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Everything posted by drtedastro

  1. No Problems.... Have a good trip.... I am going through and removing all of the Sr docking ports for now and replacing them with normal... thanks.
  2. Need to be able to do both. Record where we have been, then be able to upload a track for it to follow, telling it where and how to go.......
  3. Capisce Must have a plan. You can not change a plan if you do not have one to start with... good plan.
  4. i have just finished 4 tests, 2 with clamp-o-tron (normal) and 2 with Sr's. Both Sr's failed to autodock, the same stop at about 2 to 3 meters out. Both on the normal docked perfectly..... Any ideas? anything we can do other than have to go manual and 'ram er in'?
  5. there are many instances where that would be great for symmetry.
  6. Need to remember that "nobody in their right mind would launch a vessel like that which was held together by 72 docking ports." , has nothing to do with KERBALS....
  7. Thanks for update. This is working really, really good. Are you going to add Kethane to your list of supported fuel types? if this has been addressed earlier, i missed it... EDIT: also ability to create empty tanks?
  8. H'mm, relative versus absolute..... what that right hand rule or left?????? oh well, time for a cookie.
  9. oh, ok, must have caused the 'gazinta' to reverse polarity and become a 'gazouta'... Never seen that before....
  10. Excellent, good to see you here in the forum.... looking forward to testing your mod. Great work and thanks.
  11. I have been working with the docking autopilot and it is so much better than it used to be... I dont know what to do with all of the rcs fuel i have left........ a couple of requests, if possible. 1. would it be possible to have a data variable to let us set the distance that we want to be from the target when we have final alignment, prior to making final approach? This would let the user specify how much space / distance to allow for maneuvers to be completed prior to final vector push for docking. if there is nothing in the way of the docking ports, then this could be a very small number, like 10 meters, however, if the approach to the docking collar is very congested, then we might want to make sure that we are all aligned when we are 300 meters out. 2. The variable final docking speed, seems to only be valid for the final push to docking... again, it would be good if there was a way that we could tell the autopilot to 'go quicker' if we knew that there was no objects to get in the way or if there was an emergency such as running out of elec, and we need to get there NOW.... \ again, thanks for all of the work you have done and are doing. you are making this mod a lot better.....
  12. Hello, I am having trouble with the "Landing Guidance" module. I created a base, NO-MODS version of 0.21.1, then followed the installation instruction on this thread to load your updates. (full install of 2.0.9, then replaced the .dll and replace the part.cfg). I then created a stock craft to put a lander into orbit and then using the Landing Guidance mod, targeted KSP and told it to land at target. All goes fine until just before landing when it decides that it just want to hover. I have repeated this three times now, with same effect each time. If i abort the landing just prior to 500m elevation and select land anywhere, this does not happen... I am sorry if this has been discussed before, but i missed it while going through the posts. any explanation would be great and i can still land, i just have to remember to abort, and change to land anywhere.... Thanks.
  13. It will be worth the wait. This is looking fantastic. A new twist for a new shuttle. Keep going!..... It is good watching it come to life. Thanks.
  14. Excellent, I will enjoy hearing your idea(s). I am working on some mockup's as well. would be great if we can start making some progress along this.... Good stuff........
  15. is there any way now to 'adjust' the parts so that they are at some point between initial and final deployment. for example, I am working on a rover, no actually it is a truck, that is folded up for easier transfer to bases. some of the hinges need to be at 90 deg for 'packing'..... Can this be set in the .cfg or something like that???? I really enjoy these mods. Makes it like a rubix cube to build stuff now.... to fit it into as small of a space as possible. thanks.
  16. As good as he is doing, add the spherical tanks in as well. then with a selection of texture's, and possibly surface tanks, bag tanks, etc, basically 8 to 10 parts would about cover ALL tank issues.... Get rid of the 70+ that are in game now.... YeHa.
  17. Problematic""".... I have used many 'other' words at different times..... I would be happy for any progress with the entire staging setup, control system....
  18. Really enjoy this mod. Great stuff. Looking forward to being able to use this for all tanks, keth, mono, etc...... will cut part count WAY down. Thanks for all of your work....
  19. Yes to what you have suggested and I have been wanting a method so that you could, a) assign some form of identification to the part that was in the stage. something other than trying to figure out which decoupler is which by the exact same little icons. setup and assign sub-stage identifiers, like tree display in folders. example stage N has 4 SRB's and each SRB has ???? and so on. would be a heck of a lot easier and intuitive for setting up more complex craft. c) ability to setup time delay for items within the stage. From selectable time base such as msec from when stage started or msec from previous item, etc..... there would be so much power and flexibility if we could do something along these lines. But first, like LeadMagnet said, need some simple way to identify the parts and also as said before some better way to expand and shrink the info in the staging window.....
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