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Everything posted by onlinegamesz

  1. Thanks for your explanation, it is clear for me now, also the positions of the rcs will be very usefull. Im still noobish with modding for ksp, so making animations and plugins will be really difficult, maybe you know already a existing plugin for reflectation (of the foil)? About the color of the htv, I used an real picture of it but I guess it was in the shadow and thats why it became more brown, so I will fix that.
  2. This mod replaces the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements mod? or it can be combined with eachother.
  3. Thanks, I also updated all the pictures at the main topic.
  4. I updated the texture for the Kounotori + an new CBM docking port for it!
  5. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm already busy making the shape into a cylinder, don't forget it is still wip. About the docking port I clearly said in the description "again the docking port is temporary, i'm making a new one now", same for the shenzhou. Thats way exaggerated since the texture and the solar panels are totally fine, only the shape is not correct.
  6. I added the the H-IIB rocket to carry the Kounotori cargo spacecraft.
  7. Orionkermin: That should be fine as long as you credit me. I normally use all rights reserved, but might have forgotten to add it since it's still in development. Just say you have my express permission to redistribute it and I think you'll be ok.
  8. Some are inactive so I looked at the license and it says I can share and adapt the model, exactly all licenses from the models I use says that, expect the ones from bobcat (it can only be shared not adapted). The reason I didn't placed any licenses is because I didn't post any download link yet.
  9. Chinese spacecraft are pretty unique, since i'm skinner for several mods (not ksp) I want to try my skills on ksp and it worked pretty well. I can only skin, model simple models like a docking port and do the basic for scripting the part files, thats why I use some mods as basic models but I totally reskined them. Lets start with the Shenzhou combined with the CZ-2F rocket. CZ-2F rocket taking off with the Shenzhou spacecraft Second stage of CZ-2F rocket The Shenzhou spacecraft (wip) (the docking port on the picture is outdated, there is already a new one) The Shenzhou spacecraft docked on the Tiangong 3 core module WIP Better view of the solar panels Later i'm planning to make the complete station: The small credit list is not done yet, for example for bobcat and orionkermin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you guys like it and don't forget to give feedback about the skins and other things since i'm not an expert in spacecrafts and rockets.
  10. So I am not allowed to reskin some of the soyuz parts? not that big problem but it is still annoying.
  11. @Taki117 I do have Kethane installed so maybe I can do that, but I never used the kethane jet so I need to experiment with it. @Red Iron Crown Really thanks for the threads, they will be really helpfull. @cantab They still have around 2 kerbin years of oxygen, I have a waste water to water converter so water is no problem and lesser then 1 kerbin year food, So I guess I need to hurry up now and sending supply or rescuing them is the main priority.
  12. @Rich bobcat uses this license: I guess that is the same license as the one you linked? @aeTIos well if I release it as standalone then there is only a orbital module, nothing else, the parts from bobcat are really the priority cause that one have the main parts (I am planning to reskin the parts), the rocket is not really a big problem, I can link it on the thread so people can download it seperatly.
  13. Hi, So I landed a lander on Eve to explore the planet and take sience points, but now I can't leave anymore, I only have 720 fuel with a small engine because I didn't know you need so many fuel and trust to leave Eve (I am still a bit noobish), so I searched on the internet and it is because of the big atmosphere, but now the question is, how can I rescue them? I have TAC life plugin installed, so soon I need to send a big cargo lander to keep them alive. Thanks
  14. Hi, I'm trying to make the Shenzhou spacecraft, but because some parts are very close to the soyuz, I used the service module and re-entry module from bobcat soviet pack, also the Shenzhou got lauched by the Long March 2F and I found the rocket here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/long-march-2f/ So exactly the only thing I made is the reskin of orbital module from the Shenzhou and some scripts, but can I still release this as a mod? because I use more stuff from other people then actually made by me. Thanks
  15. Thanks for your answer, I still have a question, does the utility, science module etc, have a function? or is this again only for decoration? cause I don't see any special option for it. (maybe because currently i don't have the firespitter plugin installed)
  16. Could someone give me a opinion about this mod? It looks really awesome but i'm afraid im more busy at giving the kerbals food, water etc then actually exploring planets. Also if I have kerbals on laythe (example), which is pretty far away, the food and water will run out after a while or you can also get frood and water from there? otherwise you need to send a cargo ship to laythe which is pretty hard to do. Thanks
  17. I have it on it side and I still cant exit the module. About the IACBM, I dont have the option passive, active etc anymore See the picture
  18. Many thanks for your answer, how do I install the dev release? is it a standalone? because the dev release is 2,04 mb and the version 0.03.5a is 11,4 mb EDIT: So I am now running the dev release and many things are broken, I can't go out of a module anymore, it says "can't exit, module has no hatch". Also the IACBM is not working anymore
  19. Hi, can I put stuff in the warehouse module? or is it just for decorative? Also is this compatible with career mod? And is it recommended for me to use the new dev update? because I see it will give craft breaks but I didn't build anything yet. Sorry for so many questions Thanks
  20. I'm going to try the Icarus space ship which looks awesome, by the way will you update the ESU pack in the future? maybe new types of the ATV? http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/arv_leo_1.jpg (is best) http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/atv_kliper_iso_1.jpg
  21. Hi, could you make the completed .craft files? because I don't know how to make the japanese rocket with the japanese command pod. Thanks
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