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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. Nice How about a little showcase? maybe scrrenshots or a video? Can't test it right now and would like to see how it looks
  2. Yeah I can understand that It is nice we can have it already even if it is not finished and your work so far is amazing
  3. Oh my gosh those look beautful. Now I will play with RSS again ASAP. olny thing that is needed for them now are of course the recoloured atmospheres (maybe even recoloured terrain if that is even possible ,that yellow gorund for Venus looks strange and definetely a dedicated VE config for those.)
  4. How did you play with HotRockets since 0.22 when it was released after 0.23 came out
  5. You probably reach the RAM limit with so many mods especially b9 and kw Rocketry
  6. Oh really? Nice But seriously get some rest before you burn yourself out.
  7. These parts are from Sum Dum Heavy Industries. They are not a part of this mod
  8. Okay that would have been to awesome What you made so far is amazing nonetheless have some +rep
  9. About those comets you keep mentioning, I haven't yet tested it out but are those planned to look a bit more "icy" than normal asteroids. How about comet's tails when they are getting near the sun, is this possible?
  10. Yeah I know. Maybe I find the motivation to finish what I started
  11. Considering my 3.75m resize everything was kind of ready but problems with my bigger SLS and lack of free time actually prevented me from finishing it. So if blackheart doesn't release his Service Module for the Taurus in the Near Future and if I have time to fix my resize I will post it, providing there is still interest for it.
  12. YAAAAY This is so awesome. Laythe is way more Laythal now Badum tssss Had to make that joke when I saw the description
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