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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. Yeah sorry It bothers me because I really wanted to test but the time's not right :/ Have fun testing iDan
  2. Yay Though note I will earliest be avalaible to testing in about 12 hours. So if you sent it by then and want me to test fast, then you better choose another tester
  3. Nice if I'm not able to fix the problems with the rocket I will put out my rescale of your parts anyway. One has to find a way for himself to get it in orbit then though. I also wanted to ship it with a ARM resize to about six meters but the SRB produces weird FAR drag valúes even with nose cap. Don't know if this is a problem of the rescale or a general problem of the SRB with FAR
  4. Yeah I made an rescale to 3.75m for the Aerojet parts and resized the SLS parts to 6m because I quite couldn't get warm with the idea of a 3-man capsule on the SLS Anyway I am going to finish this one today or tomorrow maybe and then start to resize the Aerojet parts for RSS. But I am happy someone makes the SLS parts for RSS because that would take me even longer^^
  5. So you are making engine configs for the SLS parts? Nice Then I only have to do those for the Aerojet Parts. Those together with Taurus could be a nice Orion Mock-up with SM (though I haven't checked yet if the taurus' proportions fit if sized to real size so it can act as Orion capsule) Though don't await the Aerojet Rescale before a week or two...
  6. Well , didn't ask how you define powerful It is relative I guess
  7. Haha well good to see. Do you make it Orion like? Because I can ditch my SDHI service module resize then
  8. Is it already to late to apply for testing as you said only one? Though I have a pretty strong PC and you said you want to test it on in less powerful machines...
  9. Yes, the mod should definetely switch to ModuleEnginesFX ..and we need a skirted nozzle SRB
  10. The download link on the OP is not working, it gives a 404 Error ....
  11. I'll do as quick as possible. We are still speaking of a pic of the J2-X right? Edit: I have some pics for you . Both are artist concepts though as everything is still in development As seen in the second image the upper stage with the 2 J2-X will probably be as wide as the main stage. There are some sources still stating that the Earth Departure Stage will have 3 J2-X engines but newest informations from NASA only depict the upper stage with the 2 J2-X engines. So if noone else has newer informations ,we best stick with the 2 J2-X version. So best would be to make it 3.75 for those stock size users and then I can rescale it so it fits my larger main stage rescale Edit Edit : There are some real-life pics of J2-X during testing though without the lower part of the nozzle as seen in the concept image [spoiler=]
  12. Well, I think the KR-2L works good as a J2-X but it's stupid mounting plate will make dual use for block II quite hard without clipping. So that is a good idea
  13. **** happens :/ Well we can wait two more days if we have too but it will be hard
  14. Yay internals update Those internals are looking awesome .Good job
  15. Thanks though the resize will be obsolete soon anyway I guess as you offered to make dedicated parts for the Taurus capsule Nice effects btw
  16. The mm file I created to resize your aerojet Kerbodyne parts. I don't see how the mm file could cause this, neither appeared the error before. I will delete the mm file and write it new and hope this resolves the issue
  17. Well somehow some of the lines in my MM file for the Fuel Tanks, all the structural parts and the LES are causing the game to not finish loading. It doesn't crash but it finishes loading, though the loading bar is not at the end. the result no parts are loaded in the game. I definetely traced it down to the Aerojet MM file. I don't why this is happening I didn't change anything and yesterday everything still worked. Guess I will have to rewrite the MM file and see if the problem persists. I have no clue what is happening
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