this game, and thus I can predict how changes would effect it better than you. The only advantage you have, is knowing how easy something is to code
  8. Meh, you THINK it's a good idea because your rocket had more than enough fuel. If you replace those central solid boosters with liquid boosters that weigh the same, you'll get way more deltaV. Because liquid rockets have higher ISP
  9. BULLCRAP. Violent crime is dropping across the board. Provide some actual sources before you yell stupid things Actually, we (most of us) play violent games to let off steam. Which we now no longer need to let off in the real world. AKA, less prone to agression. When TV is was new, it was violent TV shows that were making the youth agressive. When radio was new, it was radio that was making the youth agressive. In a few decades, it'll be whatever new form of entertainment pops up that the conservative media picks as the 'cause' of mass shootings, or whatever it is than. When a schizophrenic, with years of untreated mental problems finally shaps and goes on a rampage, the media will dig until they find out that he once played a game of call of duty, and than focus the entire story on that, instead on his years of untreated mental problems. Because untreated mental problems are boring, we've seen those before. But games are new, and thus scary. So that angle will draw more viewers. And that's all the media cares about
  10. The problem with your train is that the different parts have different weight, and thus the heavier ones are pulled down further than the lighter ones. And on different worlds with different gravity, this difference is... different. On Minmus, there'd probably be no difference, as the suspention of the wheels can keep them all at max height, even the heaviest ones, but on Kerbal there'd be a difference due to difference in weight
  11. Since this would require the game to constantly simulate each craft in every orbit, you'd get a gigantic perfermance hit with just a few reasonably sized crafts in orbit. When you get really started and have a few big stations in orbit around various planets, plus big interplanetary rockets traveling back and forth, the game would become basicly unplayable. Even if you simulate only stuf near an atmosphere, that'd still make cool space stations impossible. Not worth it How is this anything other than just 'add an extra part if you want this to work'? The inside of all parts has cables in them, the end. Your Kerbal Engineers aren't completetly useless without you, they know how to connect things tougether
  12. Can't you use smaller Kethane tanks and a converter? Sounds like that should save alot of weight
  13. Seeing as this game is not designed for a controller, I'm pritty sure it doesn't recognize a difference between holding the trigger full or only a little. As such, it wouldn't do any better than the shift key, even if you did get it to work
  14. How is this any different than exterminating rodents because they bother you? Actually bad example. If we do it for science, atleast we get some information before they die
  15. If you can't get past LKO, you probably don't have enough deltaV Try asperagus
  16. Given that, maybe you could turn of the reaction wheels that way, load it, turn off SAS, than go back to the persistance file and turn the reaction wheels on again?
  17. Mechjeb has a fun feature where you don't get the advanced modules until you unlocked further tree points. So you start with just the deltaV things, than you get translatron and stuf, and only at the end do you get the full autopilots
  18. What if my subassambly IS my launcher, that I put under the lander after building it? Does that make the launcher a solid block?
  19. Ofcourse you did. Did he also tell you to use feet and miles? Anyway, your 'example' is about as usefull as saying that, if we could go 10 times faster than light, we'd be able to get to Alpha Centauri in 0.437 year
  20. I'll be there when you guys come to the Netherlands
  21. Congratulations. The first docking is always the hardest. A tip from me: If you have craft A floating towards craft B, and you are happy about that, switch to craft B. Now select "control from here" on the docking port you want to dock with. Now select craft A as target. Now rotate craft B until the the docking port is pointing exactly towards the target marker (so the target marker is exactly in the center of the navball). This saves having to float around craft B once you are docking
  22. Yup I think it's mostly because of the type of game. The kind of trolls that make most forums a hell probably wouldn't understand KSP
  23. Ok so I understand ASL on earth. It's the avarage sea level. But in KSP (I have no idea if we also do it in real life), we also use ASL for other planets, even though they have no sea. Now for some this makes abit of sense. ASL on minmus is exactly the height of the flats. But on the Mun, I don't think I've ever even seen a spot below ASL, so it's hardly the avarage height of anything. So how does this work?
  24. GREAT. Just one tiny little problem We don't have such an engine
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